He seems really unnerved, trying hard, like he practiced for this speech and knows the crowd is a dud.
He knows he’s standing in front of a bunch of losers.
Make-up will soon be running.
He’s hating this.
He’s not saying anything about what he’ll do.
it’s all about his walking down the ramp.
It unnerved him that he couldn’t get down that ramp. But he’s now alerting everyone to it more.
He’s trying to do the typical Trump comedy routine/funny story.
But it’s bombing and he’s sweating.
This is not pretty.
Other than that, all good.
Was supposed to get a big laugh, cheer, but people are texting. Sitting. Bored.
We’re way past that. NASCAR is on board.
Now he’s going into his boiler plate stuff.
“They want to abolish your borders.”
It has never worked for him.
Oh, and Dems freeing MS13 --blah blah blah.
Sweat, sweat, sweat.
Face melting.
But it’s just not working. They just don’t really vociferously hate Biden, fwiw.
The man who praised China as coronavirus exploded.
The crowd is texting.
Trump face continues to melt.
Even as Trump’ face melt’s it is quite astonishing how his hair — or whatever it is — holds up, as a sort of bubble.
He put two of these justices on court, to stack it.
Are they that stupid?
No need to answer.
I thought the court was terrible?
This is really a disaster.
Face melting more.