Psyop Innovation Part 2
You'll want some good coffee, we have much to cover today. We begin with the China/DC Swamp connection, they're the authors of this Psyop. We then dive into the shield you must build. Here we go.…
What does that headline assume? It assumes your weakness, your psychological fragility. It assumes many other weaknesses. It's a terrible list. It assume you're a coward. It assume you have a weak immune system.
1) Biological
2) Economic
3) Social
4) Legal
5) Military
The new member is #4, Legal Warfare.
1) Where deceitful Psyops now fail, psychological warfare must now be driven by factually indisputable reality, as crafted for the purpose of the operation's success.
Where one primary Psyop mission may have succeeded in the past, now multiple, coordinated attacks are necessary.
Coronavirus leads to economic devastation leads to social division leads to the disruption of law in America.
Get it?
With the demise of Moscow, the American left turned to Beijing as its leader.
1) Biological
2) Economic
3) Social
4) Legal
5) Military