Here's an excellent thread.
I'm also reading the then-editor's apology letter. I have some questions. 1/
How do these implications pass by a journal editor, for months and through much correspondence?
What is wrong with training and discourse in psychology? 7/
"I saw the Clark et al. submission as likely to be controversial, but race did not enter into my concern. It seems stupid now that others have pointed it out, but race did not cross my mind."
"But the combination of an extremely fraught social issue, methodological weaknesses, and problems in the writing makes for a toxic mess. Extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence." 10/
Here's part of the collective effort that went into publishing what is now retracted. 11/

Wouldn't it have been better to hear the alarm bells that were ringing from the start and do the seemingly bold but actually ordinary thing of sending a desk-rejection.