First #ResearchReview is on...
I like the title. It highlights an important goal for teachers right now: strive for high quality blended learning experiences for all pupils. We can't forsake quality when BL is here to stay.
Is this problematic? I think establishing a shared definition of BL is important, not just within schools but perhaps even between them. Will this kind of continuity and consistency of lead to more equitable BL?
This is the single most crucial message to reach schools and teachers: it is not the technology but the pedagogy that will make a difference.
- establishing purpose
- thinking aloud and modelling
- complexity or demand of task
- high expectations
- academic language
- guided instruction.
- assessment, feeding back and forward
The authors highlight the danger of students getting caught up in a digital task and losing sight of learning. This reminds me of @teacherhead's excellent ‘The Tyranny of the Task’ blog. We need to incorporate systematic checking processes for BL. How?
We know students, as novices, benefit from observing expert thinking. This should be an essential feature of reduced face-to-face lessons. Online, I think factoring in voiceovers (as a minimum) will help to ensure we don’t hinder home learning.
I paired these because I think they are inextricably linked. BL does not = superficial learning. This instantly got me thinking about Bjork and desirable difficulties. @Benneypenyrheol has covered this extensively. In a nutshell...
BL is not synonymous with discovery learning. DL might feature when appropriate BUT quality of instruction relies "on the gradual release of responsibility". BL is crying out for the ‘I do-we do-you do’ approach - which can be achieved online, too.
The purpose of BL is *not* to wholly replace
classroom instruction with online experiences, but
rather to capitalise on the most robust features that each
environment has to offer.