Colorado's ethics commission will now consider how to punish his contempt and, later, weigh whether he broke ethics laws.
I'll tweet updates. #cosen #copolitics
The commission seems to have softened when it comes to punishing Hickenlooper. They're eager to hear his testimony before they considering sanctioning #cosen #copolitics
"I support Amendment 41, yes," Hickenlooper says, referring to the gift ban he's accused of violating. #cosen #copolitics
Hickenlooper reiterates his position: That he thought he paid for everything when he paid a flat fee. #cosen #copolitics
"It didn't seem unusual to me, the cost," he says.
“At that time, I felt I was paying the full cost and complying in every way with Amendment 41.” #cosen
“I can’t overemphasize the demands on my schedule and how important some of them are."
MDC is run by Larry Mizel, a Hickenlooper donor. #cosen
Meanwhile, the ethics commission has returned from lunch to hear closing arguments after hours of testimony from Hickenlooper. #cosen #copolitics
She's arguing no reasonable person would think $1,500, which Hickenlooper paid, could cover that high-end trip.
"The defense of I didn't ask and I didn't know should not be a defense for anyone." #cosen
This is a paperwork quirk that could be the difference between guilty and innocent. The jets were not owned by Hickenlooper's friends, they were owned by the friends' corporations. #cosen
Grueskin argues that on the Bilderberg trip, Hickenlooper didn't know he was accepting gifts and never intended to. #cosen #copolitics
That's probably a safe bet. #cosen #copolitics
“If you don’t know that you have received something, how in the world can you be responsible for rejecting it?" #cosen
On Hickenlooper's MDC Holdings flight, several are ready to find him in violation.
Commissioner Leone: “I think I would find a violation.”
Commissioner Johnson: "I see it as a true gift."
“I’m concerned that if we allow this kind of special, privately-financed treatment for elected officials, it just accentuates the cynicism that led to Amendment 41.” #cosen #copolitics
The commission votes 4-1 finding Hickenlooper in violation.
There are six allegations. Clearly, we're getting a mix of rulings from the Independent Ethics Commission. #cosen #copolitics
After several commissioners said they were on the fence, they vote to find there was NO violation, 4-1. #cosen #copolitics
The commission votes 5-0 to find a violation. #cosen #copolitics
The ethics commission chair says the meeting will end at 6 p.m., in about 40 minutes. #cosen #copolitics
Colorado's Independent Ethics Commission votes 5-0 to find NO violation. #cosen #copolitics
Colorado's Independent Ethics Commission quickly votes 5-0 to find NO violation.
That's two violations, four non-violations. #cosen #copolitics