1. Take precautions for yourself. You're no good to them sick or burned out.
2. Be resourceful. Rubber gloves if no sterile ones, makeshift masks, something plastic you cld use as disposable aprons?
4. Steam. Try to set up steam in the room if poss. Put a kettle in the room and switch it on every 10 mins, sit in a steamy shower
5. Get fluids in. And keep getting them in. Sip this throughout the day, everyone has these ingredients in their cupboard at home newcastle-hospitals.org.uk/services/_trea…
6. Food if at all possible. Nutrients will help. Can they sip a smoothie packed with fruit/honey/veg? Sip broth? Do it, it will help
FWIW, this has kept ME alive, many, many times. Even got me through pre-sepsis earlier this year.