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My deleted #Instagram stories from 2020 #COVID19 @Plandemic3Movie Image
4/5/20 Image
@Plandemic3Movie 4/10/20 No one was even close to saying this in public at the time other than @RonPaulInstitut and @RobertKennedyJr Image
Read 90 tweets
Fit Testing to ensure a good seal on your mask [Part 2]

This thread describes my quantitative fit testing experience with some real-world results of various types of #masks including #NIOSH #N95 and ear loop and how 1 mask leaked 70x more than the other on my face. 🧵1/ Photo showing a Canadian ma...
The table of contents with quick links and unrolled one-page web views for this multi-part thread can be found here ( ). 2/
If you missed Part 1 which explains the difference between qualitative and quantitative fit testing and how they work, you can find it here ( ). 3/
Read 49 tweets
#CDC Director Rochelle #Walensky is #leaving, White House says | May 5
- Last summer, Walensky launched a reorganization of the CDC, acknowledging that its “performance did not reliably meet expectations” during the '#pandemic'.
#WHO downgrades #coronavirus '#pandemic', no longer a global #emergency | May 5
- marking a symbolic end to the devastating coronavirus pandemic that triggered once-unthinkable #lockdowns, upended economies and killed at least 7 million people worldwide.…
Steve #Kirsch | Jan 22
#Walensky should be put in #jail for the number of #deaths CDC #responsible for
- Over 700 safety signals (incl #DEATH) have triggered in #VAERS and the #CDC was #SILENT about all of them until they were discovered by a #FOIA request… Image
Read 11 tweets
Face #masks impair the immune system!

The effects of >6h mask wearing on blood count

Since this important mask study is not available for everyone, I have made a thread with screenshots (excerpts).
This study on disturbances of the immune system under face #mask wearing is very imortant, because the results once again confirm the

mask-induced exhaustion syndrome (MIES)

already described in 2021:…

There are clear indications of disturbance of the immune system by wearing face #masks.

But what did the scientists actually find?
Read 7 tweets
A summary thread from the great Emergency Medicine Australasia issue I finally read on the plane; @EMAJournal #foamed

Thom study in EMA: patients with unstable cervical #fractures can sit (29%), walk (63%), lack midline tenderness (27%), and have delayed presentation (20%).
@EMAJournal #emergencymedicine

surf injuries were mostly lower c-spine

NEXUS underperformed compared to Canadian C-spine.

#drowning and cervical CTs are not inextricably linked: don't automatically image unless signs of axial loading/very specific concerns
@EMAJournal [my $0.02 on immobilising (virtually) anyone prehospitally: cervical immobilisation is a myth: collars don't actually immobilise, and 'immobilisation' doesn't actually prevent neurological *does* however harm (eg aspiration and other harms)]
Read 31 tweets
🚨URGENT MESSAGE: We are caught in a vicious cycle of new COVID variants breaking through immunity walls, adapting to evade treatments and vaccines, and causing serious and long-term health issues, including autoimmune disorders, cancers, vascular, neurological, musculoskeletal, Image
and cognitive dysfunction. With each new variant, the virus is getting better at infecting and persisting in the human body, while our immune systems are struggling to keep up.

It is crucial to take the time to recover following an infection.
Do everything possible to avoid another infection of any other pathogens. The immune system recovery can take weeks in healthy people, and many months in those with weaker immune systems.

The lack of surveillance to quickly identify new variants is a serious problem. 3/
Read 10 tweets
@teppaniaki #Denmark #Minkgate:
Buried #corona mutated zombie minks rising from the graves, may have contaminated groundwater in Denmark scientists warn - some resurfaced from the mass graves as gasses from the decomposition process pushed the mink out of the ground
@teppaniaki Tanskan pääministeri #Frederiksen Korkeimpaan Oikeuteen.
- Totalitaarinen epidemialaki perustuslain ja ihmisoikeussopimuksen vastainen.
- Valehteli luvasta #lockdown :iin ja 17M minkin teurastamiseen.
- Levitti paniikkia valheellisilla sähköposteilla.
@teppaniaki #Denmark #Minkgate #covid19dk #VaccinePassport
Danes take to the streets at night to protest traffic ban and #Corona dictatorship
- credit: 'No Restrictions No #Masks #KBF @ NoGreatReset'
Read 21 tweets
As more #hospitals drop universal #masking requirements, I see many patients, family members, and medical staff who are rightly concerned.

🧵This thread has my best advice for protecting yourself from #COVID in high-risk settings.

1/10 Images from various threads...
Big Picture - Top 10 Tips if you're new to thinking about the importance of #mask quality, size, and fit in high-risk settings

#FitTesting is not always needed but becomes extremely valuable if the following apply:
▫️ Prolonged time period
▫️ Others are unmasked
▫️ Indoor air quality is bad or not tested personally

Read 10 tweets
Absolutely breathtaking (new review):

In reliable human experiments face #masks lead to 1.41–3.2% carbon dioxide breathing, exceeding both NIOSH limits for CO2 respiration:

-acute limit for 15 min: 3% CO2

-chronic limit for 8 h:: 0.5% CO2… Image
Regarding CO2, circumstantial evidence exists that mask use may be related to current observations of a significant rise of 28% to 33% in stillbirths worldwide and a reduced verbal, motor, and overall cognitive performance in scores in children born during the pandemic Image
3/6 🧵
A significant increase in CO2 body levels in mask wearers under various conditions has been demonstrated by many scientific intervention studies Image
Read 6 tweets
Never forget. Especially (small) children and young people as well as older citizens have considerably suffered from the lockdowns and other measures at that time. In real life (at that time), I often observed people and kids wearing masks fitting badly, being too big etc... 1/7
...and thus can hardly filter because of leakages. Therefore, it is extremely important that masks should have different sizes. Shoes also have various sizes and shapes. 2/7
When singing and speaking, the mask also loses its filtering performance after a certain time due to increased humidity. In addition, the former loses function under humid conditions, while the latter operates with a significant air-pressure drop... 3/6
Read 11 tweets
The is the result of #Transhumanism.

If you are C19 vaccinated you are no longer fully human. You are now a patentable organism.

The ultimate #SatanicAgenda.

God help us.

#CovidVaccines #5G #mRNA #smartgrids #Agenda2030 #GreatReset #hackableanimals #freewill #SupremeCourt
Here is the Supreme Court opinion he is referring to. The link to the doc he is quoting from has been taken down.

Note the cDNA (complementary DNA) created by mRNA is patentable.

#CovidVaccines #5G #mRNA #smartgrids #Agenda2030 #GreatReset #hackableanimals #SupremeCourt…
Why did this link get taken down? Image
Read 60 tweets
A @WorkSafeBC #covid19bc claim must demonstrate higher exposure at work vs daily life so you must list exposures from: gym, worship, friends &family. Effectively, by removing #maskmandate , #PHO has undermined *every* WS claim unless we forego ALL socials outside of work 1/
@WorkSafeBC ....Effectively a claim can be denied due to Public health removing public protections &workers who have ANY social life, who does not receive *meds* (paxlovid? few workers eligible) & who does not personally mask up consistently...oh AND family members 2/
@WorkSafeBC But note, this claim form is also telling us that sports, gyms & workplaces where non household people gather socially ( where? like restaurants? pubs?) are full of #covid19bc & you,the worker must show that you take precautions in that social realm ...reposting image 3/ worksafe screening questionnaire from   https://www.worksafe
Read 16 tweets
Takeaways: (1/2)

* If you've survived #Covid you should have some protection from reinfection, hospitalization, death for 10 mos. (Good time to get medical/dental visits done.) NO GUARANTEES.

*Infection is NOT the preferred path to protection.

*#LongCovid can affect anyone.
Takeaways: (2/2)

*New variants can hit at any time, evading all immunity.

*Avoiding infection is by far best, so #masks are an excellent choice regardless of vaccine or recent infection.

*Spacing booster out a few mos from infection could provide a longer window of protection.
Read 4 tweets
“Premeditated Manslaughter Coordinated at the Highest Levels” – Part 2 -Psychopathic democide might be eligible for forgiveness in rare circumstances, but blanket amnesty is not in the cards for crimes against humanity - by @TraderStef #Nuremberg2 #Amnesty… Image
#Nuremberg2 #Amnesty? - “Plandemic 3” Trailer – Seeing Through The Propaganda…
#Nuremberg2 #Amnesty? #democide - Jr. covering for daddy, sooo late and behind the curve by a couple+ years, is pathetic - not humble
Read 99 tweets
Thread on how the rich & powerfull protect themselfs from airborne diseases but not us all.

#CleanAir #Masks #Tests #BetterMedicalCare seem to be something they have money for but when it comes to our children in schools, C is over or mild. But it's not!

Feel free to complete!
Health Measures @ World Economic Forum Davos

Read 10 tweets
Alarming to hear so many ill-informed people discuss the return of #masks - have they forgotten that instead of ever preventing any infection (Bundgaard et al) they are more often than not the direct source of bacterial infection to the respiratory tract?…

"The difference observed was not statistically significant"…
Bacteria & fungi on face masks:
"While we wear a face mask, the humidity becomes approximately 80%, in which bacteria can survive and grow.. since fungi & their spores are resistant to drying, they can survive under the condition where masks dry out."…
Read 4 tweets
My behaviour regarding wearing #masks follows a simple mathematical model:

The probability that I will become infected over a period of time is an exponential distribution whose intensity is a function of the total exposure to virus load.

The model implies, for example, that wearing a mask half the time in a restaurant can significantly improve the chances of not becoming infected - see below.

⚠️Note: what follows is 'school mathematics'. I have tried to simplify the descriptions.

The model's basic assumption is that some environmental influences realize their adverse effects 'only with a probability' that results from many small (unlikely) individual events.

Read 17 tweets
In an Invited Editorial in @JAMAOnc today, my colleagues & I call for health systems to develop “Comprehensive #Pandemic Support Programs” for their most vulnerable patients.

These are our Top 10 Tips!

THREAD 🧵… JAMA Oncology article, "Variability in COVID-19 Vaccine
Tip #1: Health systems should explain to all patients that #COVIDisAirborne and is best avoided through multi-layered mitigation. Swiss Cheese model of COVID mitigation
Tip #2: Health systems should prioritize getting the most vulnerable patients vaccinated & boosted.

Offer #vaccines on-site w/the SAFEST options.

Vulnerable patients want highly-ventilated or outdoor options & high-quality (e.g., N95) masks for safety. Make it happen. Vaccination given while clinician wears an N95 outdoors
Read 15 tweets
Thread: Masks

The mask covidian cult are starting to sound the alarm again and expand their cult programming to basically any respiratory illness in order to normalize their cult rituals. RT far & wide if you find this useful.

#COVID19 #Masks #Science #TwitterFiles #lockdowns
I’d thought it would be informative to start a thread with much of but not all of the evidence that refutes their maniacal beliefs. I’ve only provided a small sample size over all but it’s a good start.
Unfortunately mask covidian cultists have come to believe that wearing a surgical mask is a great way to protect yourself and others from Flu, COVID and getting hit by a bus while walking alone down the street or even while driving alone.
Read 72 tweets
How #respirators actually work and which type is best?

I see many claims #masks don't work. This thread will explain *how* they block #viruses much smaller than the size of the holes in the #filter and why you can still smell nasty things while wearing effective masks. 🧵1/ Image showing size comparison of white blood cell, red blood cell, light dust particle and COVID-19 virus. Image from:
This thread is long so if you would like an unrolled one page web view that is easier to read or share, look at this tweet to find the link more quickly ( ). 2/
One of the issues is that there are different types of masks that are designed for different purposes. Cloth masks and the common blue earloop procedure masks were never designed to protect people from airborne pathogens that hang in the air for extended periods of time. 3/
Read 51 tweets

The unmitigated airborne spread of airborne viruses like COVID-19, RSV, & influenza is causing children to get ill en masse

ON PICUs are preventably crashing with screaming children gasping for air

This is a preventable paediatric emergency
A 2 year old toddler died tragically in an Ajax hospital

No space in Children’s hospital child for a child rescued from a fire

3-4 kids a day resuscitated

Red Cross at CHEO

A preventable paediatric emergency

More care with kids, not less

Evidence indicates that these children have post #C19 infection immune dysregulation, as predicted by PHO:

“…making us even more susceptible to these other viruses”

A preventable paediatric 911

Read 16 tweets
1/ There has been a lot of incorrect information lately regarding the use of masks on public transportation. I'll try to put this in the proper perspective here. Upon multiple requests, here are may two latest threads in English about #masks and #masking on #publictransport
2/ Masks are an effective means of preventing infection. However, masks are not only used for self-protection, but also for the protection of others, because masks
1) have a multiplicative effect, i.e. the filter effect is strongly increased if the infected person and the
3/ healthy person both wear a mask
2) are not 100% effective, i.e. it is very important whether the aerosol load in a room is low (high number of mask wearers) or high (few mask wearers).
Read 49 tweets
When the BPS parent group @FamCOSa asked to #BringBackMasks after Thanksgiving break and test before returning to school, the Boston Board of Public Health said they prefer to listen to the experts.
You'll never guess what happened next...
The MA wastewater data shot up. But we never could have predicted that would happen…
Or maybe we could have...
Perhaps they missed the study from @NEJM (prominent medical publication) that shows that #masksmandates in schools decrease #COVID19 cases, reducing absences among students and staff? Funny that, it's based on data from #Boston…
Read 7 tweets
Infection prevention & control #IPC & #sustainability - a thread inspired by #ACIPC22
🦠🌏🧵 (1/17)
Prof Brett Mitchell highlighted the issue of #IPC #waste in his plenary @1healthau #ACIPC22
Finding #sustainable solutions is clearly important to the #IPC community… #ACIPC22
Read 18 tweets

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