This claim from 2016 has resurfaced on many conservative platforms. Is it true?
Annually, about 50 U.S. officers are “feloniously killed," while police and sheriff’s deputies kill about 1,000 people
If what the author meant was that an officer’s odds of being shot by a Black man were higher than a random unarmed Black man’s odds of being shot by police, maybe the numbers would back them up
➡️18 law enforcement officers were killed by Black men
➡️36 unarmed Black men were killed by the police
➡️There were 635,781 police officers and sheriff’s deputies
➡️There were 20.4 million Black men
2.8 deaths per 100,000 in the case of police
0.18 for unarmed Black men
Divide the former by the latter and you get a ratio of 16, close enough to the original 18.5 that the calculation seems legit
According to the same data sources, the odds of a police officer being shot by a White man in 2015 were 112 times higher than the odds of an unarmed White man being shot by police, for whatever it’s worth
Occupational fatality statistics back this up: police suffered 13.7 job-related deaths per 100,000 workers, compared with 3.5 for the workforce
It’s not nearly as risky as, say, working as a roofer or a truck driver or a farmer or a garbage collector
A big part of the self-image of many police officers seems to be that they are embattled warriors doing dangerous work on behalf of an unappreciative public
➡️Police killed 991 people. 22% were Black men
➡️There were 14,123 total homicides. 44% were Black men