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Dec 12th 2022
#Democracy is nothing more than mob rule…
Do you want 'MOB RULE'? I certainly do not.
#Mob rule or ochlocracy (Greek: ὀχλοκρατία, romanized: okhlokratía; Latin: ochlocratia) is the rule of government by a mob or #mass of people and the #intimidation of legitimate authorities. 'ACRACY' is the ruling factor of Democracy. 'DEMO' is short for demonstration -
Strong's Concordance - #Bible Hub
Cognate: 1140 daimónion (a neuter, diminutive noun) - a demon, i.e. fallen angel.1140 (daimónion) always refers to demons in the NT - the only exception being Ac 17:18 (which refers to heathen gods). See 1139 (diamonizomai).
Read 9 tweets
Jun 21st 2020
Now Trump putting out racist names for coronavirus: “kung flu.”

He seems really unnerved, trying hard, like he practiced for this speech and knows the crowd is a dud.
He’s also sweating profusely.

He knows he’s standing in front of a bunch of losers.

Make-up will soon be running.
HIs timing is all off.

He’s hating this.
Read 20 tweets
Mar 19th 2020
Kom op, @rivm, maak asjeblieft een public API met de #corona cijfers! Inzicht door #developers @Rijksoverheid #OpenSource #crowd @WouterWelling @AstridOosenbrug
Voorbeeld; door @rivm data te combineren met @Flitsmeister zijn er misschien wel voorspellende modellen te maken met "hot highways"?.. Geef het aan #datascientists en de #crowd..
Read 3 tweets
Mar 4th 2019

The #mind is a #coward, for those who listen to it become utterly cowardly. The mind is not an #adventurer, it is very #cautious. It takes every step with #thinking and #calculation until it is #certain that there is no #risk.
When everything is going good the mind comes in and says "watch out!" Because you listen to the mind's #fears you stop living. The mind would keep you always the same, never taking #risks.

Newness is an #enemy to the #mind, sameness is its #friend.
To #laugh is to #risk appearing a #fool
Read 11 tweets

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