It pays taxes like any other local business concern.
@MthuliNcube @GGuvamatanga @happ_zenge @elias_mambo
The balance after the #SurrenderRequirement is to be liquidated in 30 days.
Under s71(2) of the Const. of ZW, private property is protected & then s71(3) is the #ExpropriationLimitationClause that guards against arbitrary & indiscriminate expropriation of property.
s71(3), #Conditions4CompulsoryAcquisition:
a. deprivation has 2 b in terms of a law of general application;
b deprivation has 2 b necessary 4 any of th reasons given;
c. acquiring authority has 2 follow th procedure;
d. deprived party can challenge in a court of law.
i. #DueProcess [s69(1)-(3)],
ii. #PropertyRights [s71(2)], &
iii. #DueExpropriation [s71(3)].
i. Gvt doesn’t own th forex its compulsorily getting from exporters. That’s pvt property &subject 2 #PropertyRights.
ii. Allocating forex 2 anyone is itself commandist. It’s against market economy principles. Anyone needing FX shld source own FX to make any payment.
Exporters must export through financial intermediation of local banks & their corresponding foreign banks.
Expropriation of some export earnings makes exporters do things to avoid surrender.
Thus exporters aren’t bringing the export earnings back but asking their foreign clients 2 pay their foreign suppliers directly.
Resultantly, no FX for ZW.
The so called transfer pricing arises out of this arrangement. Nobody has been convicted except being politically condemned.
The Gvt is criminalising business activity since it’s creating additional costs, opportunities for arbitrage & evasion for compliance.
It shouldn’t be a crime for exporters 2 create subsidiary or related companies in foreign countries or 2 have exporters’ customers pay exporters’ suppliers directly.
The Gvt should stimulate more of these activities.