On the occasion of the unveiling of #StarWarsSquadrons , the next game from @EAStarWars and @MotiveMontreal , we will quickly return to its predecessors. (not an exhaustive list 😅)
Stay on target! 🚀
It was a horrible mode, but the game is great.
Lego Star Wars: The Video Game (PC, Xbox, PS2, GameCube, etc) by @TTGames
At last, a studio that survived until 2020.
Great game, these Lego SW are so fun.

Star Wars Battlefront: Renegade Squadron (PSP) by @Rebellion
Very impressive for a PlayStation Portable.

Just because...that's a starfighter, and you're flying on it (as the Mandalorian), ok?
LucasArts doesn't exist anymore.
Time jump! A new era with Star Wars Battlefront by @EA_DICE
A feast for the eyes. But incomplete. Some space levels added in 2016.

Then we waited until 2020...
Star Wars Squadrons by @MotiveMontreal
For the first time since 2003, a Star Wars game will be entirely devoted to space battles. It was time. With a single-player campaign, 5v5 online matches, PS4 / Xbox One / PC crossplay and VR. In theory, everything is good. 🥳

Shortly after, we are promised Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga by @TTGames
It will be good, for sure.

But I hope to play a real SW flight sim someday.
Oh, if you have time to kill waiting #StarWarsSquadrons , don't forget my old thread about X-wing cockpits 😌
It is in fact the draft of an article that I should motivate myself to finish. 🧐
And if you want to know how they created most of these games, just wait for my book. One day.