The PRC is an artificial construct.
Tibet, Mongolia, Turkestan .. so many lands and of course, waters lie in their illegal occupation
Chinese Checkers!
When a polite India politely showed the middle finger to the Chinese during the 1965 war.

How many neighbours can confidently say that the PRC has NOT nibbled at their territories?
An African sits down for dinner at a restaurant in China. In response, the restaurant staff moves all the other tables away from him.
Yup, that happened in 2020.
Tiananmen - where they killed their own citizens by the thousands, just because they asked for basic human dignity and an opportunity to choose who rules them
Tibet was a part of the outlying kingdoms that actually paid tribute to the Dogra King of Jammu and Kashmir!
One of his titles was 'Tibetadheesh'!
Chew on that!