When I lifted my head, I had to do a double take.
[this story may be boring for Spanish-speakers and herpetologists]
I stared back amused.
And then the lizard did several pushups.
Then paused.
Then did some more.
Did this lizard just imitate me?
Are lizards playful?
Am I dazed from the heat, hallucinating?
I did a few more pushups, keeping eye contact.
It did a few more back.
When I was sure I wasn't dreaming I reached for my phone, but it scampered away.
Walking around the neighborhood, sitting in the yard... they're everywhere, doing pushups just like this:
Our attention is selective, and we can't just expect to see things if we're not prepared to.
So often there are hints in conversation
(even questions or pleas)
Or signals in body language
Physical findings
Patterns on labs and imaging
that are hidden in plain sight cause we're not ready to see them.
And that's why I'm so grateful to learn from folks like @gradydoctor @TheRealDoctorT @rabihmgeha @DxRxEdu @AndreMansoor @ShreyaTrivediMD @ETSshow , and so others here and in my headphones.. who help us see things we wouldn't otherwise see.