It's not what most have ever looked at; but the Whiteboard hasn't changed (disproved itself) over 3+ yrs.
I'll cite where possible.…

GP's whitepaper on exploration, development, gas pipelines etc. [It's a rough work by an understudy looking to make a name and $$$] But it's enough.
The method = London Center for International Law Practice. A total IC front. The asset = Mifsud.
Mid March, 2016, Papdopoulos travels to Rome as part of LCILP role.
...unless you consider Mifsud (free agent) activated by Israel.
Then stuff reconciles.
How do we know Mifsud wasn't simply organizing details of next step in operation? We don't.
The week of April 18th to 25th. What was function of Mifsud? Unknown. We know nothing = all supposition.
Cantor wants to introduce his ‘girlfriend’ Erika Thompson
(Thompson is Australian Embassy aide to Amb. Alexander Downer).
All earmarks of an Israeli intelligence operation
[Papadopoulos notes that Ambassador Downer is recording their conversation. Transcripts]
Which is why the Mueller report is intentionally obtuse on the origination claim. [Pg #89]…

Mifsud = Israel
Cantor = Israel
Thompson = Bridge
Downer = Australian
Ergo intel comes from Australia. But did it really?…

Again, lots of focus on what would later be identified as "five targets".
Mifsud = Israel
Cantor = Israel
Thompson = Bridge (and source)
Downer = Communicates.
In July 2017 an Israeli named George Tawil flew to Greek island of Mykonos to meet Papadopoulos and his now-wife, Simona Mangiante Papadopoulos.
George went but Simona Papadopoulos stayed behind.
[Operation in Africa]…
Following the trip, federal agents were waiting for Papadopoulos at the customs port of Dulles airport upon his re-entry into the U.S.
The complaint would be filed the following morning and approved by Judge Beryl Howell in Washington.
Mifsud = Israel
Cantor = Israel
Thompson = Bridge (to source)
Downer = Source
Tawil = Israel
Mueller Scope = Israel