The transcript is here:…
Trump’s AG-Henchman Barr was also on the phone.
Barr explained exactly what Trump meant when he said the demonstrators were “Antifa” and should be treated like “terrorists”:…
Also, the AG doesn’t have the legal authority to order law enforcement (including federal, such as Park Service or National Guard) to do anything.
Now Trump wants to say he knew nothing about the forceful removal of protesters.
We can back up even farther and point out that Trump owns every bit of violence occurring now.
Remember when Trump told the police they should rough people up more during arrests? ⤵️…
He’s not only encouraged police brutality, he has singled out journalists as “enemies of the people.”
Looks like Esper agrees the military shouldn’t be used against American citizens (duh).
It’s hard for a would-be dictator to have fantasies about a military coup when his own secretary of defense makes a statement like that.
In Trump’s phone call to the governors, he talked about the need to “dominate” the protesters.
For more, see:
Saving lives is what “fairness” leaders want to do.
He and the entire Trump-FOX-GOP want to maintain the hierarchy.
Their objective is for those at the top of the hierarchy to brutalize those lower who do not stay in line and do as they’re told.
This is also why I say Trump owns all of it.
Every bit of it. All the violence on the street.
Monmouth is an A+ poll.
If we can widen this a bit more, 2020 will be a GOP bloodbath.
Each location has an independent police force.
and Mattis said Trump was a threat to the Constitution and compared Trump to Nazism.…