In a large fraction of classrooms 50% = too high. A more reasonable number = 30% (or lower)
There are different ways of doing this, but the easiest is hybrid lectures and the investment needed to do so.
For those on the quarter system it is not uncommon to have nearly 2 hr meeting times on T Th. I suggest reducing all meetings to 65 minutes or less, filling in the difference w/ remote meetings. (more)
The extent and combination of these measures depend on campus location/climate, system, capacity, etc. Each campus and facilities team needs to start spending time on this yesterday.
Particularly with CADR > 250 scfm in classroom spaces < 1,000 ft2. Suggestion = keep off floor and place on a small table that is cleaned occasionally. There should be ample space given physical distancing (see 2).
Most universities will not be able to have cleaning staff in classrooms between every class period. This means ample supplies provided for students & faculty to clean their own space before & after.
Fraction of students, staff, and faculty who take mass transit to campus? Dorms? Pay lots of attention to minimizing risks here, including reduced capacity, etc. (more)