عُمير بن أبي وقاص
Umayr bn Abi Waqqās
Following the footsteps of his brother, Sa’d bn Abī Waqqās, Umayr was one of the earliest reverts to Islām. He embraced Islām through Abūbakr. He was described as a young but highly committed & faithful Muslim.
Ibn Sa’d narrated in his “Tabaqāt” on the authority of Sa’d bn Abī Waqqās
“On the day of Badr, I was on my way to the Prophet ﷺ to take instructions when I saw my brother, Umayr, hiding. I asked him, ما لك يا أخي؟ “What’s wrong with you, bro?” He replied, إني أخاف أن يراني رسول الله صَلَّى الله عليه وسلم، فيَسْتَصْغِرَني فيَرُدّني
”So when the Prophet ﷺ saw him, ”استصغره فقال: "ارجعْ “He belittled him for his age and said to him, “return home.” Umayr became heartbroken and he started crying profusely. When the Prophet ﷺ saw him crying out of extreme enthusiasm and eagerness
فكنت أعقد له حمائل سيفه من صغره، فقتل في بدر وهو ابن ست عشرة سنة...".
“He was so young at the time that I had to help him tie the sword’s age. He was martyred at the battle of Badr at the age of 16.”