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Jul 17th 2020
#CNO Gilday held a brief 15-minute press conference in San Diego Friday afternoon after visiting the severely-damaged USS #BONHOMME RICHARD LHD6. Excerpts from his remarks: "I went four decks below the flight deck, I took a look at the superstructure. I was able to get a ... ImageImage
"good sense of the extent of the damage. And the damage is extensive. There is obviously electrical damage, structural damage, mechanical damage that we need to assess in much more detail before we make a final determination of next steps.
I am 100 percent confident that our... ImageImage
"defense industry can put this ship back to sea. Having said that the question is should we make that investment in a 22-year old ship. I’m not going to make any predictions until we look at all the facts....We really thought we had this fire under control, had the potential... Image
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Jul 16th 2020
“The flames are out but the heat is still there,” Rear Adm. Philip Sobeck told reporters Thursday afternoon in San Diego. “We’re going space by space into every compartment checking for hotspots.”
That’s where the situation ... ImageImage
stands after a fire that ravaged USS Bonhomme Richard for four days and into a fifth was finally declared out midday on 16 July. Tugs and helicopters that dumped water on the ship have been withdrawn and the smoke has stopped emanating from the ship berthed at the 32nd Street...
Naval Base. The ship is clearly listing to port, towards the pier, a shift from Wednesday when the list was to starboard.
After praising the efforts of sailors and civilian firefighters Sobeck was asked about the ship’s status and future.
“The ship can be repaired. Whether... Image
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Jul 16th 2020
The US #Navy has declared the #fires ravaging USS #BONHOMME RICHARD LHD6 are out. RADM #Sobeck just issued a written statement. "After 4 days of firefighting all known fires have been extinguished aboard USS Bonhomme Richard LHD6. Our fire teams are investigating every space... ImageImage
"to verify the absence of fire. Until every space is checked and there are no active fires we will not be able to commence any official investigations.
We did not know the origin of the fire. We do not know the extent of the damage. It is too early to make any predictions...
"or promises of what the future of the ship will be. We cannot make any conclusions, until the investigation is complete. What we do know is that brave Sailors from commands all across San Diego worked tirelessly alongside Federal Firefighters to get this fire extinguished...
Read 7 tweets
Jul 16th 2020
The #Chinese #Navy's 1st Type 075 #amphibious assault ship - very similar to US ships like the #BONHOMME RICHARD - reportedly will soon carry out initial sea trials. An amazing development if true - ship was launched only in Sept 2019.…
Ship suffered a significant #fire 11 April while fitting out at Hudong-Zhonghua shipyard Shanghai; black smoke poured fm the vehicle & well decks. Fire was largely put out after about 30 minutes. By the next day nearly all outside smoke damage had been painted over (last 2 pics) ImageImageImageImage
The fire happened early on a Saturday morning, about 0700. No crew, no functioning systems, ship entirely open and clutter everywhere. Yet the fire was controlled after only 30 minutes........... A second Type 075 was launched on 22 April of this year.
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Jul 15th 2020
The #fire continues to burn: US #Navy SURFOR SITREP statement as of 0900 EDT/0600 PDT Wed 15 July: "As of 0600 am Pacific time July 15 firefighting teams continue operations on board USS #BONHOMME RICHARD LHD6. 63 personnel - 40 Sailors & 23 civilians -
"...have been treated for minor injuries including heat exhaustion and smoke inhalation. Currently, there are no personnel hospitalized. Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron THREE has conducted more than 1,500 helicopter water bucket drops, which is cooling the super structure and...
"...flight deck enabling fire crews to get onboard internally to fight the fire." End of statement. The video shows firefighting efforts on Tuesday 14 July
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Jul 14th 2020
Latest US #Navy press conference on the #BONHOMME RICHARD LHD6 #fire at Naval Base San Diego from RADM Philip Sobeck ended about 1120 PDT: "We still have an active fire which we are combatting both from within and externally from multiple access points... ImageImageImageImage
"Right now we’re combatting two fires in different parts of the ship, one forward and one aft. The one aft we’re still investigating [to see if] it’s an actual fire or is it residual and still sort of smoking. The one forward is the one we’ve been watching and watering from... ImageImage
"..external sources because we have not been able to make it to the forward part of the ship as early as today. Now that we have access to that area… teams are there with water hoses to start getting after that fire. ...
Read 6 tweets
Jul 14th 2020
More imagery from the continuing fight to save burning USS #BONHOMME RICHARD LHD6 at San Diego #Naval Base. Firefighting efforts by more than 400 Navy sailors and civilian firefighters continued throughout Monday 13 July but the Navy has yet to declare the fire out ImageImageImageImage
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Jul 13th 2020
Little new information in the just-concluded #Navy press conf about the continuing #fire on board USS #BONHOMME RICHARD in San Diego. RADM Sobek noted the ship is listing due to water from firefighting efforts but declared the Navy is keeping a close watch on ship's stability... ImageImageImage
Sobek said the safety of the nearly 1 million gallons of fuel on the ship is a "primary concern," they're working to keep a buffer between the heat and the fuel, estimates now "there are about two decks between the fuel and the fire." Said smoke toxicity is "within EPA standards"
He sounded less declaritive than yesterday about the ship's future. "Right now we're doing everything we can. Once we get the fire out we'll make a decision."
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Jul 12th 2020
More background on USS #BONHOMME RICHARD LHD6: Commissioned in 1998, was based in Japan 2012-18. Entered Gen Dyn #NAASCO San Diego late 2018 for a $250 million overhaul & modernization to allow operation of F-35B #JSF strike fighters. Ship is to serve at least until 2037 #fire ImageImage
First photo is 14 Feb 2020. The fire image is a screen grab from NBC10 San Diego at about 1225 PDT today 12 July
NASSCO - General Dynamics NASSCO
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