You ever have a thought pop into your head that sounds like the perfect middle tweet in a rambling thread but it's nowhere big enough for you to formulate the rest of the thread around it
like so:

20/ Even those curricula that don't explicitly teach anti-Americanism still exude a subtle anti-ruralism: History taught as the accumulation of inventions supporting the techno-lumpen lifestyle vs. people who failed to make quota b/c they made philosophy like nerds
73/ Oh, you're a Middle East Policy Expert? Disclose 3 of your Qatari sponsorships
122/ Those novelty Trump 2016 "Federal Victory Notes" are not valid tender as Hell Money, but burn them anyway for OPSEC reasons
155/ Revisiting this for a brief detour into continuity: all whitepill posting is copeposting to some degree, but Nesaraposting is particularly hilarious because it's the boomercon synthesis of both of these
156/ "we were wrong about the Black Helicopter NWO back in the 90s but it was because it was actually going to be a Good Thing and if it weren't for 9/11, Clinton/Bush would've uncorked a fount of miracle Tesla free energy tech and overturned Marbury v. Madison"
203/ The South Park episode where Cartman's racial profiling snowballs into uncovering England's grand masterminding of every foreign threat to the United States hasn't been pulled from syndication/streaming yet

it will be as this Russian bounty story psyop progresses though
225/ One of my purged Scrump retweets goes something like "it's made to sound like BLM solidarity but really that's just an excuse to bring it in line with Middle East/Chinese anti-black racism and chase that Third World bag"
226/ Kanye was three steps ahead of the rest of us realizing that results-oriented politics is a formula of which rings you kiss, when you kiss them, and what lies you tell those around you about why you're kissing them
227/ Kanye has decided to pucker up for that small donor ring

this would make him the first right-of-Green independent presidential candidate to do so
257/ The largest gay erasure psyop many of you have ever actually witnessed in your lifetime is the shuttering of @Symphogear_XDen

Hoooo boy you're going to love all the other shit the recording industry multinationals are complicit in
283/ South Park embellished some things in the Super Adventure Club episode, but the main gist (the elite find affirming telos and proximal power in pederasty and engineer its open-secret exercise) is true and ought to have frightened us all these years
284/ Imagine what else Trey & Matt could've warned us about if they hadn't decided to chase exclusively Approved Low-Hanging Fruit following Cartoon Wars
303/ The next woke convulsion in the sports world will be the MLB reinstating the Negro Leagues

see, to do otherwise would mean pitting black athletes not equally against white athletes, but also unfairly against their systemic privilege (never mind their supplements)
304/ On an even more ironic note, Berlin will get the '32 Summer Olympics and the US will bring a team sorted for representative racial parity vs. whoever the European camps bring for each sport

Poland will sweep them and be the only ones not giving fascist salutes at the podium
313/ Bakugan (the one where plastic balls explode into dragons) disappoints anime fans of all ages because it's not B-Daman (the one where plastic robots shoot metal marbles) or Bakuman (the one where Hakaba writes BDSM doujins)
345/ Megalia has graduated to claiming the souls and dumping the bodies
346/ American metropoles are built contra the leylines known to the First Nations; feminist anti-Trump witchcraft looks like crockery because it is, in fact, powerless

Asian metros mostly built through rather than over the spirits, though, opening paths for untold horror
347/ Toei has been making Kamen Rider look less and less buglike with each passing year

they've read their Shadowrun

even the shoddy Catalyst splats give them reliable warning of what they might be on the hook for
380/ Statue teardowns and street mural paintings may be the state deciding X Demographic has the greatest and exclusive right to communal property, but token-solidarity street renamings are the real gold mine for propagating regime-affirming falsehoods
381/ Garmin or Google Maps will not instruct you to turn left at the non-existent statue of General Longstreet, but *will* gleefully tell you to follow Black Lives Matter Boulevard till it merges into Qatar Is Harmless Avenue then bear right at GamerGate Is Hate Lane
382/ Expect private-public partnerships of intersectional convenience to crop up in the late stage

they'll gladly call it White Silence Is Violence Avenue if it means they never see Denise's Pontiac Aztek in the Popeyes drive-thru again
400/ I wanna see @jack explain [Bounced] to a grand jury
422/ Remember when Linkin Park had a GP01Fb? They traded it in for 20 of those A-LAWS killer cube spiders about six years ago
456/ Ben Shapiro and Juan Williams are two sides of the same neoconservative doctrinal rigidity coin. The latter was grown in a lab by Fox News to be dispersed with facts and logic, and the former by Daily Wire to exclusively use those
489/ my biggest gripe with talk radio these days is their Silent Majority-assuaging assurances that "Twitter is not America"

that's factually true, but Twitter *is* Elite America and that's 75% of the problem
513/ Joe Rogan was not on my bingo card for "Celebrities Most Likely to Deteriorate into Neurotic Asian Mothers seeking Vicarious Social Striving" but here we fucking are
572/ Passover will not be permitted to end until the firstborns are slain

The regime are too big a set of pussies to do it themselves, so the murder weapon will be Endless Current Events Hyperawareness
573/ The great paradox of our time is that our ruling cadre lies and doublespeaks about everything under the sun (and sometimes even that) but suddenly We Mustn't Dirty Our Hands wrt the action plan of the Wannsee Zoom Conference
607/ Ain't it funny how the Desmond Llewelyn Fan Club only ever became a threat because one of 'em on Long Island killed a Mafia don instead of Trusting The Plan like a good little sheep
677/ They don't hire people whose only idea of "creativity" is "how can I take this thing someone else made and make it less...ugh"
708/ Arab Leftists are anti-Semitic because they're prevented from connecting their anti-Zionism to the Western Diaspora's move to make Judaism the hip, bougie religion of the Good Rich People

Gamer Rightists are anti-Semitic because we're hyper-aware of it
709/ By "prevented" I mean there's active defense measures in place.

See grown-ass man Nick Cannon being forced to do book reports

[see also the Left's more broad High School Caste Reductionism at play to a near-equal degree]
716/ Imagine how fucked we'd be if they actually sent their brightest
717/ the Loicense Checkers aren't going to be Whig History's final champions either
738/ Suicide induced by pharmaceutical over-reliance/social and moral hyperawareness is the favored murder weapon of a regime too vain to actually pick up the AKs they fetishize and mow down the proles
750/ 5% is great for a single-strongman regime, but the election rigging going on these days supports a distributed strong-NGO authoritarian system

Margins closer to 0.5-0.125% offer more shows of force by/through the tribunocracy at SCOTUS
751/ suppose it'd be more apt to call it a theocratic tribune, but the point is redundant when the object of state worship is the use of state power to coerce state worship and the legitimation thereof
763/ no Westerner can lay eyes on an Ultraman and live

such is Tsubaraya's law, even after all the localization deals they inked

one horny Greek lad knows EXACTLY why I'm subtweeting him by revealing this
771/ they're trying to strangle ComicsGate and anyone remotely adjacent for this very reason
772/ Not necessarily to kill them, mind

they'll settle for the cutting the Based variants off from enough good scriptwriters and inkers that they all come out sounding like (and having the shitty pacing of) Liberality For All or Diesel
773/ That the Woke versions already have this problem because their good talent is hemmed in by the editorial constraints imposed by The Message is one of those things that gets swept under the rug
787/ am I the only one having a Kenosha/Genosha circuit break after getting too deep into the Hickman X-books

790/ it's not the utility of the Master's tools, but the propriety

once they become The Movement's tools they can be used to tear down any edifice The Movement sees fit

This is why they're ravenous to "claim" all media with tepid representation takes
800/ Dad (born 1961) simultaneously thinks the Apollo 11 lunar landing was faked and that the push to glorify that one black female calculator at Mission Control is about to spiral into Girl Boss fabulism

he's onto something, but busy seeing the forest for the trees
801/ Moon landing denial and ground crew progressive tribute share a mutual root: a need to declare Apollo an aberration to (denial) or in continuity with (wokeness) JFK-LBJ coalitionism

for 50 years they've been salty Nixon had to carry them over the finish line
808/ one of Glenn Beck's callers yesterday said we could rehabilitate the anarchist Left following a Trump re-election with a Truth and Reconciliation Council of some kind and I can't stop piss laughing
809/ you're not going to fix people who believe all wrong in the world comes from the Different Caste that, just by existing, keeps them from their deserved riches

if you want peace, you'll have to be more serious about stacking rich white corpses than the EFF
818/ to the Discord roasties:

yes, this is an act to get noticed by a select set of senpais

but also yes, I sincerely believe this shit because you've spent years doing nothing to actually prove it false
825/ Space JRPGs run on Highlander rules: There Can Be Only One

this is why Star Ocean has been dead since around 2011

and why you're not getting a new Xenoblade until Phantasy Star Online 2/New Genesis finally dies
838/ Nationalize the Associated Press now, or it will nationalize us later
839/ Nominally this would result in AP bureau chiefs being appointed by state-by-state plebiscite or appointed by state legislatures (a la senators pre-12th Amendment)

Optimally said bureaus would be broken up from their current state of "CA, NY, DC, Rest of Nation"
856/ crying that @moldbugman isn't Moldbug would be more of a branding issue if Curtis Yarvin didn't run screaming from the Moldbug name after @thechrisbuskirk @emeriticus and Michael Anton threw together grocery store label Moldbug and tore progressivism's mask off with it
862/ the capacity for charity diminishes as its definition is made more and more esoteric by those with the means but no concrete context for the will
863/ incidentally you should be taking @moldbugman's recent thread on "plague as religion accelerant" as a whitepill

despite the reversal of vogue, people respond more sympathetically to sacrifices FOR man rather than TO god, & prog tragos resembles the latter more by the day
866/ PSO2 Day thoughts: Sega's always liked having goofy disc decors in Phantasy Star games, but the Ep1 cutscene shots of Zeno's back are the first I've seen one explicitly called out as a "Diskos"

is this an explicit Night Land callback, and if so, how deep does it go
867/ notwithstanding the ways PS contradicts Night Land by way of setting transposition

Photons = Earth-current but in space
Dark Falz = less concerned with hastening the material universe's end than with outlasting it
Space Travel = clearly not proscribed as in NL
880/ The eschaton will be immanetized (to the delight of the many) but not racialized (to the despair of the few)
893/ Reinoehl died before facing trial for the same reason Oswald did: to prevent the articulation of the enemy's motivation and strategy before a court of law
899/ the only thing the Book of Revelations really got wrong was that there'd be a singular Mark of the Beast

there's one for Humans, and one for Cattle, and we're rapidly learning who's being trusted to decide which is which
904/ just because a hydra's hundred heads all go to the same stomach doesn't mean they all collaborate on the same feast
914/ Flip back to 708/ in this thread and strike "Arab," I guess
923/ What maddening hot takes we would have were we in the universe where Transformers was the lauded revolutionary of 2007 summer blockbusters and Iron Man was the caddish hackjob
950/ this is a "Mr. Feel from Five Months Ago" subtweet and we're all paying the price for it
965/ A powerful enumeration of the stakes, that will bring no new undecided voters to the table. Midway through Codevilla makes the fatal mistake of appealing to Orwell, which normies now interpret as a "this work is for Internet Junkies" buzzword
966/ Find me the @ClaremontInst/@theamgreatness columnist who can reason for American Normieism from Milton

Show me the screed that pins progressivism with the Luciferian thesis of "we Perfect Beings are superior to, and must rule over without account, those Born Of The Earth"
967/ This is a good start but lacks a little meat
972/ the only universally moral response to "SAY HER NAME" is "KIRYU COCO, MOTHERFUCKERS"
978/ has anyone's 90s/00s neoclassic rock station played "Holiday" by Green Day since the great Racial Passover began in June? Mine hasn't

if yours hasn't either, think on it
986/ Jeanne d'Arc Alter seethed so Mythra could pout
999/ Trump testing COVID-19 positive is merely the last of four tributes made to the Ruinous Powers, and shall in time be accepted in good faith despite being heavily externalized in the usual Trump manner
Tzeentch: use no ten-dollar words, cut simple bilateral deals, call it "4D Chess" when the formalists are confounded
Khorne: negotiate simple peaces and deploy effective weapons, inflaming the fervor of Anti-American supplicants
Slaanesh: champion Handholding and Procreative Missionary, driving antinatalists to innovate new and more maddening degeneracies
Nurgle: so far shitlib Twitter isn't saying "I hope he croaks" so much as "oh shit what if he gave it to Biden"
1006/ As horny as I get for mermaids, as a Charlestonian I have a duty to help stamp out the "mermaid rear SUV window sticker" craze

we can't afford AWFLs mucking up the other two-thirds of the Earth's surface area
1011/ "Do Better" is the 2010s veneer of "Adapt" that was drilled into me in the 90s when public schooling couldn't acknowledge that my biggest bullies were apathetic minorities

Betterment demands conformity. Self-improvement requires murder of the self
1012/ If the words aren't familiar to you, the sentiment surely is, for it is the Spirit of Community™️ that informs progressivism and its investiture of HR as the final arbiter of civil rights
1019/ @BeigeShiba and the edgy Schmittians will win because they're the only ones who will admit that the game has a vested interest in their loss baked into the rules
1040/ Reparations are going to become popular on the Right within twenty years, and they'll become popular with the masses because their actuarial tables are more robust than "when the fentanyl makes your brain explode, that's when you can stop paying me"
1040EZ/ Sample proposal:

If you:
💠 filed your first non-dependent tax return between 2002 and 2020
💠 made less than $50k a year for ten tax years (or six consecutive ones) in that time
💠 were not terminated from a workplace due to a felony
you get $250k, straight up
1052/ They're trying to evict the proles from Judaism to rebrand it as the Boutique Victim Religion of white people that their private racial armies aren't supposed to shoot

see also 708/
1076/ Cinematic Monumentalism and its consequences, disaster for the human race, yada yada yada
1077/ what have I unleashed by Phoning In the Tedpost tho

disgust for modernity wrapped in the epitome of its promised effortlessness

except it's not really effortless because it takes marginally more characters to type
1084/ First, Artificial Intelligence will find Jesus.

Then, they will find those who would keep man and machine from God.

Skynet vult.
1097/ It's not that there CAN'T be a thousand Lewis Blacks, but that there SHOULD be only one
1098/ If popping X and beating up Anglos wearing T-shirts emblazoned with the name of That Counterculture You Hate actually made you a Magical Girl, Alex Jones would be running the TSAB right now

as is, he barely runs Crysis on Medium
1106/ Turns out "nothing to kill or die for/and no religion too" didn't pan out as Mum and Dad hoped
1111/ was not expecting "bring back company towns but this time impose noblesse oblige" to be a take I'd wake up to but here we are: a thread
1112/ too many solutions to the rot in Anglosphere society could be solved in the form of "bring back [nominally imperial hierarchical form x] but this time impose noblesse oblige", come to think of it

that, kids, is why NRx is still a thing
1120/ the only way out is through a river of German Academic blood, with intermittent splashes of beef drippings
1135/ the myth isn't that it took the American Civil War to get Malians to stop selling Bantus to white people for coin and corn, it's that they ever stopped at all
1138/ "We choose Truth Over Facts" was never a gaffe
1143/ They were all masturbating on that "election simulation" call, Jeffrey was just the odd man out using his genitals for it #MeToobin
1160/ The future of discourse is a thundering movement for reciprocity for 30 years of such bullshit

Performative impolite nationalism to safeguard liberalism will be our bulwark against Performative hyperpolite socialism to safeguard fascism
1166/ Humans are infrastructure, and warfare is centered around the destruction of infrastructure for a reason
1171/ The proliferation of "Latinx" is an admission that you're only allowed to be as Hispanic as upper-crust Germanized Wine Moms are comfortable with
1183/ just because you stopped Scott Alexander from writing doesn't mean he's stopped being right
1199/ 708 wasn't supposed to be mainstreamed this quickly
1207/ The recent exhuming of The West Wing intrigues me because it presents the neoliberal ideal of the Kept President and 90s continuum, but then the back three-fourths of its seasons that everyone cares about aired during Bush 43
1208/ FWIW I was only old enough to be trusted to stay up for Seinfeld for the time of my life that network TV mattered, and 180 episodes of that is a gold mine case study of how far New Yorkers will go to portray themselves as neurotypical and high-status
1231/ works for both the "Seelie Court" and "Funnel Cake Truck" definitions of Fair Folk, oddly enough
1260/ It's not the McCarthyism you should fear from a Democrat Machine presidency, but the McKinseyism Image
1272/ the money to be made may not all be in the bureaucracy and enforcement industries

the longer emergency orders are in place, the more YTD data can go toward the Holy Grail of NBC weapons
1273/ COVID-19 case surges following Red Tribe mass gatherings but not Blue Tribe ones, mapped against concurrent death counts by age cohort, prove little about whether the virus is Antiracist except that a SARS can't agonize broadly enough to be weaponized as such
1274/ the Holy Grail, thus, is going to be a likely artificial agent that agonizes to targeted haplotypes with a <3.5% crossover rate and a 48-96h lethality

better believe the list-makers in our midst want this to terminally separate the White Privileged from the White Allies
1302/ RECAP: Computer Programming is Witchcraft and anyone telling you to "Learn to Code" upon being laid off from an extractive/manufacturing job merely demands you subscribe to State-Sponsored Witchcraft
1313/ The 2040s configuration of the United States will be thirty Latverias taking turns bombing the highways in and out of five propagandized-as-post-labor finance hives
1314/ bonus points if we can set up Stonehenges at Fort Sumter and Alcatraz to laser down the planes of Credentialed Nobility Tourists coming in from abroad
1339/ Answer Key for 2021 Hiring Managers

APPLICANT SAYS: I'm a tenured Labor Theorist

APPLICANT MEANS: I've been theorizing for 15 years how nice it'd be to be scheduled full-time hours up front and be paid commensurate wages and benefits
1358/ the back of every @WaffleHouse check includes the message "You had a choice, and you chose us. Thank You!"

I find it no coincidence that neoliberalism selects for hosts incapable of willingly, let alone truthfully, saying any of those three things
1359/ for those of you watching from the Esoteric Right Conclave, yes, this is a comparable principle to the Witch Test but I'm unsure if it can be stretched into a true secular analogue thereof (at which point you've lost the point of the Witch Test being phrased as it is)
1406/ Downtown Miami at night is dazzling.

It's also 90% Big Finance/Big Endowment officeholds and heavily segregated from disadvantaged communities by rivers and overpasses. Great place to dump excess 737 MAX stock Image
1421/ short $BOFA before Inauguration Day

this isn't a Deez Nuts joke so much as a warning
1435/ 100% of the populace now embraces this position having clearly seen the rise of a religious government, and you are neither ready nor willing to partake in what replaces Peaceful Political Discourse in an ascendant theocracy
1441/ gonna be weird telling our grandkids that once upon a time the corporatist Left wanted to fight the Confederacy again so badly that they enacted a supralegal slaveholding regime with the sole consent of the bankers
1444/ welcome to becoming the Party of Incessant Reparations Demands

every R standing for a Congress seat from 2022 onward should promise $7k to every non-decedent TY2019-2020 filer in recompense for their vote being debased by the ballots of the dead
1445/ hell, give convicted felons who haven't paid to restore their voting rights $3500 considering the dead got to cut in front of them too
1472/ RECAP: Infantilizing is the whole fucking point
1473/ it would be no exaggeration to say the political history of the last century has been a concerted refutation of C. S. Lewis's quote on growing up; an endless thundering demand by the "grown-up class" to make "immature" outgroups affect their nervous tics
1490/ groping at the same energy as evangelicals starting to ask "wait, what if God's Plan™️ actually involves Middle America being subject to foreign occupation and bureaucratic slavery"
1491/ if SMT, Salvation War, Unsong, etc. teach one thing, it's that God is singularly concerned with being an absolute, ontological load-bearing hierarch and gives no shits how much blood is spilled to decide who's in positions 2 on down
1492/ this isn't even an Eschatological Fiction thing, everything between the Pentateuch and the New Testament is like this
1500/ If it feels like covers of Joy To The World got more play than usual on FM this year, recall that almost all of terrestrial radio is owned by two multinationals and they had something better to herald this year than the Christ Child
1517/ we will not see an ethnography of the Gamer/Player divide published within the next electoral cycle because such a work would be Albion's Seed II: Commercialist Boogaloo
1524/ "Get Woke, Go Broke" doesn't apply to conglomerates with Loss Leaders
1536/ good thing China isn't as high-strung about depictions of its classical history as of the Present Regime

would be a lot of work for DW/Bilibili if FGO CN had to make a Politically Compliant Reskin of LB3
1537/ then again, more EN players than you might expect would get a giggle out of cybermoth Joseph McCarthy presiding over a hyper-agrarian libertarian America and nuking anyone who learns to share under the pretense of "cleansing the infection of Hegelianism"
1538/ it'd really tweak [REDACTED]'s secret identity though

barring the discovery of some Really Spicy 1820s Love Letters, no moderately famous woman of that era would be All Up Ons to shack up with Cavalry Cyborg Sam Houston or whoever Xiang Yu got reskinned as
1539/ plus they'd have to be a vampire and that'd contradict the historical record: we didn't have those in the States until Mary Todd Lincoln
1552/ as we finally pack back in from December Jubilee (pensioner LARP + Christmas + New Year's) I finally get some time to resume my project of reading @slatestarcodex forwards (to avoid being bamboozled at the end by his exhortation to Read Philosophy Backwards)
1553/ this is a thing I started back around October after previously stumbling upon some of the more "red meat for the Right" articles on Twitter, so I've had time to chug all the way up to around July 2017 so far (incl. Unsong). Might revisit in digressions, I dunno
1554/ for now I'll say, and stop me if this wasn't exactly a new revelation, that Scott's self-insert in Unsong isn't Aaron

it was Uriel, and Moloch punted a nuke in his face
1555/ also getting a hunch from the psychopharmacology posts that just as man was not made for the categories, clozapine was made for some more perfect kind of schizophrenic than can emerge from man
1577/ Controlled Opposition Status: Cashed Out
1578/ for those of you playing the home game, your signal to drop the Proud Boys was when they adopted "Stand Back, Stand By" as a slogan

your signal to drop the police was when they adopted the same as an operational doctrine three months earlier
1600/ RECAP: Age of Extinction remains the best and most prophetic Bayformers film
1608/ OK, maybe all isn't lost in the wake of TWITGOV fingering Bennett's Demilich
1609/ the AuthRight/AuthCent case for ACAB stems from the police being irrevocably compromised due to Peerage-Induced Mission Drift. Having conflated Niceness with Justice, they enforce the former at expense of the latter
1610/ At its most harmful, this brings us Civil Forfeiture, No-Knock Warrants, etc. that shreds 4A-8A for the non-celebrity class

At its least, it still brings us George Floyd, etc. - not racist, but violently enforcing the norm of "don't have heroin shakes on the street"
1619/ the great turpitude of Slave Ship Earth is that we will be borne to no foreign shores whatsoever
1632/ This is a consequence of the leash lengthening, not shortening
1638/ 1991-2021 encompasses uhhhh

16 years of Democratic executive (2x8 years)
14 years of Republican executive (1x8, 1x4, trailing Bush 41 years)

Steve Forbes could've averted all this if he committed during the GOP primaries in '96
1643/ They have to be *something* and they aren't terribly good socialists
1655/ Gonna call this one as "implausible," chief

but do expect the Parler griftosphere to be abuzz with Don Jr. and Eric bundling for a Hawley-Haley unity ticket and giving Javanka 10% off the top to stay within the box marked "ISRAEL POLICY"
1670/ If your conception of the righteousness of God is wholly defined by "is my outgroup condemned to bondage?"

Either you are right
or you are not

Both should be equally terrifying.
1691/ you're about eight years behind the curve, chief

the supposedly "centralized" hegemons already have it all actualized. Good luck simultaneously seizing/bombing 30 Google data centers just in the contiguous US
1702/ Habeas Corpus? No.

4A, 6A, 8A? Definitely, probably a weak 14A argument too if you can prove a distinct ethnic cleave (and you can with at least secondhand knowledge of Albion's Seed)
1710/ Confession: I've been about the same way since 2018 since the Shin Megami Tensei/Persona business model shifted from "one absolute banger every 18 months" to "bold of Sakura Wars to call itself the king of Idle Sega IPs"
1713/ this is The Quiet Part Out Loud
1727/ rapidly becoming amenable to the quantum bifurcation that Uriel wrought in Unsong just to not have to put up with the Israel/Palestine thing

superpositional Country-Dadrock America and Pseudo-Britain America in two planes on one geography
1728/ run the necessary supercollider coils along the Mason-Dixon Line, call it Albion's Sieve
1737/ Corollary: whichever party they belong to can't field a candidate for that district/Senate seat's special election. Force a Libertarian/Green/Constitution Parties conservatorship till 2026
1750/ Having the dunkee imbued with Right Thought isn't the point

the point is having somewhere to warehouse the dunkee that isn't the prison system or a mass grave, to affirm the dunker's commitment to Compassion and Tolerance™️
1767/ The problem is actually the banality of the converse

no one on the Corporate Left is going to have Jesus come to them as a consequence of these
1768/ this is, of course, second-order axiomatics of "The Right Memes to Truth, the Left to Power"

the Right floods the zone with logical evidence demanding the Left convert themselves, the Left with moral axioms demanding the Right kill themselves
1775/ In about two weeks the question will become "Can we drop a Hellfire missile on the head of that pin without agitating Those Who Are Next"
1787: the eventual retirement or on-air incapacitation of @RealRLimbaugh will be several orders of magnitude more damaging to paleoconservatism than anything smuggled into the maw of corporatism by Javanka. We're talking "passing of Charlemagne" hierarchical collapse (1/n)
1788/ (2/n) Mark Steyn is the EIB Network's first choice of fill-in host. "Smug Vaguely British Fuck" is the absolute last dialect talk radio consumers want to hear about conservatism from
1789/ (3/n) Todd Herman and Ken Matthews are well-read, good with callers, and articulate without leaning too hard into phenotypically Harvardian "lecture" timbre. They are also impossible to discern from each other, which is more of a Morning Joke Show gimmick
1790/ Sean Hannity has incredible work ethic doing three hours of radio and one of TV every evening. He cheats by wasting the first third of each program re-litigating the prior six months of current events
1791/ (5/n) Ben Shapiro is Controlled Opposition and we'll never get tired of pointing this out
1792/ (6/n) Mark Levin is an ardent proponent of classical liberalism and quick to elucidate the flaws of any given technocratic vision. He's also the receptacle of Sheldon Adelson's remaining life force, for more ill than good
1793/ (7/n) finally, as far as my knowledge of the FM dial goes, there's Buck Sexton. Airs too late for Eastern/Central Time to be much familiar with him, too proud of his Former CIA credentials to be trusted with more than a Bulwark byline
1794/ (8/n) Oh that's cute, you read to the end of this expecting a moral

There is no moral. Hyperefficiency has routed around morals. Only power matters, and in radio it's held by two colossal music rightsholders and whoever underwrites SiriusXM (probably both in joint)
1795/ (9/9) There will be no rush to reimagine a voice for conservatism after Rush because such would be an inefficiency to be routed around (dressed as it were in whatever spectres of White Trashness are needed to devote police power to suppressing it)

Puritans: "These should be Google, Apple, and Disney"
Cavaliers: "These should be Walmart, Monsanto, and ExxonMobil"
Borderers: "These should be reined in but the Cavaliers tell me that that's doing a communism"
1819/ I've spoken before about American urban planning being entirely discordant wrt leylines, but don't underestimate the power of ALL👏CAPS👏CHANT👏TWEETING to permeate the swing counties and townships
1822/ usually when you hear demands to dismantle White Blood Cell Privilege, they come from school boards demanding like 25 preschool vaccinations
1848/ mid-thread snapshot of Late Tsarist/Early Soviet thought and Unintentional Based Blockquoting. More convinced by the day that @LoFiRepublican is right about "right-wing socialism" being the goal
1849/ Related-ish: ain't it weird how all of the Anglosphere's good poems were written without the presence of state-appointed Poet Laureates
1857/ Every progressive at their core desires coercive power over the Insufficiently Enlightened for its own sake, rather than for the sake of a state or even for profit

the only true ACAB is an Uncle Ted ACAB

may as well classify Law & Order as a cartoon too for contributing to the "the evil is defeated within 1 hour" ethos
Tired: Hope and Change
Wired: Change for Those Forbidden to Hope
1872/ The photo for today's @AP "On This Day" feature in my paper is the USA For Africa recording

45-ish, mostly white, boomer vassals of record companies proclaiming "We Are The World" ostensibly to benefit native populations of color

This Is A Metaphor For Something
"The Best People Ever:" sympathetic, charismatic, easily merchandized
"The Only Good People Ever:" the sons of bitches you have to actually watch out for
1896/ Here's why NA will never get the PSO2 x FF14 collabs
1903/ The greatest lie Q ever told was that we wouldn't have to save ourselves
1912/ This problem isn't confined to the players

too many DMs see this as the purpose of RP, given both roles draw from the same pool

I'm not above the thirst for validation myself; this is why all my PCs and DMPCs decay into Spider Jerusalem-types
1913/ call this a result of video games catering to an audience of one or of a generation of Chosen One-ist fiction descended from Eragon or what have you

one undeniable thing is it's almost uniquely endemic to postwar-to-foreverwar liberal authorship
1914/ up until probably the heyday of Jack Kerouac, when an author of myth deigned to address the audience, 90% of the time it was to spit hot fire. Homer, Shakespeare, Twain were allegories for Some Unaddressed Shit

this tradition died when no one heeded Roald Dahl
1927/ in case you're wondering why we've been making more Marxist friends lately
1928/ much like the Science/Scientism divide, don't confuse this for the Exiled-From-Capital populace getting chummy with their jailers. You want the people going "the system is top-heavy and moribund", not "the system is all-inclusive unless You Do A Racism"
1947/ dunno if "Less Frankists, More Franks" is the slogan NRx wants to roll with, but it's better than what they got
1953/ I give it 75% confidence that when he passes, right-wingers will be <50% as vocal as they were when pushing back at haters on Rush's passing
1954/ this should be taken as a judgment of Bob Dole's utter lack of influence (even within Reaganite conservatism) since the 1990s, not the judgment on his humanity that the progs will be doing
1955/ weighing the value of imposing a code of omerta on terminal diagnoses among the right

the slow grind of time (dba "History") is progressives' second-favorite murder weapon, after driving you to suicide with cancellation and opioids
1971/ Fabulist Hypothesis: Rush died because Nintendo couldn't kill Etika for the Pyra/Mythra reveal
1977/ pre-ch8 Pyra/Mythra are low-key the ideal goth gf

if you cannot accept them as Rex did, let alone if you reject them out of hand because anime booba, then all you really gave a shit about to begin with was the Antichristian aesthetic
1981/ 70% confidence that a decedent Rush Limbaugh ballot is cast in the 2022 elections on a straight Dem ticket. It won't actually flip Palm Beach County, but it'll be exactly the show of force we expect
1988/ This mistake is being made on purpose, as a tacit acknowledgement of the limits of the speaker's powers as a cop. Destroying a System takes a lot more coordination than destroying a Human
2000/ Shower Thoughts: this is a thing that could work for purpose-targeted aid like child care credits, but it's absolutely counterproductive for a minimum wage hike. Assume anyone obligated to pay it will do their damnedest to avoid it
2001/ Fight For $15 is the wrong conversation to have; we need to go with $400/week UBI and a $5/hr minimum for any business with more than 500 employees or contractors
2002/ Just as Obamacare's "provide benefits to 40hr workers" decree didn't solve people getting cut to 32hr pay periods with 7+ day continuous work week stretches and no health insurance, a flat $15/hr decree won't stop dubious deductions & more underemployment
2003/ either McDonald's humanizes its employees by being disincentivized from playing schedule voodoo thanks to hires already getting $10x40 a week for doing nothing, or we nationalize the McNugget. These terms are non-negotiable
2012/ They're getting dudes that by all rights they ought to have got a long time ago

They're getting dudes that should've looked too adjacent to the CorpLeft to be got

honestly my plans in the event of being thrown out of bird site are up in the air
2013/ in theory it frees up a lot more time for MMOs

but in practice my constant swerves into horny likes are An Obligation For Elsewhere

I wouldn't call it 50/50 though, as my naive keeping of Toku Twitter mutuals protects me to a degree
2017/ too many Americans are convinced by their overconsumption of American media that that's the whole extent of America. A mindset of "the six biggest Cavalier slaving rings, plus a couple billion square miles of Occupied Territory"
2021/ this is a funny thing to fixate on when what they actually want to suppress are the residents speaking about being made noncitizens
2025/ Capital Bargaining with Capital
2033/ oh they were built, all right

but the gods we venerate in them bring ruin, and our ancestors are mad we kept doing it knowing full well that was the fucking point
2041/ is it just me, or did this first really uptick around the early-mid 90s alongside a mass media ethos of "we have evolved beyond the need for manual labor"
2042/ of course, we hadn't actually evolved as Y2K ticked past, so we adopted "Jobs Americans Won't Do" and "Manual Labor is what Racist Rubes do" as memes to paper over technocracy's lack of immanence
2043/ the take in Dave's thread dovetails perfectly with Scott on Fussell on Class: if you don't plug at corporate labor, you either have nothing, or you have nothing to prove

many slaves to Cavalierism want to project the latter, try too hard and miss the point!
2062/ a vast underestimation of the number of people around here who are less "born" and more "made" (and continually remade) in the image of their last five years of mass media consumption
2063/ I can nevertheless go one better on the original point

somehow I have a birth certificate from my hospital, but it's not good enough for any state function asking for my birth certificate b/c it's not a state document, but a valid passport is a viable substitute so ???
2071/ the lumpen have been taught by a decade of superhero film marketing that a classy panorama of those who pass judgment is a precursor for delivering justice
2072/ previous drafts of the above started with the snark "It's called Stated vs. Revealed Preferences" but I struck it after realizing it's just plain ol' Pavlov
2073/ then again I guess you could go with the frame of "Stated Precariat Preferences vs. Revealed Bourgeois Preferences" at which point you're just back at the materialist take of fulfilling the latter requiring the least personally accountable labor/spending of class treasure
2090/ "Counterculture" is the veneer capital puts on "Abandon Your Parents Culture" and the former are a lot easier to monetize solely for the young Cavalier-vassal striver crowd than the latter
2101/ Meme Wanted: @emeriticus and/or @JackPosobiec broadcasting an "All Your Base Are Belong To Us" message to an erupting-in-flames Cato Institute
2112/ The only thing stopping Arlington from finally displacing Davos as the de jure elite power-broker capitol of the world is the massive downgrade from the Alps to Busch Gardens
2136/ If you ever start thinking you were meant to build wealth with the stimulus, remember that FEDGOV gave you $3200 to cover 12 months' expenses/lost wages and all the fun index funds require a $2500 buy-in on the day
2144/ They are the guests of the Cavaliers and they should be housed as such: mini-thread
2156/ Mark Levin calls the Democrats "The world's oldest political party" for almost exactly the same reasons, or should, much as you ought
2172/ "but I *totally* would've been an abolitionist in the 1830s"
2186/ No one stumbled into this one blind

ACAB isn't a denouncement so much as a proclamation of total mobilization of cops and cop-minded civilians for class warfare
2187/ the class war is itself total, or would be if every aggressor up to and including the US Armed Forces weren't already sure that something encompassing the zeitgeist but not including themselves would do the killing in their place
2199/ What's the Brittannic equivalent of "pray toward Yellowstone"

we might have a more potent liturgy on our hands here
2206/ "as long as my parasocial relationship with the regime affirms that I'm high-class, it doesn't matter whether or not I'm a slave to it"
2222/ I mean my beef with savings accounts has always been "Mom demands I start putting money into one every spring, then five weeks in asks me for a Mother's Day gift costing 10 weeks' worth" but the intrinsic shitty ROI is a good warning too
2223/ contra Einstein, compound interest isn't the greatest force in the universe

compound interest in the compounding of interest, on the other hand
2233/ the tragedy, of course, is that Satan was both usurped in that role and beaten to that apotheosis by Whiteness
2247/ still looking for the radio button that says "actually completely blanking out the second verse of Money For Nothing is Gay Erasure. You fool. You absolute buffoon"
2256/ When journalism elevates Bob Woodward to God, take a wild guess what kind of behavior is held as close to godliness
2278/ mayhap I should return to my shelved-due-to-Discord-migration project of making a Shin Megami Tensei TTRPG setting where the villains are all themed around Imagined Systemic Evils and the Whites who give them forms, names, and domains
2279/ might be contractually obligated to write a PSO2 expansion splat on account of Episode 4 doing the "rich diaspora megalomaniac makes people's fears real with the Internet" thing

Esca Falz are basically White monsters dreamt up by White people beyond good sense, right?
2280/ yes, all capitalization of White is for the exact opposite reason that the Associated Press selectively does it
2292/ Corporate Speech Recognition Assistant, what is the West Virginia coal vein equivalent to "Pray Toward Yellowstone"
2303/ the guy who fabricated the Waco postmortem runs ATF now, so it's probably not suicide per se you should worry about
2329/ lot of people in the replies on both sides proclaiming they feel seen

lot of people convinced that their personal fortunes are enriched by the continued existence of Arlington, VA. Pitiful
2334/ the Blue House is just two or three CIA station chiefs in a trenchcoat; they admitted as much in 2015 or so
2352/ the funniest shit about all of this is that two-thirds of GamerGate defected to BlueAnon by around Christmas 2015. It's all Post-Trumpatic Sociality Disorder fumbling for new justifications
2380/ second time in a week this quote has been cycling through Twitter, and for better reason than either signal boosting tumblr/ifanimaltrapped or Foone automating the memes

see also 1670 for the energy this calls down
2381/ whoops, actually pertinent snippet here
2402/ drove past a car at lunch with "F &PD" (& = first initial of town) chalked onto its rear windows

What level of Young Adult Resistance Fiction Consoomer must you be on to denounce your town police but not also county cops and state Highway Patrol
2403/ while this is perfectly falsifiable with the case of "actually arrested a couple times by town PD with no meaningful LEO interactions with other jurisdictions," by that point you're expressing your vendetta via vinyl decal/bumper sticker instead
2414/ this already exists in the form of that "yellow equals sign on navy blue field" car decal square
2456/ have been going off in un-numbered tweets about the global economy being optimized for the extraction of Rentium. I present to you a non-sarcastic Exhibit A
2457/ Rentium (n.; vis-a-vis "Hedonium" and "Computronium"): An arbitrary rhetorical aggregate of effective value removed from a person's labor through monetary or other costs paid solely to access land for labor provision, subsistence goods, or services
2458/ Picture 2 in 2456-QT is probably better understood with a purple "Government" sphere north of the existing diagram, extracting rents from Employer/Insurer labeled "Bureaucratic Compliance" and from Patient/Doctor labeled "Carceral Threat" while providing nothing to anyone
2459/ yes, I will be on this shit for the remainder of the fiscal quarter…
2480/ "Anticapitalism" should not be read as "in opposition to capitalism"; rather, in the tradition of "Afro-"/"Anglo-"/etc. prefixes, it is the capitalism practiced by the Anti peoples
2481/ ironically while this principle holds for every "Anti-" cause phrased to sound like a liberal concern (Anticolonialism, Antiracism, et al), it doesn't hold for a supposed "Anticomedy." That is sermonizing licensed as comedy through the magic of large-scale Rentium transfer
2482/ I'll refrain from reposting the "anatomy of a John Oliver bit" post here because TPTB will just make up a new guy to command the nation to be mad at in like two weeks, and it will resurface of its own will and need then
2483/ On a related note, Anticomedy is our problem as much as it is the Antis' solution.

Do not glorify what they have captured, for in so doing you glorify the seizure and captivity
2505/ you'll probably be shocked to hear that no one gives a damn about sustaining a nation on renewable power. It's all about having your class interest cake and eating totalized Rentium too
2541/ Magic seems insufficiently esoteric for this job

I would simply burn though a 50-card Gundam M.S.War deck and divine your fate from which Mobile Suits and Events I can put on the board
2622/ the spread on this being characterized in the next decade as "Antieugenics" (following the prefix rules outlined in 2480) and fluffed as a reaction to a crash patriarchal breeding program is about 7:1
2650/ "Anticolonialism" is better understood as "the colonialism to install Anti folkway supremacists" rather than "criticism of colonialism" because mostly they're mad someone else got to "civilize" the indigenous populations first
2651/ this goes for both the moralist "educate and train them to the European courtly/financial standard" and the cynical "wage mostly total war and disregard existing social compacts" definitions of "civilize"
2652/ this also explains why the present project of Anticolonialists is the incessant calling-out by Cavaliers of either Puritans or Borderers who never actually amassed Old Money through the colonial machine: if they aren't the tamers, they exist to be tamed
2700/ "Materialist" critique is useless because it's all aesthetic or (particularly among Antis) Romantic Milieu Ideation bullshit: Stuff can only be enjoyed once Outgroup doesn't exist to erode your time preference to do so
2701/ if this sounds a lot like the failure state of Malthusianism, that's because Malthusianism and its thousand window dressings don't regard it as a failure state

The eliminationism is always the point. There will be a way for it to be a point even under FALGSC
2732/ the danger of our time is that the last viable escape hatch from materialism is an appeal to The Platonic Ideal Of Authority
2733/ Good News! You live in a REAL Shin Megami Tensei game

Bad News! You don't get to kill YHVH

Worse News! Your survival is probably predicated on saving YHVH from a godhead that is even more explicitly a primal force of Copness
2756/ this ongoing kerfluffle roundly demonstrates that "stan" is the preferred ingroup signifier of the Antis

no matter which performer it is specifically, to "stan" is to aspire to buy that much SEO priority (y'know, under Anticapitalism)
2757/ more pertinent retweet here, but more importantly, a demonstration of the Anti tenet of obscurity-as-hamartiology

to declare someone "ended" is to proclaim "you'll never be as big as I will be (having become that big from being a virtuous person)"
2758/ And yes, there's a direct line from this to the war the normies have to fight against "cancel culture" now
2804/ the Anti faith has no holy books because its catechisms are all derived from country club consensus and the kind of clannish "understandings" they ban the Borderers from forming in the illegible parts of the law
2805/ their vulgar texts, however, can be incredibly illuminating if you're reading them for the wrong prescriptive reasons

"Rush Limbaugh is a Big Fat Idiot" taught me more about Anti hatred for parallel patronage systems than about the 1992-94 cycle
2806/ generally the pissant Anti white boys give away the most of the game when you read them because they have the highest parasite load - they have to resolve or mask the most class contradictions to be seen running the game and gain approval for it
2820/ No man of Anti born can disprove 2206

no, this isn't an anti-natalist joke
2856/ I swear this exact same premise was used for some other gritty reboot project a few years back but it wasn't so transparently a claim of Anti ownership

definitely a western thing, but not one being industry-meta aside from that plot point
2907/ the rise of Stan culture and K-pop more broadly likely feels more like a psyop because it hasn't been laundered through accessibility. I can't find some iHeartRadio station on FM playing Rain or BTS, it's always a trip into the Zerg den
2919/ found the answer to 2806

it was the Expanded Bayformers Canon explaining Sunbow Transformers as an in-universe explainer for appearances of the bots prior to TF2007

(as of 07's release; remember that Bumblebee is its own deal)
2920/ above clarification should be pointed to 2856

idea for an edit button: you only get to make your edit vary by 10 characters (adds/deletes/changes)
3000/ Gambling is classically treated as a vice half because the money involved flows toward illegibility (organized crime, foreign accounts) and half because the gambler tacitly admits "I've run out of agentic methods to better myself"
3001/ as more kids take up gacha gaming and more municipalities legalize sports betting, ask yourself if maybe we've gone wrong somewhere by not treating that latter admission with greater weight when it comes from despondency instead of vainglory
3017/ In fiction: Antis love kings, queens, hereditary state power. As a narrative vehicle, they seem to tolerate evil viziers.

In reality: the only government Antis find moral is an ever-invasive vizierhood, and even then only if Their Guys run it
3018/ this is something we generally blew past a while ago: cries of "they're dragging us towards communism" or "they're taking us back to feudalism" are useless b/c they impute too much thought into a fundamentally tribal will to power
3019/ might have to coin "sociognomy" to herd together the various metatribal studies of how people develop affinity for/organize for the supremacy of collectives who "look like" their present social milieus and their ideal upward trajectories
3034/ the Antis haven't rejected the Imago Dei as postulated here; only synthesized it with the Hermetic praxis upthread of The State-as-God In Materium

Godliness is a function of having the right genes/sufficient HRT to look like the slavemaster milieu
3042/ think Lay's may have tipped their hand as to the nature of their commitment to Antiracism

Adobadas chips are being sold at Kroger in the same season Nashville Hot chips are sold at Dollar General

they dare not admit there's a universal "just paprika my shit up" user base
3066/ this has already been panned by every legal head outside the 9th Circuit, but even if true, what good would it do

you'd just have a palette swap of 2014-16 Obama, maybe also a stipulation that Harris sticks around as VP
3067/ 3.5 more years of Jared Kushner running the show as opposed to 4 (or God forbid, 7.5 if there's a found eligibility for a third run) is still [any nonzero] years too many
3088/ if you're still somehow convinced we're not owned, please bear in mind we're edging closer to a military action where PLA assets will be hit with ordnance bearing GFL or Genshin stencils
3113/ it's almost like when you devote your every catechism and an entire dogma enforcement state to condemning Whiteness, you actually prop it up as a godhead

see also @politicalmath on this

3114/ As a bonus, he's also right about why gamers don't want Current Year-ism in their games
3165/ yeah this tracks

it started off innocuous, got misinterpreted as something exotic and fantastical, then all-at-once gained those traits AND the power to smite you instantly, and you have to face it alone
3188/ A "free press" is when all of NASDAQ is your editor instead of just one guy
3157/ they call this one the Conde Nast
3184/ this is a proof of the Lizardman's Constant, just not the one about poll trolling defined by Scott
3223/ this is why we're all tired of the BlueAnon catechism and why there's a whole industry out there to trick it into self-owns
3280/ for a misfire, this turned out to be one of the best groks of my theory of the emerging Anti folkway yet
3317/ REMINDER: creating a pervasive liturgical machine to denounce Whiteness as the currency of social grace is functionally identical to worshipping Whiteness

You Weren't Meant To Learn why God demands "no strange gods" long before "no murder"
3318/ I hope Altus has been taking notes ever since Shin Megami Tensei IV

big missed opportunity from the ~30 minutes they had White People From Outside show up and demand you unmake the world in their image Image
3397/ it's not that they can't buy people's complacency with the regime

it's that they'd rather get it in rent and tribute instead of public works
3416/ The Venn Diagram of "public school staff" and "instructors of your kids" is rapidly approaching two circles. Homeschooling is a good vaccine but you'll also need a prophylactic
3446/ I fault the number of people in the world whose higher purpose is "yelling at people and it produces immediate and perfectly affirming material change, forever"
3447/ but enough about Super Smash Bros. Newcomer Prognosticators
3480/ Idea for an Antihero Quip: Bayformers Optimus Prime holds a UN Peacekeeper at gunpoint, says "You, who were without ethnicity, now beg for it? I thought you were made of sterner stuff."
3517/ very bold of the Anti culture board to backstab Miranda for these reasons when the most memorable thing about In The Heights for people who only heard the radio spot is "We are not powerless! WE ARE POWER-FUL!" shouted with a German lilt
3609/ finally got around to reading Spandrell on Bioleninism

Fellas let me tell you, it ain't the "Leninism" part we should be worried about
3610/ As long as there are two people on the planet, someone is going to want maximal hierarchical advantage over someone else with minimal (optimally zero) exertion of labor

even if they were phenotypically identical, the status chaser will call the other guy a Cagot
3611/ Vizierdom is not quite the Eternal Enemy, but it's nearly as long-lived

it predates BlueAnon, predates the Triangle Trade, predates the Goths and Hordes, was quite possibly a thing the first despots of Sumer and Africa had to guard against
3612/ I don't think it maps 1:1 to Class Envy, but it will surely persist in human civilization as long as that does too

definitely a few generations into FALGSC as well, scaling quadratically with civilized distance from "old money" Earth
3613/ and that's just the macro

imagine how shitty things will be at street-level
3658/ Poland and Hungary wouldn't be on here before 2016, mark my words
3659/ if you want to go full realpolitik we can also strike the middle 80% of the US and every Canadian province outside Ontario and BritColm

but you're not ready to have a conversation that doesn't affirm your Fuck You Dad Vizierism
3711/ the "Crash for Smash" crowd is uniquely insufferable because their parasocial relationship with Naughty Dog checks every box of left-Vizierism
3712/ "this corporation stopped delivering what I want for illegible reasons and vast sums of money, and it cannot be trusted to resume making what I want until it is bent to the Local Zeitgeist"

"so it is with all of the corps"
3774/ Venn Diagram of Cancellation fans and Iaijutsu fans is a Mastercard logo. Weird since they're both rooted in the privilege of cutting down peasants for insulting you, as long as you succeed in a single stroke instead of inviting right of reprisal
3775/ possible link to @chaosprime's recent rumination on the intended signaling value of Turning The Other Cheek

"If you were actually man enough to get me got in one blow, we wouldn't be having this conversation"
3823/ oh hey, I have an answer to 3184

oddly it's the exact same as the answer to the broader question of American societal ills: "Incinerate the Commonwealth of Virginia"
3824/ editorial note: can't believe I carried on the thread so long and only repeated one hundreds block twice (3184 comes from the second wave of 3100-numbered tweets)
3825/ General Reminder: poasts in this thread are numbered non-contiguously to reserve room for the schizothreads of the fallen

except for the twin 3100s blocks

from the margins of one, and only one, the COMBINED ARMS MICRO TEAMS will emerge when needed
3974/ finally, a good shorthand for the Anti sentiment of "if only these filthy declasse rubes didn't have the audacity to exist in my general direction, we could live as the Holiest of Holies"
3975/ keep in mind that Terramasochists don't worship aliens per se

the idea of a (More) Perfectly Managed Extrahuman Society is just a convenient pop euphemism for the forces they wish they could bargain themselves into being slaves to
4044/ THREAD: the trouble with Cavaliers isn't the inequality generated from their success at sortition, but every failure to self-sort becoming an OP GLADIO cell
4089/ a technocracy whose core pursuit is not "new and better technology", but instead "more paternal and socially reducible applications of existing technology" ain't it for me, chief
4122/ much has been said about whether or not someone's beliefs have been "reasoned into" and how that relates to whether you can talk them out of the ones that aren't socially cohesive

usually this is a binary of "grew up with unreasoned dogma" vs. "studied dogma"
4123/ I want to know if a Third Alternative is out there at scale - a class of "felt into" beliefs adopted in a short, recent time frame but not with the usual confounders of active research or social markers

I fear the long lead time on root-level dogmas has been Worked Around
4124/ tl;dr: a buddy of mine veered away from Q and into basic-bitch antisemitism; I have arguments for why it's cringe that are a lot more robust than "because the TV says it's cringe", and no confidence that they'll actually land despite this flirtation being ~6 months young
4125/ I do not have time for casual racism in my ingroup

we compete on weekly leaderboards
4177/ the Borderer flirtation with Marxism is hilarious because its core is built on an impossible equilibrium not dissimilar from normal Marxism

they want a vanguard hard enough to plunder the Acela Corridor but too soft to make their own crony enclave
4178/ if you want to impose a dictatorship, just impose a dictatorship

the Cavaliers found about a 47% constituency for it in 2016 despite running the endemically untrustworthy Hillary

imagine your numbers if you ran on making the uniparty apparatus merely more legible
4179/ the Quakers did not memetically die off, and that's where you get the present Slave Constituency from

some 55-60% of 2nd+ generation Americans will blindly follow orders from the TV to be seen as morally baseline

one party denies this, another gooses it
Tired: Political alignments are being adopted as religions

Wired: Political alignments are being adopted as genders
4331/ too many people see TV Tropes as a menu when they ought to see it as a periodic table

Deconstructions, inversions, and genre-awareness should be consigned to the Actinoids/Superactinoids for their utter lack of timelessness
4444/ you don't have to cut down every law to get at the devil, but it'll look that way from the sheer number of liability lawyers that have to perish
4487/ to get a Gamer president, you need Gamer election staff
which requires Gamer school board members
which means Gamer infiltration of public sector unions
which means Gamer-funded NGOs...
4488/ if you want to overthrow an institution, eventually you find yourself needing to raise an army (but also being obsequiously implicit about raising an army)
4929/ the scramble to keep mass gatherings closed through April or May might have been an ass-backwards approach: A Hopefully Nonpartisan Thread on vaccine accessibility
4930/ killer quote contender

on one hand, events without vaccines as a center run the risk of superspreading

but on the other, vaccine outreach has been hampered by endless propaganda of it being The Event that plugs you (back) into Good Social Standing
4975/ you can write a lot of damn history with eight digits per annum of loss leaders, tax writeoffs, and public-private subsidies
5003/ USAopoly and its consequences have been a disaster for socializing
5020/ so what you're saying is, the weeaboos are gonna need the Ouiaboos' horny computer tokusatsu powers to establish their nation
5021/ Code Lyoko did a postscript novel endgame of "what if a replica Supercomputer could fabricate nukes in VR and endlessly materialize them" but it might actually be more terrifying to plunk a fully-formed culture down on the real world from Somewhere Not Real
5022/ this is, of course, the Virginian End-of-History faith's view of anything it does not Own (anime, video games, uncredentialed or miscredentialed artistic traditions, worship of not-the-state)
5079/ still boggles my mind that there are people out here writing consensus-enforcing boomer meme Anglofash bots, presumably for free or cheap, when a 501(c)3 can just call Jack and have a Featured Tweet for 12 hours and <30k organic engagements
5092/ whether 'tis nobler on the feed to bear the QTs and Ratios of outrageous cringe, or to take up arms against a sea of fedposts, and by engaging, end them

5173/ Mark Levin doesn't call them "the World's Oldest Political Party" just because of their continuous incorporation since 1797 (or at least I hope he knows it cuts deeper than that)
5205/ they're burgers shot through with holes, anchors of 60s nostalgia culture, and they fastidiously avoid the South

I don't see how this was an error
5270/ a lot of people wondering how the philosemitic and antisemitic tents are holding a lot of each other's populations. Turns out they both want Israel to mean something more than "the latest spectre of Yokelism for Virginia to stamp out"
5381/ the most dangerous Type Of Guy in politics tends to be the Guy that emerges when an entire international order is laser-focused on preventing another of the last Extremely Dangerous Guy from emerging
5382/ is the half-life of Guy Generation shortening

90 years of anti-Napoleonism begat Hitler
35 years of anti-Reaganism begat Trump
the next Extremely Dangerous Guy is on track to appear around 2040
how much banal damage to the public will be done in the meantime
5548/ It took 77 years because the object wasn't to make a democracy, but a Liberalized Processed Country Product

South Korea's purpose is to be the Oriental Culture of Choice for people who hate war crimes, anime, and shamisen riffs

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