Material ranking:
1) Borosilicate Glass
2) Clay
3) Ceramic
4) Cast Iron
5) Everything else
This is where you get your gut feeling from. It is imperative that you trust it. The brain does many things well, but it can never be trusted above the Gut.
Your Heart Intelligence is not slow, like your Brain, for it knows truth near instantly.
Listen to Your Heart is an old saying, but more importantly you must Learn to Ask it Questions.
This is another side of the coin: "Integrate Your Shadow"
Could Have Ended Wars.
It's not just about nutrients — Life is a pre-material energy
There was an experiment where food had a stress reaction when consumed, but if the food was blessed with a Prayer, there was no stress reaction.
Our interplay with food before it's eaten is important.
Few speak about grounding sheets which yield the same electricity for 8 hours every night.
Intuitively we know this — You need to "charge your batteries"
People who won't speak their minds are literally "tight-lipped" as an example
You can physically release it with rough massage called Rolfing.
This is the Main reason why soil becomes more fertile when you add Granite, Lava sand etc.
We are magnetically disconnected from our Mother but we can fix it.
When you have the full spectrum, you have reached full self acceptance.
The future is the reason you are feeling the present. We are all but Souls in Stories — and you're not being a very good protagonist if you're trying to re-write the movie.
You don't see Bruce Willis buying gumroad ebooks mid-Die Hard
Plants - Yes - Even bacteria is happy to have you in their vicinity.
You are appreciated and welcomed everywhere you go.
You are able to distinguish between healthy and unhealthy plants, humans and animals with it. When you are present in Nature you are charged with Orgone i e Life Energy.
Get it right and you will find bliss, no matter your life's circumstances - consider the men reflecting upon years of imprisonment without regret or anger.
You must learn which kind you are here to learn.
Some are here not singularly to learn but to perform as well - but the order is important - one must be spiritually ready to perform.
If you don't get the last half of this tweet - that's ok
You can harness it - if your path is true, tech provides the way - I'm speaking important words, and the algo's willingly delivered them to you
Me, helping you over Twitter on your Life's Journey, is good. Purposeless tech use is bad.
Making a sex tape with your wife is good. Pornhub is bad.
The more you live, the more important it is to find your missing pieces, and they sure ain't where you're always looking
Try listening to your body next time instead of forcing ideas upon it.
This builds knowledge you will pass to your kids
Think of how Beautiful life is with someone you Love by your Side — Women and Children give purpose to the world simply by existing.
This Cycle is Unending
The Great Murderer of Romantic Love are Men Unable to Handle Female Emotions. No Thing More Tragic Than a Silenced Woman.
They must be encouraged to Resist Conformity, Embrace the Challenge of Disregarding Rules while still Achieving what feels relevant and self-chosen by the Child.
Focus should ideally be to develop socially, the knowledge is superfluous.
I believe this Hyper-Coherency is what has given us armies of NPCs
This Network of Connected Consciousness is the obstacle we must topple — either break the sync or we use it for betterment
EMF is BAD for you — but take away your phone and you will get electrical withdrawal symptoms.
Google "Thomas Townsend Brown" for science and patents, and "Sonora Aero Club" if you want to read more about 19th Century UFO tech.
Expect heightened metabolism, increased connection with Nature, heightened Spiritualism, better visualization through a decalcified pineal gland.
There really is no better investment you can make — permanently improving the quality of all water you drink for like $30-40 is ridiculous.
I'll happily help if you DM me.
You are familiar with the placebo effect - limited by the strength of your beliefs, or a better word would be FAITH.
Going to the Gym strengthen your Faith in Gainz. Now do u see?
Oh - if you didn't already know - your body always emits light. We are literally beings of light.
This is the Ideal Health Care. If you are sick you injured you need Love to heal, good food and some rest.
The above will cure anything. If it doesn't work, u need even MORE Love.
When you taste with your Body, the taste appears directly in your Mind.
I would assume that you can train your Body taste sense to be correctly located, but the pathway is much different than food taste, which makes sense.
You already exactly know how your soap taste.
Long hair can be Good or Bad, it all depends on what you've been through, and what you want to carry with you.
Use this knowledge for your benefit
Did you know that it also happens even when there is Zero Brain activity?
The Brain is but a receiver, it's a radio, not the origin of consciousness.
You feel similarly? Instead of connecting with the people you see, focus on the plant life present. The roadside Trees are always looking for a Friend. I barely notice People in parks anymore, it's Me & the Trees.
The benefits from this worldview are *staggering*