Every law enforcer need to resign! You don't have the man power to stop millions of people. I do know for a fact law enforcement in this never ratified 14th Amendment are law breakers...that includes this ENTIRE political system we empower through ignorance since 1868.
Cops DO NOT have NO constitutional duty to protect you & me according to the supreme Court. You all going to have to ask yourselves what is the purpose of the police? Under this 14th Amendment political system is about protecting Corporate interest.
That is why every man and woman need to be armed for self defense.

Sheriff and Constables are the only ones recognize in the Constitution to uphold the law...that is De Jure law. In this 14th Amendment political system Sheriff & Constables along with State Troopers & municipal Police are De Facto and their objective is to Force the...
...so-called law that is Legislative statutes & codes/Corporate policy.