The first is mentioned in the piece below. The other is the testimony of SecDef Esper & CJCS Milley.
Here's why 1/13
A caveat: I served in Europe for 12 years, was involved in the last 2 reductions, & know a bit of how this works.
It'll ll be harder & take longer than POTUS thinks. 2/13
That will make it more difficult, since unlike pulling troops out of combat, military personnel in GE live & have families there. 3/13
In effect: these are "assignments" and "communities," not "deployments" and operating bases. 4/13
We could pull people out, but we'd still be liable for paying for services, salaries, and all the while US military families would be increasingly pissed. 5/13
Truth is, we gain more strategic advantage having forces in Europe than we pay for, so support to allies, training of forces, engagement with & protection of other countries (like Israel!) would be affected. 6/13
Forces in Europe do a lot. 7/13
These forces are now bare-boned. 8/13
It ain't going to happen by Sept. 9/13
After a 3 or 4-star general is nominated by POTUS for promotion/position, he/she is confirmed by Congress.
That's an interesting process. 10/13
"Do you agree, if confirmed, and on request, to appear and testify before this Congress when requested?"
If the general answers no, the confirmation process usually ends. 11/13