He'd been in a bad accident when I first got him as a puppy from the pound when I was 17; his recovery required a month of painful daily care (debridement, etc). He seemed to understand somehow, & he learned to trust humans to a rare degree.
Of course, she saw him, paws at the wheel, beeping the horn and looking toward the door.
And, I mean, babies can learn signs---so can dogs. In fact, I think in many ways it's -easier- for them. They are generally quite attuned to body position.
(I would not have arranged/allowed this--seems dangerous for pup back & kid. But catching them was hilarious & B def was enjoying it.)
I didn't necessarily think @HarryBrighouse1 didn't like dogs, tho he was the only one who never acknowledged Baruch. I just figured it was a British thing.
Brighouse was quite an engaging lecturer and I'd grown up watching Fawlty Towers, so maybe it was weird un-American humor.
His physical comedy was _on point_.
If you didn't know what was going on, you really might believe he had no idea there had been a large dog in the room that his daughter had been petting for over an hour.
Those wacky Brits!
(Happy birthday, @HarryBrighouse1! Thank you again for all those things you told us. I wish you a year of sweetness & light. Best regards to M.)