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AU where an evil witch turn Jungkook into a deer and only true love can break the curse. But Jungkook already loves someone, the issue is that this person refuses to return his feelings. If he couldn't seduce Namjoon as human, how will he do it as a deer?
Jungkook leaves rehearsal last, and he'd hoped Namjoon might have waited for him but he's not surprised to see he didn't. What does surprise him is the girl waiting for him at the entrance, that he recognizes even though she's not part of the staff. 'A sasaeng' his mind supplies.
He smiles at her anyway because she's impossible to ignore. She asks for a selfie and he refuses politely, hiding behind company's guidelines. He looks around but none of the staff seem to be coming, neither Sejin nor any of the noonas. It's just him and the stranger.
"Come on Jungkook-ah" she says sweetly. "Just one? It won't take long."

"I'm sorry I really- I really can't" he says again. It's weird that no one else it out yet. There is always staff around but even the car driver seems to have wandered away.
"Don't be selfish Jungkookie. You used to be so much nicer than this."

Jungkook looks back at the girl, confused. "I'm sorry? I really-- I need to leave soon."

"No one is coming yet," the girl yet. "We'd have all the time in the world if you were a nicer boy."
She takes a step towards him and Jungkook takes a step back. There is something off about the girl and his brain keeps telling him he needs to leave fast.

"You don't know how lucky you are," the girl says, voice like honey, "That I love you so much."
Her eyes turn white and Jungkook's heart thunders away. He tries to take another step back but his legs are heavy like lead, his muscles frozen. He feels himself shaking from a fear he doesn't quite understand. The air tastes bad, something is off and he doesn't know what.
"I'll show you," she says. "How lucky you are. You'll see no one will ever love you as much as I love you."

There is a blinding light and Jungkook flinches back and closes his eyes, waits for the pain. He feels something shift under his skin, something squeezing at his throat.
His bones hurt and his body feels like one massive cramp. He finds himself falling but he's still standing. His heart beats even faster and everything is louder and when he opens his eyes, the world is large and blurry and dull. The sasaeng is gone.
"Jungkook?" A voice calls and he feels immediate relief. Sejin comes into view and Jungkook tries to go to him and warn him about the security breach but Sejin takes a step back when he comes closer. "Wow there. What- what are you doing there?"
Jungkoon frowns (tries to), takes another step forward and watches his manager step back.

"There's a deer at the entrance," Sejin shouts behind him. "Hey come on you can't stay there, go back to the woods."

This is one cruel joke, Jungkook is sure. They used to do those ones.
But no matter how many times Jungkook tries to walk to him, Sejin steps back. He tries to talk but all that comes out is a huff and a hoarse whine. Jungkook feels like crying. He hangs his head down, and freezes when instead of his shoes he finds a pair of hooves.
He tries to wriggle his toes but he can't so he slams his feet down and stomps stomps stomps.

"It's getting angry. Must be lost. Call the arena security," the staff says. "Jungkook's phone on the ground, searches the bathroom, I'll check if he went home by himself."
'But I'm here,' Jungkook thinks. He hears a door slamming shut and he looks up as the car that's supposed to take him home leave without him. He catches his reflection in the mirror as it leaves - two wide eyes, brown fur. A deer.

He stands shocked still as the car drives away.
"Did it attack Jungkook?" There is still staff left on the scene and Jungkook sees security approaching him like he's a wild, feral animal.

A deer?

The staff seems tense, almost scared of him and Jungkook feels the need to escape pull at him, his body urging him to run run run.
Those are his people but they're closing in on him and looking at him like he's mad, and Jungkook doesn't know how to process the hooves and the fur and the eyes.

He doesn't know what to do so he runs, chasing after the scent trail left by the car leading him to their dorm.
It feels good to run. It feels exhilarating to go at full speed, following the highway after a familiar scent. He almost runs into several car but he doesnt stop, picks up his speed when he recognizes parks and streets. He runs until the car stops and then he stops too.
He stands a block away, afraid to go nearer for fear of being chased away. He gets stares from passerbys ('look at the deer, it's so pretty' 'is it lost? Should we call the city?' 'Shh don't be loud you're goinf to scare it away')
There's a click from a shutter and his ears pick on it with acute clarity. His head snaps towards a passerby and it surprises them enough that they drop their camera.

There's a crowd of people around him - too many people, still too many people - and stress builds up again.
Humans are dangerous, brain tells him, and it's silly because he is human.

(hooves, fur, doe eyes)

He's running again before he can think about, taking refuge in a big park nearby, hiding himself in between bushes and trees.
There is a small pond and he feels thirsty enough to drink from it, bu
Ig tongue lapping at the surface. He catches his reflection, one more time, in the water.

Brown fur. Doe eyes. A deer.

This time instead of disbelief there is defeat.

A fucking deer.
Jungkook spends the night there, and he doesn't feel cold but he feels lonely, and when he wakes up in the morning, the colors are still dull and the sounds too clear, and he knows without a doubt that he's a deer, and it's somehow the sasaeng's fault.
He decides to make his way back to the dorm, and it's early enough that the streets are almost empty.

He stands at the foot of their building, and he recognizes their windows from there - his room, Tae's windows, Jin's curtains. He calls for them but all he does is bleat.
Taehyung's head pop past the window a minute in and he waves at him excitedly but he doesn't come down, even though Jungkook waits for him, stands there for an hour waiting for one of his friends to come down.

No one comes down, and when the streets fill out at 7 am, he leaves.
He tries the day after (no one comes down) and the day after (no one comes down) and the day after (no one comes down). He doesn't even catch Tae's face anymore. Barely no one comes inside their dorm and there is never any light coming from Jungkook's windows.
He grunts and waits and no one comes down and a week in, as he makes his way back to the park, he steps on a newpaper with his face on it and a caption 'WHERE IS JEON JUNGKOOK? POLICE AT A LOSS, COMPANY PROMISES REWARDS AGAINST TIPS".
Jungkook stomps and stomps and stomps on the paper until it's torn to shreds and unreadable he wants to scream 'I'm here! Look at me I'm here!'

Deers can't cry apparently.
Two weeks in he finally catches sight of his friends - on a TV, wearing dark clothes and looking exhausted. The sound isn't on but he sees his name in the caption and he looks away and makes his way to the dorm as every other morning.

Three weeks in, still no one comes down.
Four weeks in, and he thinks he should just. Give up. No one comes down. No one ever will.

On the 30th day Jungkook doesn't visit the dorm. He walks around instead, going along the rivers and following pretty trails.
There are always a few passerbys pointing at him but he can handle it when it's not crowds. He walks mindlessly, sniffing at flowers and he freezes when he picks on a scent he hasn't smelled in a month but still recognize by heart.

He runs before he can reason himself. He runs up the hills as fast as he can until he catches sight of a broad back walking in the distance. He can't keep still, wants to run around him in circles but he holds himself back, makea hinself slow down. He can't scare Namjoon away.
Namjoon is listening to music and he doesn't hear him approach. Jungkook tries to pad closer as softly as possible, makes himself as harmless as possible but it's hard when he has wide antlers sprouting from his head.
He stops behind Namjoon and huffs, gently pushing his snout into his back.

Namjoon jumps back.

"What the--- what?" He walks backwards, away from him and Jungkook keeps still, begging him not to run with his eyes.
"I didn't know there were deers in there. Wow, you're so big."

He hears Namjoon's heart beating madly and he knows he scared him. He holds himself back, even though he wants to crowd closer, wants to feel the warmth of a friend at last.
He lays himself down carefully, to make himself smaller, and looks up at Namjoon again.

'Stay' he begs.

"Um," Namjoon pockets his phone out and carefully points it at him. "You don't seem wild at all. You mind if I take a few pictures?"
Jungkook doesn't mind as long as Namjoon stays. He raises his head tall, then lays it down, then rolls over, so Namjoon can take as manh many pictures as he wants, and he hears Namjoon laughing.

"You're really- Were in a circus? A reserve? You look used to humans."
After a few minutes Namjoon stop taking pictures and regards him curiously. "I shouldn't touch wild animals right? It's bad to get then accustomed to humans."

Jungkook huffs and lays his head down.

"But you seem already pretty used to us," Namjoon keeps saying.
He crouches down, near him, and whispers, "so it should be fine if I pet you a bit?"

He reaches out with a tentative hand like Jungkook could snap and charge him any second. When he finally makes contact with his fur his palm is sweaty, and warm.

Jungkook closes his eyes.
Namjoon grows bolder as he realizes Jungkook won't attack him. In fact Jungkook is melting into the ground, dizzy with the feeling of being touched, of human warmth and affection. He smells Namjoon, and on Namjoon he smells home, and he never wants him to stop petting his fur.
Namjoon moves from his sides to his head, scratching behind his ears, brushing his nose.

"This is amazing," he mutters. "Thanks for letting me pet you. I wish I could show Jungkook this."

This is when the petting stops and Namjoon's hand draws back.
Jungkook opens his eyes and finds Namjoon's own eyes wet with unshed tears. He looks grim. "You don't happen to have seen him, do you? It's my- friend. And he's got big doe eyes, just like you."
Jungkook doesn't know what to say. He tries to nod but the movement scares Namjoon. He falls on his ass and moves back some steps and Jungkook freezes.

"That's some- that's some cool antlers you got there," Namjoon says, eyeing him, and Jungkook quickly lays his head back down.
He hopes it's enough. He didn't mean to scare Namjoon, he just wants to tell him - he's there.

"I- I've got to go," Namjoon says, carefully standing up and Jungkook has to force himself to stay down. "They get worried now, you know? If I'm gone too long. They think- yeah."
Namjoon is leaving. Jungkook almost trembles with how hard he tries not to follow him. If he stands up now he'll scare him forever.

Namjoon looks at him, a few feet away, holding onto the strap of his satchel.

And then he leaves. And Jungkook stays.
He doesn't dare hope he'll see Namjoon again. He probably scared him, with his stupid hooves and his stupid antlers. He tries to knock them off, headbutting a tree but it hurts and he promptly lays himself back down. It's useless anyway, Namjoon won't come back for him.
He doesn't expect to pick his scent up, late at night the day after. Jungkook is dozing off near another pond, watching ducklings swim around (Namjoon would love that), and he smells it again.

He's up in a second, galloping to the source of the scent, hooves stomping loudly.
He stills when Namjoon sees him, eyes wide with surprise.

"You're here again?" He says, and Jungkook knows better than to nod now. He huffs. "Are you hungry? I have, um." He searches his bag. "Gum? I don't think you should eat gum."

Jungkook would very much like to chew gum.
He takes a step closer and when Namjoon doesn't flinch he takes another, and another, slowly making his way to him until he's close enough to press his snout into his bag. Namjoon seems less wary of him now, heart beating slower than the previous day.
"You want the gum?"

Jungkook huffs.

"It's not good for you."

Jungkook huffs.

"I'm not giving it to you."

Jungkook bleats.

It's too loud. He's sure Namjoon will run but Namjoon just laughs and hides his bag behind himself.
"Can I pet you again?" He asks before patting his head. "I thought deers were softer than this. It's like- my friend, with the deer eyes. His hair look really soft but they're very rough. Because of the dye you now? Mine are dry too."

Jungkook bleats. That's kind of rude.
"I showed your pictures to my friends, they wouldn't believe me. But Taehyung - one of my friend - he says he saw a deer sometimes, near our dorm. Maybe there are more deers in seoul than I thought?" He frowns and nods to himself. "Must be the covid. Less humans. More deers."
He keeps petting him for several minutes and Jungkook is in heaven.

Eventually Namjoon stops, grabbing onto his bag again. "I just came to clear my mind. So... see you around?" He turns around, takes a step then turns back to him. "You can walk with me if you want?"
Jungkook does want. He rushes ro Namjoon's side, standing proud and happy and Namjoon laughs. "It really looks like you understand me. You act more like a dog than a deer."

He smiles. There are dark circles under his eyes and a lazy stubble on his chin, but he smiles.
Namjoon comes back the day after, and the day after that. He comes everyday, never the same hour, but he comes. He brings Jungkook treats and pets him and walks with him, chatting about work or the other guys. He doesn't talk about him often. It always makes him sad.

And yet.
And yet after two weeks of regular meetings, Namjoon sitting on a bench late at night, Jungkook's head into his lap, he says his name.

"Jungkook," he says, and his ears perk up. He opens his eyes, and looks up at his hyung's face. "That's the friend you remind me of. Jungkook."
He inhales deeply like he's trying not to cry. "He has-- big starry eyes. Even bigger than yours I think," he says, and smiles to himself. "And he's very kind, and very loyal. That's why--- today, the police said he might have run away, but I know it's bullshit. He would never."
"He loves us. And he loves army - so much. He would never leave on his own. He would never do that to us." Namjoon looks up, eyes wet, trying not to cry. He takes a few seconds to himself, just breathing, and Jungkook lets him.
Namjoon is right. Jungkook loves their fans, and his hyungs, and the staff, and his family, and he loves Namjoon. He loves everyone so much, so much it's spilling from his tiny heart, loves them so much he would never leave, and he hasn't left.
"Do you mind if I call you Kookie? You remind me of him so much."

Jungkook licks his face as lieu of an answer, and it's enough to make Namjoon smile again. "That's nasty. You really do act like a dog. Down Kookie, down!"

He laughs and Jungkook promises, he will never leave.
They keep meeting like that, and it's enough for a time, until it's not. Jungkook wants to talk with Namjoon. He wants to communicate. He tries writing words into the soil, carving with his hooves, but by the time Namjoon gets there it has rained enough to make it muddy.
He tries grunting and shaking his head, tries to interact as much as he can but while Namjoon knows he understands, he doesn't get /how much/ he understands.

Namjoon always look so tired when they meet but he laughs around him and Jungkook feels proud.
Namjoon whispers when he gives him treats like he doesn't want anyone to know and Jungkook remembers what it's like, loving Namjoon. He remembers what it's like wanting to kiss him. He remembers what it's like wishing Namjoon would look at him and see something different.
Somehow he has never received as much affection from Namjoon as now, when he's no longer human, and it doesn't feel fair. He'd tried so hard back then, to gain Namjoon's attention, but Namjoon had always escaped him and Jungkook had learned to be happy with what they had.
Still, he wants to communicate. He tries to steal a pen from him, tries to write down words but Namjoon takes it back and berates him from trying to eat a pen. He's getting nowhere.

Two months in, and Jungkook finally understands why he's been turned into a deer.
The girl comes during the night and everything stills.

"Jungkookie," she calls sweetly and Jungkook recognizes that voice too well. He wants to run but he's locked in place. "Poor Jungkookie," she says, appearing before him. She takes his head into his hands. "No luck uh?"
She scratches behind his ears, and he hates it. "You have to hurry up, or you'll be stuck." She pets him. "Oh did I forgot to mention that? You only have three months Jungkookie, to find someone who'll love you enough to love you like that. There's only one month left."
Jungkook's ears are ringing with a loud, blank noise and his heart beats out of his chest. "If you can't find anyone you'll stay like that forever." She boops his nose. "Or," she says. "You can be with me. Swear yourself to me and I'll free you. You can be happy again.
Now more than any other time, Jungkook really wishes he could cry. He tries to shake his head and bleats but she only laughs and leans down, pressing a kiss against his snout. "Remember Jungkookie, a month."

And then she's gone.
Jungkook's body unlocks and he stands up at once, and runs, gallops at full speed to get rid of the feeling of her hands on his fur, the stillness of his limbs. He runs into a pond and swims until he feels all of his muscles are his own again.

A month, he thinks, and panics.
He doesn't know what to do. He can't make anyone fall in love with him in a month, so all he could do is find someone who already loved him before the curse, but he doesn't have anyone like that.
He knows Namjoon doesn't love him but Namjoon is who he loves. It's the only person who could lift the curse, if he could return his feelings, but he doesn't. It's pointless. He's doomed to remain a deer forever.
It's the irony of fate really that the next time he sees Namjoon is also the first time he realizes his lockscreen is a picture of him.

His phone lays on the ground and the screen lights up when he receives a text, and Jungkook stares at his own human face for a few seconds.
He nudges the phone until Namjoon notices and picks it up. "I got a text? Ah it's Yoongi-hyung." He unlocks his phone and types a quick answer. "You know, we keep headbutting at home. He wants us to stay all together inside, because he's scared we'll be taken, like-- him."
He puts his phone back down when he's done typing. "But I can't stay inside like that. So we keep arguing and saying things we don't mean. It feels like pre-debut again," Namjoon smiles. "We just love each other too much," he says. "It can't be helped."
Jungkook nudges the phone again, trying to turn it on.

"What? What are you doing Kookie?" Namjoon picks his phone up. "You've never seen a phone before? Maybe not, you're a deer after all," he mumbles. "Look." He turns on the screen. "Oh hey that's a picture of your namesake."
Namjoon stares at the picture, unblinking, for several seconds. "Isn't he cute?" He says after a beat, showing him his screen. "I don't even remember when this was taken. I don't know why I put this as my lockscreen, it hurts every time."

He lays down again his flank and sighs.
"Everytime I see his face I just... I regret so many things. I should have-- I could have waited for him that day. He wouldn't have been taken, or not without me."

Jungkook bumps his cheek with his snouth and grunts. That's just wrong.
"I should have waited for him. I wanted to, but-- I didn't want to send him the wrong signals?"

At least this settles it. Namjoon really will never love him.

"That sounds so stupid now," Namjoon moans. "I tried so hard, because I didn't want him to know that I-- you know?"
Namjoon laughs, self-depreciating. "I can't even say it to a deer. Jungkook-- Jungkook liked me and I- I." He squeezes his phone tight and curls around Jungkook's flank. "I didn't deserve it." He lays on him for a while, breathing softly. "I miss him," he whispers. "So much."
Jungkook can tell there are things Namjoon wants to say but that he isn't saying, but if he couldn't draw it out of him as a human, how he could it as a deer?

He curls back around Namjoon's body and they fall asleep like that.
Namjoon doesn't talk about human him again and Jungkook doesn't try try to make him. If he's doomed to stay a deer, he wants to enjoy himself and the time he spends with Namjoon.

A week passes, and Jungkook is making peace with the fact he'll bleat his way through his life.
Two weeks pass. Turns out deers can't sing but it makes Namjoon laugh when he tries.

Three weeks, it goes to shit again. In hindsight, he should have known a deer hanging around Seoul would draw attention from the wrong kind of people.
He's a deer, hanging around Seoul's parks, who doesn't fear humans. He's an easy prey for hunters.

They target him one morning while he's strolling through parks, making his way to their usual meeting place. He's lazy, unaware, unguarded.
He hears a click and by the time he processes it there's already pain in his leg and he stumbles. He hears 'you missed him' and a laugh and he searches around for the source of the voices, a trio of men approaching him with guns.

Humans are dangerous, his brain supplies again.
Run. He needs to run. He stands up dsspite the pain and takes off as fast as his legs would take him. Another detonation, and it's adrenalin that keeps him going. He runs on instinct to the spot where he knows he'll be safe. Where he's always been safe.

The dorm. His hyungs.
He doesn't think they're still following him but he can't stop, if he stops he'll stand up again.

He runs through the streets, narrrowly avoiding cars and people. Every lights are blinding, every sound is deafening. He's shaking and he feels blood trickling down his fur.
He arrives at the dorm right as Namjoon exits it, a company car parked in front of the building. Namjoon's eyes widen when he sees him and a security guard puts himself in front of them to protect him from the wild, feral deer charging at us.
"Kookie?" Namjoon asks, pushing past the staff. "Oh my god, what happened? You're hurt."

Jungkook collapses as soon as Namjoon touches him. He kneels by him and Jungkook puts his head in Namjoon's lap, and pants. Big hands pet him and Jungkook closes his eyes.

He's safe.
"Kookie, what do I-- a vet, I need-"

He picks up on familiar scents. "Namjoon-ah? Did you just say Kookie? Is he-- is that a deer."

"Hobi, he's bleeding- he's hurt-"

"Did you name the deer Kookie? You're really-"

"Hobi, please. Please help me."
His hyung's scent growing closer. He's always liked the way Hobi smells, it's comforting.

"I heard Kookie," another deeper voice coming out from the car. "Oh is that the deer you've been meeting hyung? He looks like the one who waited here before. Is he hurt?"
Taehyung is less wary than Hoseok, kneeling by his sides despite Hoseok's quiet warning, and pushing his hands into his fur, petting his flanks. "There, there. Sejin-hyung is calling a vet." And to Namjoon he says, "Hyung don't cry, we'll take care of him, it's ok."
Jungkook opens his eyes and sees Namjoon crying silently, sees Hoseok standing behind him, watching him warily. He sees Taehyung's blinding smile, square and bright as it's always been.

He heaves a big breath and lets himself pass out.
When Jungkook wakes up, he doesn't recognize anything but he stays calm. He guesses he's in a veterinary clinic. His leg is bandaged up and he doesn't feel any pain. There is water and food, and it's dull but he knows it's for his own good so he stays calm.
He hopes Namjoon will come visit soon. He's a bit greedy now, after having seen Hobi and Tae again, and he finds himself hoping he'll see everyone else too. They'll come with Namjoon and they'll say 'what a pretty deer' and they'll adopt him and take him back with them.
Namjoon doesn't come on the first day but it's ok.

He hears the vets wondering where he comes from, if he was born in a zoo or a reserve because of how used to human contact he is. Considering his breed they decide he must have run from Seoul's Forest when he was a buck.
Namjoon doesn't come on the second day and it's also ok.

Namjoon doesn't come on the third day and he hears the vets talking about his injury being minor. The bullet didn't dig deep, he could be released soon. He can walk even if it pains him a bit. It's still ok.
Namjoon doesn't come on the fourth day and he hears them talking about introducing him back into his natural habitat. He's starting to worry.

On the fifth day they try to take him away. He fights and they sedate him, tell him he'll be in the forest soon.

Namjoon isn't coming.
Jungkook wakes up groggy from whatever they injected him with. He's laying on the soil, and there are new smells assaulting him. He's in the forest, a prickle at his ear telling him they'd put a tracker on him to monitor his health. He's in Seoul's forest.

Namjoon didn't come.
No one is coming. There are wires bordering the forest to protect its wildlife, and Jungkook knows if he tries hard enough, he could run away but. No one is coming. Namjoon didn't come.

He could escape if he wanted to, Seoul isn't far away but he decides to stay.
He can't resent Namjoon. He's just a deer, he can't be adopted into a dorm, it was a silly thought to begin with. The curse will be permanent in two days, and he'll remain a deer forever. He might as well get used to it now, learn how to be a deer for real.
He tries communicating with the other deers but he finds he has shit ideas what they're saying. He thinks they know he's different because while they let him tag along they never approach him. He doubts he'll find true love among his hoovers brothers.
It's the very last day of the curse and Jungkook is following the deers where link leaves are being swiped by the breeze. The sun is setting and Jungkook lays himself down with a sigh, careful not to put weight on his injured leg.

He's bored. Being a deer is boring.
He misses his hyungs. He hopes they're doing well. Hopes they'll forget about him soon and start doing concerts again, without him.

He's dozing off when his nose picks up a human scent that he knows all too well. His ears perk up as he hears hurried footsteps, distant voices.
"Kookie?" A voice calls, familiar and desperate, and the deers are alert now, moving back to keep a distance between them and the voice. It pulls at Jungkook's heart but he gets up too, puts himself behind a tree to hide his bandaged leg.
He hates how happy he feels when he sees Namjoon, out of breath, bursting through the clearing.

"Kookie?" He calls, eyes sweeping through the deers eyeing him warily. "Oh my god there's too- there's too many of you." He's panting, trying to catch his breath.
"Kookie, please they- they told they'd bring you there. I thought it would be better for you, because deers don't live in the city right? See where that took you. I thought it would be for the best. Where are you now? You have to be there, come on."
He steps forward and the deers step back. Namjoon stills and he's obviously trying to look at their legs, trying to find the injured deer he's looking for.

Jungkook stays put. It's like he said, it's for the best.
"Are you there? I really- need you to be there. I thought it'd be for the best but Tae said- Tae said it couldn't be coincidence, that we met a deer right after losing Jungkook. He said maybe- maybe you're linked? Like you're, his ghost, or his spirit or- or his reincarnation."
Namjoon looks increasingly distressed as he searches for a deer he cannot find. "I didn't want to listen to him because that's just weird and because-- because that would mean Jungkook is dead. Fuck." Namjoon kneels down, hands grasping at the grass.
"But it can't be a coincidence right? It can't. I don't know how or why but I know you have to be linked to Jungkook somehow so I, I need to tell you something. If I don't say it I'll never forgive myself." Fat tears are running down Namjoon's cheeks now. The sun is setting fast.
"Kookie if you're really Jungkook's spirit, ghost, anything then please tell him I'm sorry. Tell him I knew, I've always known he was in love with me, and I never said anything."

Jungkook leans against the tree, watching Namjoon sadly.
"I was so scared. I used to think it was creepy that a teenager loved me that much and then, before I knew it we weren't teens anymore and my feelings for you were changing, and it was so scary. I was so scared of what it meant." Namjoon wipes his snot on his sleeves, uncaring.
"I didn't want you to know how I felt because I was afraid it would jeopardize the group, that it would destroy all that we'd worked for. I was afraid the feelings would pass and you'd realize I wasn't worth it. I wasn't worth that much."
Jungkook walks from behind the tree, hooves quietly hitting the soil as he makes his way to Namjoon. Namjoon isn't looking for him anymore, head hung down and sobbing his heart out.

"If you know where Jungkook is then please tell him I love him, and I'm sorry. I'm really sorry."
His body shakes with his sobs and Jungkook lets his heart carry him closer, until he's hovering above Namjoon's kneeling form.

"Will you tell him, Kookie?" Namjoon cries. "That I love him."

"I'll tell him hyung," Jungkook says, voice barely above a whisper.
He sees Namjoon stills and he sees the shadow he casts on Namjoon as the sun sets behind him - large, and tall, and human.

He feels tears running down his own cheeks, and it's the best thing he's ever felt.
Namjoon looks up slowly, and he looks so small like that, his big hyung kneeling on the floor.

"Jun- Jungkook?" His eyes widen and he pulls Jungkook down to kneel with him. "Oh my god you're - you're alive, you're alive."
Namjoon isn't a tactile person but he holds him then, he holds him tight, like he'll never let him go.

Jungkook slumps in his embrace, lets it surround him, until he feels small again, safe and sound, home wherever his hyung is.
He has many things to say but his throat hurts from the few words he spoke. His leg hurts, and he's naked as the day he was born, shivering from the cold at the night finally sweeps over them. This feels good too.
Namjoon pulls back to push their foreheads together, the both of them crying like idiots.

"Was it you? The whole time, was it you?" He asks, big hands holding Jungkook's head carefully, so warm and comforting.

Jungkook nods tiredly, and makes an attempt at a weak bleat.
Namjoon laughs wetly. "Don't ever bleat again."

"I," Jungkook tries to speak, but his voice is hoarse, scratches his throat on the way out. "I love you too. Sorry for worrying you."

Namjoon silences him with a kiss, and just like that he's home again.

If you're curious, Namjoon lends him his hoodie and they go back home. Cue a very emotional reunion, and they barely have enough time to make up a believable story for the police. The evil witch suffers the consequence of a failed curse and turns into a deer herself.
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