Your great great grandfather built a business that he passed to your great grandfather who passed it to your grandfather, who passed it to your father who gave it to you without you earning it.
That is the assumption.
Then the layers of employment discrimination are applied.
They assume white families have savings and property as well.
A white person's great grandfather is assumed to have started closer to the finish line than a black person's great grandfather.
So their solution is to take this assumed wealth and redistribute it to black people so everyone moving forward is equal.
It ignores the impact of generational welfare dependence.
It ignores public schooling and student debt.
It also ignores that Jim Crow was not national and black individuals from many countries lived in the North and West without these same legal restrictions.
It also diminishes the successes of black families in this time.
We have implemented many widespread programs, laws and systems specifically to lift up black individuals in nearly every industry and situation.
It has failed generations.