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Fresno City Council June 25, 2020! Among the items are possible more budget motions as well as votes on them; Allow Concealed Weapons into City Hall by Mayor and Councilmembers; 9 AM Recognition & Appreciation of Police Department Ceremony;Solar projects for both Bus stops and
Sewer Treatment facilities;
travel By Trail, Fresno!;Hiring freeze; Vehicle Miles Traveled Thresholds pursuant to Senate Bill 743. Watch on cmac.tv/gov/ @CMACTV #Fresno
1-D *BILL (For introduction) -  Fresno Municipal Code, relating to Franchise Tow Agreements.(List of Exceptions)

1-D RESOLUTION - Authorizing submission of funding requests to the Low Carbon Transit Operations Program for bus service operating support,
installation of solar lighting at bus stops, and the planning and design of accessibility improvements to ADA bus stops, execution of grant award documents if awarded, and execution of related Certifications and Assurances and Authorized Agent Forms.
1-F **Reject all bids for the Tulare Street and Q Street Traffic Signal Improvements. This would have replaced the unsignalized crosswalk (that many City of Fresno staff use) and replace it with a much needed signalized one)
1-H *Approving the Final Map of Tract  - west side of North Armstrong Avenue between East Shields Avenue and East Clinton Avenue (Council District 4
1-I Approve an agreement for Professional Engineering Services with Toole Design Group for $100,691 with a $10,000 contingency for the preparation of the Travel by Trail, Fresno! Trail Network Wayfinding Plan
1-P Actions pertaining to solar and energy storage projects proposed at the Fresno-Clovis Regional Wastewater Reclamation Facility, Northeast Surface Water Treatment Plant, and Southeast Surface Water Treatment Plant
Actions pertaining to the Fresno Fire Department's Firefighting Turnouts 1. Award a 3-year sole source contract, not to exceed $566,900 to LN Curtis for the purchase of Globe firefighting turnouts (sample of what a Turnout is in photo)
1-S Approve the reappointment of Stacy A. Vaillancourt to the Housing Authority Board.

1-T Agreement Entered Between the City of Fresno and the Central California Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals in the Amount of $5,345,000 for a One-Year Term Beginning July 1,
1-U *Limiting the filling of positions, raises, and promotions
1-W Approve the appointment of Marty Plenert to the Friends of Fancher Creek Board.
!-Z Amending Section 9-2601 of the Fresno Municipal Code related to use and possession of weapons:  City of Fresno Charter Officials with a Carry Concealed Weapon (CCW) permit.]Sponsored by  Councilmember Karbassi @kmkarbassi
Meeting begins at 9:07. Council is meeting in person but are surrounded by plexiglass. Chambers are much brighter due to remodeling!! Upholstery will be sealed to clean sanitize as well. Miguel Arias reads the names of these essential workers. Chavez and Caprioglio are zooming
in for the meeting. (@Esmeralda_Soria and @D7Esparza are only one of the five councilmembers wearing masks.Arias asks councilmembers to wear masks if they are walking behind the plexiglass.
Council will take public comments on Budget motions and vote at 1:30 pm. Consent Calendar changes:
1-A continued to July meeting. 1-U removed from agenda 1-Z ALERT: Concealed Weapon has been removed by Karbassi
Moved to Consent Agenda 4-B *RESOLUTION - Not to support any further annexation into the City unless and until a fair tax sharing agreement is in place.
10 AM has been continued until another meeting (July 16) to allow more info for Soria she had requested. 9:30 # 3 continued as well.
Ceremonial Presentation
Proclamation "In Recognition & Appreciation of the Fresno Police Department"
sponsored by Councilmember Bredefeld, Councilmember Karbassi and Councilmember Chavez Karbassi asks other councilmembers to come down in solidarity with social distancing.
Bredefeld knows” PD have a difficult job as well as the power. They protect us and he would never want to do the job himself. They are the line of defense. We can’t have mob rules as we have seen around the country.”
Karbassi” PD have done a good job allowing people to exercise their first amendment as well as protecting neighborhoods” Soria: thanks PD for being open to possible good change to Police Department and part of Chief Hall’s legacy. “
Chief Hall “ this is a difficult time. All departments can change. Fresno is one of few large cities not to have civil unrest. Our PD is different than other PD in our nation. Come and speak to our officers and see the good in their heart” FPOA Rep: “officers can’t always take
Social distancing precautions like seen here today at city council” (Arias and Esparza remain at dais and make no comments.) Proclamation given to PD.
Arias thanks Chief Hall and Sargent Hall as well as all the rank and file offices. Council Comments portion: Chavez thanks those that helped provide free food.Soria: Central Valley Unified comments by Supervisor. Glad to see those kind of comments are being countered. Time for
People to learn about our city’s history and racism. Thanks young who stepped up. Budget: Monkey Survey showed 1000 residents gave feedback. This helped guide her budget motions. New motion: (Zoom lost Audio feed)
Remove graffiti abatement from PD to Code Enforcement as well as encouraging Mural. Next: remove 3 safety inspection from PD to PARCS and focus on neighborhoods. Next: dollars for homeless Taskforce etc to change response to Homeless encampments.
Give 60 days to work with behavioral staff, PD and Homeless advocates. Use PD as a back up only. Esparza:glad for efforts to social distancing and plexiglass but he looks around and doesn’t see everyone wearing masks. Soria:motion 27 regarding splitting receptionist for council
and Mayor. Next : Echo/ Weldon realignment amendment.Next : Polk / Shaw Widening in Highway City using CDBG or other dollars. Karbassi: he just removed his mask when he entered chambers. Make motion Regarding Small Business Loans in City Attorney Office and allow
carryover to next year. Arias: motion 33 to allocate more money to Old Armenian Town. Next: more CDBG money to Chinatown cleanup. Next: Central Unified and Madera Trustees made mistakes in their comments. He thanks them for resigning and allow remaining colleagues to continue
Focus on the students. That is refreshing and not get stuck on social media back and forth. Moving on to Consent Agenda.
1-P pulled by Soria. 1-S Bredefeld removes himself on 1-S and NO vote on 1-Y. 1-T NO vote by Soria. 4-B has been added to Consent. Four Public Comments are all racist or spam. Moving On to Approval of Consent calendar.
1-P Actions pertaining to solar and energy storage projects proposed at the Fresno-Clovis Regional Wastewater Reclamation Facility, Northeast Surface Water Treatment Plant, and Southeast Surface Water Treatment Plant
Treatment facilities takes a big portion of City energy use. Savings of 2 million over first year. $100 million over entire 20 year contract. Local hire and competitively bid. It is a PPA 64% energy offset at 64%. SPURR 40+ schools have used it in California
40-50% local hire rate including union hires. Soria: solar project 3 years ago it wasn’t quite a good deal. Here we did not get RFQ but a Piggyback. Is this a better deal than 3 years ago? Schaad: consistent on bids. Work has already done by others so no need to do RFP.
Soria: could we have gotten a better deal with competitive bids? Instead of wasting staff time by picking and choosing. How does this differ from 3 years ago project ? A: past was to hire a consultant but JPA was used here. No out of pocket expense. Zero rate increase For the 20
Years. Forefront will take Federal Tax rebate and share savings with City. City could buy system outright if wanted to do so. Savings will remain as part of Enterprise Fund of Public Utility Department. Soria: can we put the those savings to delay rate increases? Need local hire
always going forward. Karbassi: Received a letter from
Local Union”Covid has left us challenges. These projects are vital to city with 100’s of jobs.” Karbassi: Encourages by workforce component. Arias: staff had been picking and choosing whether to use RFQ, RFP etc. Please
Be consistent. Approved. 4-B *RESOLUTION - Not to support any further annexation into the City unless and until a fair tax sharing agreement is in place.Letter from BIA. Bredefeld: concerned by not allowing annexations as well as possible lawsuit with County. Can we solve this
first before we get to that stage?” Quan: staff still recommends continuing for another year with County.( Extended this 17 years now). City Attorney: Council needs to waive closed session on this if all is open to discuss. Arias jokes with County CAO Jean Rousseau that hopefully
He brought a large sack of money for the City 😜(short break to get Zoom sound issue working)
CAO Jean Rousseau:MOU between Fresno City and County. Did same with Clovis and extended it five years. Relationship between Fresno and County has been the best it has been. County doesn’t want to be in business of development and wants to push that to City. Helps City decide
where growth areas should be. This MOU should be extended another year. We are still Waiting for amended MOU from City. Road sharing should have County at table. What does City want in agreement ? Some development has not been in either City or County’s best interest but just
Developers. A lawsuit between us will hinder business coming to the area. We do partner on homeless solution. Perhaps ad hoc meetings again. Other cities are looking at 15 year extensions. Deal with Clovis has allowed it to grow in areas it was previously hamstrung. We have never
fought annexation at LAFCO. We partner on Covid. City Attorney: if this expires we can’t annexed without tax percentage worked out.Bredefeld: we are all in this together. Previous time on Council there was litigation on this and it wasn’t good. Supervisors feel they don’t get
Services they want either. We do need a Committee along with Supervisors to work on this and get it worked out. I don’t want litigation and we need annexation. Arias : asks that those districts most effected by annexation be on Committee. Esparza : want Committee but we need to
keep this going as well as leverage. Chavez: I think this will show City is shouldering too much of infrastructure costs. Would like Aria a, Soria and Bredefeld on Ad hoc Committee. Karbassi: would like Brand and Dyer have represented. Soria: don’t want to extend this another
year. We know there will be a shirt fall. Public wants parks etc and not note more annexation. West of 99 has been effected with hodge podge of annexations. Don’t want inner city to finance outer city limits. Clovis has higher incomes and can afford smaller portion of property
tax but Fresno has poor neighborhoods that have been left behind in this agreement over the 17 years. This has already taken too long. County Supervisors need to do right thing for not just their county residents but the City residents the Supervisors also represents.
Arias: I know we work in partnership over homeless and Covid but it has been like pulling teeth. Still don’t have Covid testing in SW Fresno. County still doesn’t have a homeless shelter. City coffers have to pay for sidewalks that County doesn’t require. I don’t want deal that
Clovis. 53% of County residents are city of Fresno residents. They pay most for Measure C , Zoo etc. No more sprawl if we can’t provide adequate Police and Fire service. @kmkarbassi this is a business decision but politics will get involved. Technical subject and we need to take
emotions out of it. Lawsuits will hurt construction workers and minorities buying starter homes. We need good faith deal with County. Attorney Sloan: arbitration first which could be a year. Rousseau: Two year delay on annexation occurred last time fight over it. We will nego-
tiate in good faith. This is a good opportunity as we all want the same thing. Arias: would like Nexus study made public. Bredefeld: motion to make as hoc Committee , continue annexations on case by case basis and not extend this MOU as well as making NEXUS study public.
@MayorLeeBrand it was an acrimonious relationship with County in past but we have worked better together lately. Revenue sharing has always been sticking point. Need to get this going. Status quo cannot continue. Public: @LisaYFlores1 only a fool would extend this. We are short-
changed. BIA’s Mike Prandini agrees with Ad hoc Committee bit not extend will Create real confusion for developers. D’Aullanlique Jackson: Need to build up our neighborhoods in both city but county. Listen to what residents want. Updated infrastructure is needed. @barnes827 Dee
Barnes says Please don’t extend this agreement as she lives in a county island. We get city services but can’t vote. Previous City Manager Bruce Rudd didn’t want to annex due to poor revenue sharing with county. However we let developers expand our sphere of influence but don’t
Share cost burden. @YeniferGMejia Vote on various budget motions such as Deescalation of mental health by PD and Advanced Peace and social workers. Daniel Braddock: NEXUS would be enlightening. Clinton and Ashlan intersections that have City and County sharing are in poor shape.
Motion approved (allows MOU to expire in August and end annexations by case by case). Esparza : agrees if annexations continue as his district cannot have any annexations and is hurt by this. Sloan: State law says annexations continue case by case. Approved : 6-0 Caprioglio has
Been absent. Next :
10:10 AM ****Hearing to consider adoption of Vehicle Miles Traveled Thresholds pursuant to Senate Bill 743, which requires local jurisdictions in California to adopt such thresholds by July 1, 2020: 1. RESOLUTION - Adopting Vehicle Miles Traveled Thresholds
as described in the "CEQA Guidelines for Vehicle Miles Traveled Thresholds" document dated June 18, 2020, prepared pursuant to the requirements of California Public Resources Code Section 21099, and CEQA Guidelines Sections 15064.3(b)
and 15064.7 2. Direct staff to pursue a mitigation program that includes creation of a citywide mitigation bank, exchange, or other mechanism to allow more options for VMT mitigation
Areas with a good mix of retail ,office and housing will need less mitigation. Those that increase VMT over threshold there will need to be mitigation. Thresholds May need to be changed over time due to improvement or changes. Mitigation is teeth. Reduce VMT and increase other
Forms of transit. Urban form: good mix will have low VMT footprint v cul de sac of just homes. Arias : ends staff presentation here. Public : @LisaYFlores1 wanted to here more on this. Audio was poor as well. Next :Ivanka Saunders: submitted a letter with other organizations
City is still required to deal with pollution etc. public outreach meetings But mostly developers invited and not those most effected. Meaningful mitigation measures needed. Where will those fees be spent ? Denice : none in West Fresno but NW Fresno already have sidewalks.
DAllengilique Jackson: doesnt seem like West Fresno and presentation was too quick for public to follow for the complexity. Grecia Ellenis: a good deal of exemptions that go against what AB 743 desired. Staff: 53 family units can get exemption
Staff: CARB regulates truck travel. @kmkarbassi was tough on VMT last meeting. Thanks staff for meeting with him. Local
Control v State control. May hurt Fresno more Than other parts of California. Will it cost more to develop ag land to homes?
staff: if designed to have a mix of density and affordable homes would create exemptions. Karbassi: State suggests 15% but Fresno COG determines 13%. He is stuck in between. Friendly motion: a report in six months on how VMT would effect housing. Also look into a lower threshold
below the 13% @D7Esparza would like to move forward as written. Already made changes (13%) This is better for existing residents and costs would be on sprawl new housing. My district is land locked. Housing prices is not only thing keeping POC from buying homes. Good jobs,
education etc. if we spent pass this it defaults to 15% which is even better for those in inner city. Karbassi: I think we are on same page. Esparza’s District is in green zone but not all of Karbassi. I don’t want anything that hurts State goal for housing increases. Attorney:
If we delay vote until after July 1st State goals will apply. Chavez: seconds Karbassi’s motions. We all represent different type of districts.We need to grow but do it smart What about SW Fresno that doesn’t have shopping centers with Rooftops with enough discretionary income
to support it without gentrification. Chavez in favor of 13% rate. Bredefeld: impact to developers? Staff: we don’t have that but five large cities already use it. Las is so new and mitigation is taking different forms. Bredefeld: moving Blind here. This will hurt everyone no
matter what district. 13% is better than 15% but still an impact. Need to find out those impacts. Arias: if we are asking staff to look at doing a lower threshold than 13% than we need to look at higher than 15% too. Karbassi: fine but asking for more than the state 15% will
only hurt us economically as we go into a recession. Arias:false narrative that VMT hurts people of color. Demand that those people who say that need to drive down and meet our residents. Narrative of “any job no matter how dirty to air is still good “. Amazon creates truck
Pollution but no guarantee to hire people in SW Fresno. Passes 5-1 with Bredefeld voting NO.
9AM #2 Receive Annual Report and Approve FY 20-21 Program Income Budget for the City of Fresno in its capacity as Housing Successor to the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Fresno.Approved with no presentation.
Council will return at 1:30 for Budget Motion Hearings.
Council back from lunch break. (I have an urgent matter at 4 pm to deal with but I will live tweet Until 3:30 but I have a feeling this will be a long one this afternoon)
4-A ***Amending Section 2-514 of the Fresno Municipal Code in response to the COVID-19 pandemic
@D7Esparza Continuation of what we have done before. Governor Newsom mandated masks State wide as well. Only required indoors for businesses normal hours. Recommend outdoors as well. Ban masks with exhale valves. They defeat the purpose.Anonymous reporting line for employees
or customers. Positive diagnosis the employer would have to notify all employees. Covid number is surging. Public: @LisaYFlores1 on Tuesday went to drive thru and employee had mask below nose. @LovesMercy Brandi: people are looking for safe places to shop. Online list of those
types of stores is available. Chavez: how do we Unrewind this when we are able ? City Attorney : separate phone line to call in. Esparza: outdoor businesses but not while out waking. Bredefeld: administrative citations? Sloan:Normal code fines Bredefeld: Online snitch line.
We have Dog Park Police but now we want Fresnans snitch on other Fresnans. Karbassi: has code enforcement gone out to businesses already? Can residents complain currently ? A: yes to both. Soria: businesses are finding it hard to enforce mask order but customers don’t always do
it. We can currently fine business owners but sometimes it is the public. Esparza: proposed changes are for people who don’t have a choice. This is transmitted person to person. Essential workers have to work but customers do sometimes have a choice to shop. Arias:we are here
today because we as a council voted to open and people would self regulate. But now spike in Covid. Do we close up economy again ? Or enforce rules ? We Opened up bars but some are not honoring social distancing or masks. Science shows we need to wear masks.Asks Esparza to just
use Code Enforcement hotline rather than a new one. Conservative bastion Texas just announced they are needing to close economy again.we don’t want hospitals full again due to opening up. Sloan: hotline allows employee to speak about another employee there is a privacy concerns.
We could train our attorney employees to take privacy concerns into the matter. Esparza : Agrees to use Code Enforcement hotline. Karbassi: I can’t vote for this. We have worked hard for on slow this virus and continue to do that. Most people are cooperating with mask requirement
I think we have enough rules in place. Bredefeld: has concerns with heavy handed government. Probably better not to close down economy in retrospect. Do masks work? Different views on that from doctors. Shelter in place has hurt people leading to domestic violence, child abuse
Have no problems recommending wearing masks but edicts to do so he is not in favor of. We will get thru this pandemic eventually. Soria: rather be proactive. Numbers don’t lie as Covid numbers are going up. Mask is simple,cheap and easy. Employees need protection too and not take
Virus back to their families. Chavez: businesses are at 30-40% because customers afraid still. Hospitals are at capacity. Don’t want work we did initially to evaporate. I see lots of irresponsible people out there. Even healthy are suffering.Karbassi:don’t want to be reactive.
Want to follow local numbers. Masks , wash hands and social distancing. Though with underlying factors are mostly at risk. We don’t want to prohibit our fragile economy as that helps those who are forced to stay home. Arias: we took tough stand early even though we knew it would
hurt economy. It has been erased due to County Supervisors who overturned their own Health Physician decision requiring masks to only a recommendation. Nightclubs have operated illegally. Esparza:asks City, County, State what is our level of tolerance ? Whe n we are out of ICU
Beds ?? Arias: Reminder that heavy handed non-doctors in government made cannabis illegal for many years. Passes 4-2.URGENT : Will return July 16 for adoption BUT won’t go into effect for another month unless we get 5 votes to make it an emergency. So it is pretty much done
Until August 16th with the NO votes from Karbassi and Bredefeld and Caprioglio being absent.
Moving on to Budget Motion votes. Assistant City Manager Jane Sumpter: economy hurt by Covid. Net balance of $3 million at end 2020 but deficit of $11 million end of 2021. $84 million deficit at end of 2025.
If more federal assistance occurs we can add to deficit. If no Federal Assistance would lead to furloughs and cuts across the board. Some of our emergency reserve could be used too.
Public:( they are given one minute)Advanced Peace needs five votes to be Veto Proof. Savings from just one Murder would pay for advanced Peace and than add injuries cost too. Ivanka Saunders: parks focus is good but we need more for maintenance from General fund by 10%.
Advanced Peace needs to be funded too. Also will those confined today last the entire year or just thru September. Sarah: it was said last meeting that cuts to PD May hurt protection to victims They actually have very little to do with that. Mostly via County covers those Poverty
is the root To most of our issues. Youth jobs and Advanced Peace would help. Next: studies show Advanced Peace works. Private funds provide the money to “pay gang members”when in reality it is only after they make it six months into program. Look at this as a an investment .
Next : police officer says he has seen blue and red light and those are those working to protect city. People just don’t know that is happening. If me resigning would bring peace i would but there are those who will take advantage of weak.
Kimberly McCoy when we say defunding PD we mean not allocating 53% of General Fund but same to parks and advanced peace. Brandi: thanks Soria for mural and graffiti artists. Use mental health workers rather than PD.
UU Church pastor says cost of a new house could save black lives with Advanced Peace.Those councilmembers who supported Black Lives can really show their support by voting for it.
Next: mural artists given work with code enforcement and not allowing those talented artists to leave Fresno. Next: physician says preterm births are high in Fresno and especially African American. Support Dawn proposal. Next : heal decades of oppression by taking PD funds in
to other programs. Next:Anthony Molina of BPAC and council support for Slow Streets. (Chris: another racist). Next couple of racist callers. Next Heather Brown from EOC recommends $300,000 for Advanced Peace and Dawn initiative as well.
Next: as a mother I shake thinking of youth hurting in our community. Next: Pastor Booker wants Advanced Peace and Dawn. @kieltls Making good moves in our city. Advanced Peace will pay for itself in lives and costs. Dawn project too. Are we spreading parks fundings equitable.
Dr. Vernice Curry supports Dawn Initiative as well as Advanced Peace. Lack of opportunities, poverty , Covid are all connected. Underinvested parts of Fresno as well as being better for entire city by investing early in Issues. Last speaker @fig_latin Dez Martinez would like
Safe locks/lives (?). We need job opportunities for street families. Need more masks and water for them as well. Glad we are getting rid of Homeless task force. Arias: asks public to continue to email as we won’t be voting until June 30.
Sloan: whatever we vote on today is part of budget. Sumpter: everything we add today that adds to General fund we have to make it even either by mayor veto or councilmembers compromise. No salary savings as they are already Taken into account. Staff:Mayor can only line item veto.
First already taken care of. Second is contingent on funds in September. Pause Consultants Passes 5-1 #3 budget line item without council approval over $25,000. Passes 5-1 Karbassi against.
#4 A 60 day working group To deal with homeless encampments without PD along with homeless Taskforce and advocates. Soria: better mechanism in dealing with homeless. PD should be out patrolling instead. Bredefeld: always looking for better ways. Esparza: Taskforce handled 8000
homeless last year but PD only had to use Force twice. Passes #5 passes without debate. #6 city clerk improvements. Passes #7 already passed. #9 remove $1 million from mayor office and given to Fire Department due to SAFER grant pulled by mayor. Karbassi: voting NO. It will
set up Mayor elect to be in a bad position as well. Staff: $500,000 to support 3 fire Staff and not full $1 million. Bredefeld agrees. Karbassi: who will this impact. Quan: we will
Be less responsive to Council due to cuts . Esparza: less buildings on fire too.
Soria: can we find other cuts in Mayoral department? We have reserve for this exact problem? One time cut opportunities?Sumpter: let us look what is available in Continuing Resolution. @MayorLeeBrand this is a punitive action way overblown. This will send a terrible message. Will
damage our good Current relationship. We all want fire fighters. We can look for one time savings. Arias: Fire Department was treated poorly due to Dyer and PD running rampant. Bredefeld: this not punitive. Administration out our fire fighters in danger. We have already reduced
this from $1 million to $500,000. I can find savings if Mayor cannot. Soria: CR from last year. One time expenses from last year are still in this budget so we can use it this year for Fire Dept. Esparza: are those truly one time coats? A: yes. Soria: $1.2 million for police
Station, rotor etc Bredefeld :which department will these funds coming from? @MayorLeeBrand this is unprecedented. I think federal funding can fund these 3 firefighters but this unprecedented. Do the right thing and get past this. Chavez: won’t support taking this from mayor.
Laying people off is not correct idea. Motion on #9 Fails 2-4. Now #8 to add 3 fire fighters Esparza wants take money from PD and pay for positions for five years. We are defunding PD and we need to be able to explain it to public.Esparza:not taken jobs from
PD and PD is largest
User of general fund. Arias: no Department has rights to any money requests yet. We are trying to find money in case and Fire Department has always been underfunded. Esparza: how much was PD increase 2019 to 2020? A: $19 million. Some went to salary increase, fuel and vehicle
replacement. Chief Hall: a Grant that paid for part of officer salaries ended and that is where most of that $19 million came from. We were mandated to keep them an additional year. We pay half of school officers. Hall: most of budget is for officers. If we cut it will be from
Police stations. Bredefeld: all political now. We were helping Fire Dept because we pulled SAFER grant and switched it to attacking PD dept. I won’t support that. Esparza: i will allow Mayor’s office to decide where $1.6 million comes from. Passes: 6-0
Remove policy of towing vehicles automatically. Chavez : refer to police commission. Passes 6-0
Advance Peace #11 @MayorLeeBrand had H Spees study it after it failed last year. It is locally controlled and has controlled. Changes made that we can live with it. We can’t arrest our way out of it. I will be in favor. Bredefeld: i Met with a group of ten and that helped. PD
needed some oversight. I didn’t want any tax money being used for stipends. EOC will run it. H Spees:we will oversee its due to Council needs to renew each year. PD requested not having direct control other than at beginning when hiring. No tax dollars will be used for stipend
EOC will expend money for advance Peace contract. Locally developed, funded , staffed and PD Connected in some way. Has to be approved year to year.High bar Metrics will be in contract. Bredefeld: if real performance and metric being met after a year i will support. Spees:need
State Approval we can begin in October. Karbassi: I was critical of this when i campaigned. Recent conversations showed main group is vested and willing to work. Aaron Foster and I made a tour. NW has violent problems as well. I can’t turn a blind idea to it. This version is
better than last year’s version such as metric changes. This is a small amount of our huge budget and I want this to succeed. No tax dollars used for a stipend. Arias: robust conversation last year on this. City failed to find a better solution to reduce gun violence.
Police budget doesn’t have to have performance metrics or micromanaged like we are with Advance Peace. I hope police reform commission puts the same
Metric measurements. We allowed chokeholds this year. Never asked to reform PD before like we do on contracts. These are talks
Are important. Soria:spca voted into this morning but we never had performance metrics on a $5 million item but a $125,000 item we do with Advance Peace. This will save lives.Karbassi: PD needed to have buy in for this to work. Real reform is needed. Chavez: in support. Lots of
Programs come and go. Need to make sure tax dollars are spent wisely. Willing to give this a chance due to people involved. Hard to quantify prevention though.Bredefeld: looking forward to this coming back next year and I can support it. Chief Hall: we provide performance
Measures to Mayor and
city manager. It should go to Council. (He lists other cities with higher homicide rates and more PD officers than Fresno). Arias: he gets angry when Chief cherry-picks data. Passes 5-1 with Bredefeld voting NO.
-#12 passed but paused.
#13 will be sent to Police Reform Commission for direction. Passes 6-0
#14 not Bill schools for police officers when school closed and use money for Covid. Controller Mike Lima: has to be Covid related To use CARES dollars. Arias: officers helping with
feeding students during school closures and so CARES could be used passes. #17 Slow Streets passed @mmwpro63 6-0
-#18 SEFCEDA Park funding proposal passes 6-0
#19 passes 5-0-1
#20 passes allows non profit to use police substation passes
#23 dog park relocation in roeding Park @LisaYFlores1 Passes
#25 passes
#26 dog park police passes
#27 split receptionist cost passes
#28 tot lot passed
#29 el dorado park Mist system
#30 Vinland park lighting
#31 add 7 community officers
#32 report submitted (already being done)
#33 Passes
#34 darling relocation to West Side initiative passes
#35 Housing trust fund Jennifer Clark: local trust fund to be eligible for state funds but no match dollars needed yet. Bredefeld can’t vote
#37 finance $30 million Covid dollars for SE and SW proposed by Karbassi and Bredefeld Passes
#38 security at River Bottom Park passes
#39 shade structure
# 40traffic signals
#43 realignment near Fresno High
#44 CDBG dollars for right of way Gettysburg and Polk widening
#45 blackstone /McKinley master plan $50,000 Passes
#46 PBID effort
#47 King Canyon and Tower improvement
#48 pilobos Park
#49 tot lot
#50 mural artist collective to deter tagging and moving graffiti abatement to code enforcement. Competitive bid. Bredefeld why move it from PD? Soria:these are not officers. Murals are win win as tagging tends not to happen on murals Karbassi:
Graffiti was a big issue until this abatement crew but should we take from PD? Arias : we keep asking PD to do more and more. But graffiti team is not a core PD and perhaps community can supply support this way. Karbassi: does not want to change for change sake. Bredefeld agrees
Chief Hall: admirable to have mural addition. Graffiti team responds usually within 24 hours. Sloan: if it is working I don’t see it changing if it moves under Code Enforcement. Arias: reminds everyone that is used to be in Public Works. Hall: we used to use it for gang ties
but the tagging is less due to that now. Approved to move to Code Enforcement passes 4-2.
Collective Art to do murals : passes
#51 PD grant into PARCS For community engagement (contingent on grantee) Chief Hall is fine. Trying something different sometimes is good. Different
eyes on an issue may be good. Passes.
#52 allow City Attorney carryover. Sumpter : this money has been allocated already passes
#53 homeless funds for Chinatown cleanup. Passes
Changes on #46 math on PBID —#53 passes Arias thanks all the staff for their hard work on the budget and the workers that enable d us to us to meet in person today. Council will have final budget vote on Tuesday June 30th at 9 am.
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