AUM represents the highest name of the almighty absolute God, who is omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient and greatest of all. @MsStilettoes @jtiku @VedicWisdom1 @harshasherni @AartiAuthor @dhingramahima9 @SRaEarth09 @VertigoWarrior #AUM
1)”AUM is the Great God Who is omnipresent (like ether)." -YAJURVEDA 40: 17.
“Being All-glorious, some call Him Agni. Being the Embodiment of all true knowledge, other call Him Manu...
9)"He is Indra, etc." -ATHARVA VEDA 11:2,2,1...
1. <VIRAT< b>(from the root Rajri to illuminate, with the prefix vi and suffix kwip added to it) signifies God, because He illuminates this multiform universe..
4. Hiranyagarbha (Hiranya - light and garbha - source) means One who is the source and support of all light and luminous bodies such as the sun. This is also substantiated by Yajur Veda, which says :-
4. Hiranyagarbha (Hiranya - light and garbha - source) means One who is the source and support of all light and luminous bodies such as the sun. This is also substantiated by Yajur Veda, which says :-
7. Ishwar (from Ish - power, knowledge) is One whose knowledge and power are infinite.
8. A'ditya (from a - not, do - to break, decay) is One who never dies or decays - is Immortal.