@INTERPOL_HQ@INTERPOL_SG@FBI@Koen_Geens1 Dirk De fauw stabber - 3rd investigation path⚠️: The stabber was incited by a professional agitator who thinks #BlackLivesMatter. They acted against lawyer & mayor De fauw, over his political opposition against black lives matter
Political retaliation cannot be excluded, and if Lawyer & Mayor De fauw's stabber had real psychological troubles, then he could've been agitated by an opposing lawyer with specialization: defense of mental patients, with motive: political support to #BlackLivesMatter
3/ Counterspy @LimJH12 never handled databases of Belgian lawyers, thus can't give specific names. However, @LimJH12 assesses that @Koen_Geens1' DG knows which Belgian lawyers are capable to incite mental patients into committing acts for #BlackLivesMatter
4/ A 2nd element, on top of political motive surfaces here. If the agitator of Dirk De fauw's stabber was indeed a lawyer, too, then his or her motive was a combination of politics and power strife in Belgium's relative small circle of lawyers.
5/ And the motive, of the person who agitated the stabber of #Dirk_Defauw, can be financial as well: to incapacitate a rival in return for bribe. I.e. Full networks of dangerous elements against the State can hide behind @Koen_Geens1's simple narrative
@JosepBorrellF@ev_orsini@moteging📍Diplomatic violence by #Lescouhier's spouse: Korean media speculate that the Ambassador utilized an automated translator. This media-leak reveals more info to insiders: nis.go.kr continues to have good control on Koreans inside the Belgian Embassy.