Our @LancetChildAdol paper evaluates delayed presentations to Emergency Departments (and it's not what you think)
It's important to note in some of these cases advice not to present had come from previous contact with medical professionals

Children with newly diagnosed diabetes often present very unwell. This is because the changes happen gradually over time and parents don't notice.
Describing these as delayed during #COVID19 is event bias.
This does not mean 30% of children had a delayed presentation & this was a retrospective study
Clinicians reported red flag features in history & examination based on @RCPCHtweets guidance: issuu.com/joballrcpch/do…
This chart was distributed via a variety of channels during lockdown
Only two were felt to have been delayed in presenting and neither of these patients was admitted to hospital
It's reassuring that red flag features were not dismissed by parents
@ASKSNIFF @bestbeginnings
However the concern about lots of children staying away from acute and emergency care may have been overstated.
Many minor illnesses and injuries can be managed, safely, at home.
#COVID19 has provided an opportunity to teach parents about watchful waiting.
..and the sites (all part of @PERUKItweep) who helped with data collection