#LestWeForgetIndia🇮🇳#OnThisDay 02 June in 1999 Gallant #IndianBrave Captain Pannikot Vishwanath Vikram, #SenaMedal (P), 141 FD REGT, made the supreme sacrifice at a forward post at 17,500 feet in Kaksar while he was directing fire at enemy position #OpVijay

Commissioned in June 1996, he had joined his War Veteran father Lt Col P K P Viswanatha Panickar's Regt - 141 FD REGT.
Here is the story of the #IndianBrave during #OpVijay #Kargil
As he was directing the artillery fire on to the enemy positions, a mortar shell fell very near to Capt Vikram and he was injured severely.
Capt Vikram later succumbed to his injuries.
His father Lt Col P K P V Panickar's (retd), a 1965 & 1971 war veteran, on hearing of his son had said:
"My son has accomplished what I could not. I'm really proud of him."
Our salute to both the #IndianBraves for their service and sacrifice for the Nation.