Currently, all forms of domestic abuse are categorized as non-violent crimes in Oklahoma.

On May 19, 2020, Governor Stitt signed House Bill 3251 which adds the following domestic violence crimes to the list of violent crimes under the Oklahoma Statutes:

• Domestic abuse by strangulation
• Domestic assault with a dangerous weapon
• Domestic assault and battery with a dangerous weapon
• Domestic assault and battery with a deadly weapon

HB3251 Does not include all DV as violent crimes, change the amount of time an offender serves before being eligible for parole, or require them to serve 85% of sentence.

Crimes that will still be listed as non violent under OK Law include:
* DV Committed against a pregnant woman
* DV committed in the presence of a child

* DV resulting in great bodily injury
* Cruelty to animals

HB 3251 will go into effect on November 1, 2020.

**Graphics created in collaboration w/ Palomar Family Justice Center (@palomarokc ) and the Oklahoma Coalition Against Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault (@OCADVSA).