- NAACP: 1909 argued 1st civil right was protection of black lives & launched massive campaign
If u are trying to understand blk rage; deconstruct ur romantic version of civil rights & sit w/: #BLM struggle is over a CENTURY long
These are not new problems & thus we have to imagine a diff world. So instead of arguing what does/nt work: I implore ppl to listen to black activists as they dream a new world
So if u want to do better: there is much u can do: educate yourself, organize w/ others, give$
And stop asking blk folk on twitter to be your free racial justice instructors. Do the work.
these are meant...just to get ppl started...so much more on the internet:

"Democracy can expand or contract; include or exclude; protect or destroy. But a democracy of the racially vulnerable and economically insecure is not a democracy worthy of its name."
this article and her award winning book:
@KeeangaYamahtta always brings🔥

No one is coming to save us.
Next thread: resources to donate $$$
because if you got some...share some!