We gathered 175+ people today to give love+healing (acupuncture, breathwork, massage, talk therapy, Reiki, herbs, primary care, etc) to Black+Indigenous folks at our 2nd Healing for Black Lives Clinic in East Oakland.
Black Rest Matters.
Black Healing Matters.
Deep Gratitude 🙏🏽
We are Freedom Community Clinic, a Black+WOC led clinic providing whole person, community-based healing to our underserved communities in the Bay. Donate to our cause (info in pic) and learn more about us at instagram.com/freedomcommuni…
A beautiful video of honoring Earth and Aliveness on this beautiful Sunday through Qi Gong (movement medicine)!
Today a "mentor in medicine" I once looked up to harassed/talked down to me/my dreams (in "good fun") *in front of my parents* after she met them for the first time. It didn't dawn on me until hrs later that this wasnt okay. I had to cry. The trauma of medicine is so unrelenting.
When I told my parents my feelings, perhaps the most heartbreaking thing for me as the first in my fam to become a doctor is that I am taught that I am "overreacting", have to "get over it", and "be thankful that she at least saw me".
This is called familial/ancestral trauma.
I share this publicly bc this is familiar for first gen/BIPOC students who are used to silencing themselves and deferring to people in power. Familial trauma due to generations of simply trying to survive reinforces this silence.
It is time for medicine to do away w its obsession w restricted academic journals + esoteric publications.
Our author team of "Toward the Abolition of Biological Race" chose to publish independently bc medicine has a RESPONSIBILITY to apply this knowledge directly to the people.
Community members cannot access NEJM/JAMA/etc w/out institutional access. Even Scientific American has a specific level of edu associated w its readership.
If we are working for the people, we must make knowledge interdisciplinary+accessible to those most affected by our work.
During the last 3 months, our report has had 40k+ impressions worldwide. We have also talked abt the harms of biological race in medicine + our visions forward to:
✊🏽 congressional legislative aides
✊🏽 sociology students
✊🏽 lay news reporters
✊🏽 community health educators
Today, I graduate as a Lifelong Dalai Lama Fellow (@DLFellows), the most transformative experience of my life.
I have a family of amazing souls around the globe who have chosen to lead their communities w unmatched, fierce love and kindness. Thank you all for changing my life.
Words cannot explain how much my approach to leadership, activism, and community work has changed because of DLF.
I look back on this Fellowship year and 2 words come to mind: Homecoming and Remembrance. I have finally come home to myself. I have come home to my power.
And with Remembrance, I realize that my purpose in this world is guided by my soul’s deepest desires.
As I come home to myself, I trust my intuition. I realize that every new project, experience, hobby, and talent I expand is not me “learning”— it is simply my soul remembering
It is beautiful to have this report be interdisciplinary, learner-led, & honor the foundations of critical race theorists.
The Institute for Healing & Justice in Medicine will be holding a national gathering in the coming weeks re: learner activism within health institutions + abolishing concepts of biological race.
Our team of healers, volunteers, co-conspiring allies, and community served+provided healing services for 400+ Black and Indigenous people out in Oakland the past three weekends in June.
We served 150+ Black and Indigenous community folk out in West Oakland at our clinic today with acupuncture, Reiki, primary care checkups, massage, meditation, counseling and talk therapy, herbal medicine, etc.
Black Healing matters.
Black Rest matters.
Deepest gratitude 🙏🏽