😃 200 members (just 2 refunds)
📊 28k visitors
💰 Revenue: ~$33k | ~$5.5k/month
☑️ Conversion
☑️ Optimal pricing
☑️ Audience building
🧠 Taking everything I've been advocating, researching, and practicing for the past 8 years, out of my head, and into a product.
Doing this has given me LOTS of clarity in my thinking + new skills like video editing
I will be an endless advocate of the above! Would even say that it is mandatory you do the validation part yourself ;)
But figuring out the $ worth of the value you bring, is hard. Also a constant discovery.
Currently, $159 seems a good price point
It's super cool to hear my members' experience with the course, and from people endorsing my mission:
📈 Website conversion: with 3-5k monthly visits it should be higher than current. Investigating..
👀 Building out my audience + finding more eyeballs.
The @IndieHackers podcast has been a great channel for example: indiehackers.com/podcast/160-br…