Great UCSF Grand Rounds today: I interview John Barry, author of "The Great Influenza: The Story of the Deadliest Pandemic in History", now #1 nonfiction paperback @nytimes. Watch if you can (65 min); summary below.

1918, U.S. was entering WWI; Pres. Wilson was laser-focused on war effort. Passed Sedition Act: criminal to say/write “disloyal” things, no matter whether it was true or false. Per Barry: “There was fake news, and it came from the govt.”
In U.S., 1918 flu pandemic killed about 675,000, equivalent to ~2M today. Far higher than worst-case projections for Covid-19.
Today marks 100 days since I launched these tweets. Sadly, likely we're in 2nd or 3rd inning. But at least we’re playing ball.
Tomorrow, weekly roundup, with more on the surges. Stay safe till then.