They require a "complete product" that is demonstrably better than current options. It needs to be easy to procure and readily available.

That's remarkable. It truly replaced an ICE vehicle.
We want to swim in The Sea of Success.

They went in the basement and saw that the heat pump in that house looked just like their furnace. It was familiar.
Both now have a heat pump running in their homes
The case studies on those houses give us a MASSIVE hammer to squash objections with. Few HVAC contractors argue with me anymore.
Crazy thing is, at last check that's 35X the certified Passive Houses in Ohio.
And those 35 houses just don't matter.
There are 60 million existing homes in the US that use fossil fuels. We need to be doing 2 million/yr to finish by 2050.
We ended up building software, which wasn't where we began. And we're creating a guild that will train itself.
Ideally by 2030 every new home HVAC system will be a heat pump in the US.
It requires a different business model for HVAC contractors to make them (and their clients!) happier and more profitable.
So we're building that.
If we succeed, we can cover the fat part of the curve.
New homes are much tougher in our eyes because of split incentives (builder pays for performance, not homeowner, in many cases), and so many parties involved.
Not intractable, perhaps you have an answer!
@RDCFineHomes you can download it when it shows up.