My Mum, 55 years a member, through leaders left & right, fan of Blair, a rare, rare councillor in Tory Herts for Lab in 70s, cancelled her membership today.
She just wanted a unifier.
He had that chance. Absolutely everything he needed to convince both sides he meant it. /5
But most of all, in a world that has turned dark and divided /6
So many millions need someone to turn too. To believe in. /7
They want to see justice and feel it reflected back at them. They want to believe someone will fight for them. Or at least hear them. That just one leader still /8
And behaves with care and honour and constructive, thoughtful imagination.
The more people you hurt along the way, the more people you will hurt when you get there.
The same self-absorbed BS STILL means more to them than the country.
It's shameful. Humiliating. People are dying.
That was the last selfish headline she was prepared to take