At the risk of me overdoing the Korea-philia, besides doing a great job on covid this spring (my thoughts here:…), South Korea is also WAY better on policing. The cops are nice and approachable here, /1
Similarly, the US police brutality we've all seen for the last 2 weeks - /2
The cops, even the riot police, are not kitted up like militarized US cops (barring genuinely extreme circumstances). SK cops also almost never carry firearms, even the riot squads.
The riot police pursue a de-escalation /3
It also obviously helps /4
And SK's crime rate is very low; it is /5
All these things go together: strict restraints on gun ownership mean the police don't need to kit up like Darth Vader. Disarmed police who can pursue less aggressive tactics - bc they're less nervous about gun violence - then signals to protestors /6
How to get there is tough. Breaking down police praetorianism and restoring civilian - ie, mayoral - control strikes me as the first step. But the /8