🔞 The word gets out that Namjoon let his omega ex top him a few times despite being an alpha, and it earns him some jeers from his peers. He doesn't really care, but he doesn't quite expect the sweet jock omega with the bunny teeth knocking on his door asking if he can top him.
Namjoon blinks, sure he heard wrong - Jungkook is mumbling, gaze downcast and words blending together when he speaks.

"I'm sorry what?"

"I- " Jungkook looks embarrassed but he makes an effort to look up. "Everyone says you let o-omegas top you."
'Omegas' is pushing it. Namjoon has let one singular omega top him a grand total of 4 times and it had been an ok experience. He's also pretty sure Jungkook is sugarcoating it, because what everyone is actually saying is that Namjoon is an omega whore.
Thankfully Namjoon has never cared about people who think other people's sex life is any of their business. By all account, he should be slamming the door in Jungkook's face right about now. But.

But Jungkook is very much a wet dream and his horny brain tells him to wait.
"Why," he asks instead and watches Jungkook fidget even more.

"I've never uh- never had sex with an alpha bevause I don't - don't like, you know."

"Penetration?" Namjoon supplies, because it /is/ well known that the pretty omega only dates betas and omegas.
It's a cause of grief for every alphas out there, Namjoon included.

"Y-yeah," Jungkook stutters. "That. And now I-- I keep thinking about fucking an alpha and I've always had a crush on you and it would be super neat if you could let me do it once, please, sorry."
The boy looks like he regrets the words as soon as they leave his mouth, face twisting in shame.

"Oh god," he says, "I'm sorry, forget I said anything, that was out of line I'm so sorry I-"

"Ok," Namjoons says before the omega's scent can spike up sourly. "Sure, let's do it."
He speaks without thinking but he agrees with himself on this one. He's never thought about Jungkook fucking him, he isn't sure he'll get much out of this, but it would be a fat lie to say he never thought about Jungkook's oh face or about him getting it on with other omegas.
Namjoon is not dumb - he's not gonna pass up the chance to lay Jungkook just because it's his ass on the line. Jungkook is an omega anyway, there's little chance of him destroying his ass.

"What?" Jungkook repeats, eyes wide.

"I said sure. You can fuck me, I guess."
Jungkook's mouth opens and in the next second he flinches, a deep blush covering his face and Namjoon gets why a second later when the distinct scent of slick reach his nose.

"Did you just-" Namjoon tries and Jungkook squeaks, pressing a hand behind himself.
"Oh," Namjoon says, feels arousal flicker in his own brain. This is flattering. "You really want it that much?"

Jungkook looks away, breathing, "You have no idea," so low Namjoon barely hears it.
Footsteps can be heard behind Jungkook and Namjoon realizes the poor boy is still standing in the corridor, the faint smell of slick now lingering in the air.

"Come in," he says, moving aside to let Jungkook shuffle in.
He shuts the door, locks it, then turns back to Jungkook and-

well shit. They're doing it now, he guesses.

Jungkook is shuffling on his feet, both hands now back in front of him (if you sniff his hand it will smell like slick, horny brain supplies), gaze still expertly averted.
"Do you mind if I use the bathroom first? To clean," Namjoon says.

Jungkook's eyes snaps back to him, wide and disbelieving, and the scent of slick hits Namjoon's nose again. Jungkook puts his hand back behind him, blushing furiously.
Namjoon doesn't think anyone has ever had such strong reactions to him before and it's- pleasing. He feels sexy. 5 feet 11, clumsy, and sexy.

"Sit on the bed, I'll be quick," he says, pointing to the bed sitting in the middle of his one-room dorm.
"I'd rather not," Jungkook mumbles.

"Why not?"

"I- I'm going to wet your covers, if I sit down," he admits before covering his own ears. "I'm sorry."

"Oh, um."

Sexy, sexy Namjoon. Since when does he have this much game.

"I'll- put a heat blanket on, wait."
Namjoon scourses under his bed until he find the head supplies he kept for his past boyfriends. He take the head blanket out, the thing big enough to cover his whole bed and protect it from bodily fluids.

"There," he offers, and Jungkook timidly sits down. "I'll be right back."
Namjoon tries to be as fast as thorough in the shower, cleaning himself up quickly. He takes a second to push a finger inside his ass, check his prostate is indeed still working. He wriggles his finger around until he finds it, and his body does react to it, mildly.
The times he'd bottomed had been alright - he'd jerked off and came and his partner had been happy, but it had never been mind blowing. He doesn't expect much but at least all the goods are working, and there's nothing stopping Namjoon from laying with the sweet, pretty omega.
He brushes his teeth when he's out, and puts his black boxer briefs back on, doesn't bother with the rest of his clothes.

When Namjoon gets up, Jungkook is still sitting rigidly on his bed, feet kicking as he looks around his room. The room does smell a bit more of slick now.
He looks up when Namjoon comes in.

"Wow," he says, eyes trailing down his body. "W-wow," and the scent grows more pungent.

This is doing wonder for Namjoon's self-esteem.

"Come here bun," Namjoon calls gently, and Jungkook is up in a second, rubbing his palm over his pants.
Jungkook steps close, but not close enough to touch, something shy in the way he keeps himself at a safe distance away from him. Namjoon bridges that gap, walking closer to him until he needs to look up to maintain eye contact.

Not that Jungkook maintains eye contact very long.
He's looking down again, so Namjoon grabs his chin, gently lifting his face.

"Can I kiss you?" he asks, and receives a small nod in exchange.

He leans in, pressing a soft, gentle kiss against Jungkook's lips - doesn't expect the way Jungkook whines and latches onto him.
His arms wind up around his shoulders and he deepens the kiss immediately, prompting Namjoon to open his mouth and give the pretty boy the proper kiss it's asking for. Jungkook is easy, opening up against him like a flower, reacting to every touches and brushes of his tongue.
Jungkook moans into his mouth and it's the best sound he's ever drunk. He smells pretty - like a strawberry-flavored toothpaste, something childish and honest, something clean and healthy and colorful. Namjoon kisses Jungkook deeper, drinks him in.
They kiss like that until Jungkook is trembling from excitement against him, fervent and needy - already worked up from the moment he'd stepped foot inside Namjoon's room.

Namjoon walks him backward until they reach the bed, gently laying Jungkook down.
Namjoon pulls back to watch him, laid out on his bed, pretty wavy hair framing his face.

"Do you want to prep me? Or do I?"

"Me," Jungkook says. "Let me do it." He drags Namjoon down to kiss him again. "Let me, let me do it, let me," he repeats against his mouth.
Namjoon laughs, "Got it bun, but you have to stop kissing me," he smiles, a hand on Jungkook's chest to still him. Jungkook looks at him with wide eyes as stands up to take off his underwear, letting his dick out. Namjoon knows he's big, but he's only half-hard for now.
He climbs back up the bed, hovering above Jungkook, and watches him reaching down to palm his pants before shoving his hand inside. Warmth flood Namjoon's face as he watches the shape of Jungkook's arm in his sweatpants, watches him slip his hand out coated with his slick.
"That's hot," he says. "Can I taste it?" Jungkook nods wordlessly, hesitantly bringing his fingers up to his mouth. Namjoon sucks them in, eagerly licking the heavenly taste off of Jungkook's fingers until they're clean again. He licks his lips when he's done. "Tastes good."
"T-thanks," Jungkook squeaks, retrieving his hand to collect slick again. Namjoon refrains from licking it up and resists the urge to ask to eat Jungkook's ass. He stays still, letting Jungkook reaches between their bodies, past his balls, to run his wet fingers along his crack.
"Fair warning," Namjoon says. "I'm not particularly sensitive."

Jungkook frowns. "You don't like it?"

"No it's ok," Namjoon reassures. "But I'm not going to moan like a pornstar, you know?"

Jungkook nods, though he still looks confused, and his fingers rub along his rim.
Prep is a curt affair - Namjoon doesn't get much out of it, enjoys the fact Jungkook is blushing and gushing slick more than anything else. Jungkook isn't too bad - he stretches him open, finds his prostate and stimulates it until his dick is fully hard.
He thinks about Jungkook's slick in his ass, feels Jungkook's boner pressed into his hips, catches the way he keeps gazing down to watch his cock. Namjoon rocks back on his fingers, if only because it makes Jungkook gasp, makes him whine and vibrate with anticipation.
A third finger comes up to poke his ass and Namjoon reaches behind himself to still Jungkook's wrist.

"No need," he says. "You're not too big are you?"

Jungkook opens his mouth like he wants to protest, but the flush on his face tells him otherwise.

"Can I see it?"
Jungkook nods, a pout on his lips. Namjoon presses a quick peck against his mouth.

He pulls his fingers out of his ass so he can sit on his thighs, grabbing the helm of Jungkook's sweatpants. He pulls his pants and underwear down his thighs, revealing Jungkook's pretty dick.
He was right - it's not big, circumcised and neatly waxed. He's leaking precum, and his dick is perfectly average - nothing to be ashamed of, but it looks small compared to Namjoon's own cock. He feels the urge to swallow Jungkook's dick down and make the omega cum in his mouth.
He resists it, lining up their cocks so the they slide together, the size difference sending thrills down Namjoon's spine. He hears a moan and looks up, finds a flushed face and a stubborn pout.

"Don't pout, if you had a big dick I wouldn't be able to take it."
"Take off your clothes for me?" Namjoon suggests, and he moves back when Jungkook sits up at once, pout forgotten, almost headbutting him.

He sits back on his bed and watches Jungkook kick off his pants and throw his shirt away, gracing his eyes with the sight of his naked body.
He's gorgeous - a small waist and defined abs, delicately muscled and carved. His nipples are small and light brown, skin flushed and inner thighs wet with his own slick.

"So pretty," Namjoon says. "You're so pretty."
Jungkook looks away and Namjoon presses. "I don't think you realize how beautiful you are. You're all the alphas talk about when you're here. They're so bitter because they know you don't want them."

"But I want you," Jungkook says, voice soft, ears redder. "I want you."
There he goes again, making Namjoon feel sexy - sexy enough that he smiles, parting his legs and tapping his thigh. "Then come here bun."

Jungkook whines and is on him in a second, kissing Namjoon so eagerly he finds himself flat on his back with the omega above him.
That's how Namjoon wants to do it - on his back with Jungkook between his thighs, so he won't miss his oh face, won't miss the look of bliss that'll cross his face when he cums. This is the only thing he wants, what makes his cock pulse.
He kisses back, petting down Jungkook's back so he can squeeze his firm buttcheeks. He reaches between his cheeks to collect the slick gushing out of him and wasting away on his taint. He spreads the slick on Jungkook's dick when he has enough, the omega twitching in his grasp.
There's no way Jungkook is going to last, Namjoon thinks.

He lines him up, guiding his dick to his entrance, feels the way Jungkook vibrates against him, trembling where he's holding onto Namjoon's waist. Jungkook pushes in and he moans, long and drawn-out, face scrunched up.
He bottoms out at once and Namjoon clenches down, startled and breathless.

Jungkook starts moving almost immediately, grinding inside him and moaning. Namjoon grips the blanket under him, warmth flooding him whenever Jungkook brushes against his prostate.
Jungkook fucks him exactly like he expects omegas to fuck - mindlessly. He thrusts in blindly, seeking his own pleasure, needy as he'd been humping a pillow. His face is flushed and sweaty, strawberry in Namjoon's nose as he keeps leaking, dangly earrings catching the light.
He's gorgeous and Namjoon gets a kick out of this, laying back and letting Jungkook rut inside him, gripping him like a lifeline, moaning wantonly. He reaches up, starts playing with one of Jungkook's nipple to make him squirm, watch his hips falter and kick up again.
He only stills when Jungkook hits his prostate hard - never on purpose - skin tingling and ass clenching.

It's ok. It's good - because it's Jungkook and Jungkook is gorgeous, he's a daydream, a fantasy.
He keeps teasing his nipples and it's not surprising when Jungkook's face scrunches up five minutes in, and he can tell he's about to come. Jungkook curls over him, trying to bury his face in his neck but Namjoon pulls him, squishing Jungkook's face in one hand so he can watch.
Jungkook fucks him hard, hard enough to jostle him, and Namjoon watches his face avidly as he cums - he releases his face to watch him squeeze his eyes shut, watch his mouth open as he lets out the loudest, dirtiest moan Namjoon has ever heard.
He nails Namjoon's prostate dead on and the sight and the feeling combined make his dick twitch, make him arch back, a wide, pleased grin spreading over his face.

So damn pretty, he thinks. This is exactly what he'd been waiting for.
Jungkook's breath comes out in short puffs as he catches his breath, slumping over him, blanketing him with his weight. He buries against his neck, nosing his scent gland, and Namjoon kisses the top of his head, pets his back.

His dick is still hard but he feels pretty good.
Jungkook is still moving weakly into him, riding his orgasm, and Namjoon is busy soothing him, wondering whether Jungkook would let him jerk off on his face - busy enough that it takes him a hot minute to realize Jungkook's dick is, in fact, not softening at all.
Jungkook's hips kick again once, too hard for someone just riding it out. He feels one of his hand on his thigh, spreading him a bit more, feels his moist breath into his neck, and then he's thrusting in again - once, twice, several times until he picks up his pace.
"Oh-" Namjoon startles, clamping down because Jungkook is still thrusting into his prostate. He slides his arm around his shoulders, keep him pressed against his chest. Jungkook is very much going again and the thrill of it make him laugh breathlessly, pleased.
Jungkook still fucks the same - selfishly, blindly fucking him - but the more he presses into his prostate, the more Namjoon finds himself sweaty, his skin itching with want. Jungkook makes the prettiest noises right into his ear, whines and moans that he lets out freely.
There's also the sound of balls slapping against his skin when Jungkook goes harder, faster, desperately seeking his own release, and he lasts this time - long enough for Namjoon to feel the need to wrap a hand around his cock, stroking himself fast to match Jungkook's pace.
"Good bun, doing good," Namjoon praises, rumbles with pleasure when Jungkook pushes his thighs even wider apart. He looks light but he feels heavy against his chest, pinning him down with his weight, barely enough space for Namjoon to jerk off between their bodies.
When Jungkook comes again, it's soundless, a gasp against his skin, body trembling above him. Namjoon isn't far behind, speeding up his hand so Jungkook feels it when he comes, feels him clench on his dick and spill between them. He traps his knot in his fist and squeezes tight.
He closes his eyes and waits for his knot to go down, panting in time with Jungkook's breaths. His back is wet with sweat, his limbs are loose, and he thinks - this was definitely worth bottoming for. Jungkook is still laying on him and Namjoon absentmindedly rubs his back.
His knot is going down and Namjoon sighs, opens his eyes to tell Jungkook he did good when the omega rolls his hips into him.

Namjoon lets out a surprised ah, and fuck, Jungkook is still hard, hasn't softened a bit. He grinds into him, a choked up moan leaving Namjoon's lips.
He pulls on Jungkook's hair, making him pull back from his neck, and Jungkook stills to look at him.

"W-what?" he asks, confused, face pink and a dazed look on his face, looking drunk on Namjoon's scent.

"Are you in heat?" Namjoon asks.
"Heat?" Jungkook's eyes widen. "No? W-why? Is something wrong?"

"No it's just-" Namjoon doesn't know why this is arousing, doesn't know why he feels embarrassed about this - he's an alpha, yet Jungkook is the one with the spectacular refractory period.
He doesn't know how to phrase that, so he says something else.

"My thighs hurt a bit. Let me turn around?"

"Oh, yeah, sorry," Jungkook scrambles off of him and sliding out, pretty dick still hard, now covered in his own spunk. Namjoon feels some spill out of his ass and - God.
He turns around, settling on his elbows and knees, presenting his ass to coax a moan out of Jungkook. His dick is soft but Namjoon /is/ an alpha, he can go again. He just needs - a minute or two, or three, because he's a normal human being.
He doesn't have a minute though, because Jungkook is sliding back in, draping over his back with all of his weight and Namjoon finds himself falling on the bed, face first in his pillow with Jungkook's arms wrapped around his middle and his ass up in the air.
He curses, and groans when Jungkook grinds straight into his prostate, a pleased whimper leaving his lips as he settles back inside Namjoon's ass. He holds him tight and rolls his hips, deep, deep against him, and Namjoon finds his thighs quaking and his muscles trembling.
His dick fills up again, egged on by the constant stimulation his prostate, the small, pretty sounds Jungkook makes. He holds Namjoon tight, fucks him steady, embracing him, and Namjoon realizes a few minutes in he can't move, locked there by Jungkook's weight and hold on him.
When Jungkook starts pounding his ass, his thighs slip further apart but he does his best to stay up, does his best not to moan when his prostate gets nailed again and again - still not purposeful, still just Jungkook seeking his own release and driving him mad in the process.
The thing is - Namjoon underestimates Jungkook's stamina. He underestimates him, because while he doesn't quite know how to fuck, he just keeps going. He lasts longer the third time around, long enough to have Namjoon's toes curling and his back arching.
When Jungkook comes a third time, spilling inside again, he finally softens in his ass, reassuring Namjoon that he is, in fact, human.

Except he clearly isn't, because he hardens again as fast as he'd softened, growing inside of him while Namjoon shakes with pleasure.
Namjoon doesn't dare touch himself, because if he comes a second time he knows he won't be able to come again, meanwhile Jungkook shows no sign of stopping. The room is filled with his moans and Namjoon's repressed whimpers and the dirty squelching sound of his dick pounding him.
He came so many times inside Namjoon feels it dripping, coating Jungkook's dick and making the slide wet and dirty. He holds Namjoon and moans into his neck, keeping him still like a glorified flesh light for him to fuck in. Namjoon has never been so painfully hard before.
When Jungkook spills a fourth time, his dick softens and he keeps going. It takes a few minutes of him thrusting in before he fills up again, and by that time Jungkook is crying, wet tears falling on Namjoon's skin because Jungkook is overstimulated but he doesn't seem to care.
It takes some time for Namjoon to realize he's crying too, pillow wet with tears, seized up by a pleasure so intense it's making him tremble like a leaf. He shakes with apprehension and anticipation every time Jungkook comes, dreading that he'll go again, hoping he doesn't stop.
He moans loudly and he stops caring, because Jungkook is whimpering, needy, pathetic noises as he cries and calls for Namjoon's name, a litany on hyung as he drools in his neck, and there's no one to judge Namjoon if he sobs for his dick like a bitch in heat.
He has no idea how much time passes, how many times they go. Jungkook keeps coming inside and gushing slick, both liquid sliding down their thighs and pooling at their knees. Namjoons dick is raw with need, leaking because he doesn't touch himself, knows it'll be over if he does.
He comes untouched anyway, so full with pleasure and need he feels like he's going to implode. He cries when he comes and Jungkook makes those pathetic, happy whines in his back, fucking him even harder.
He fucks him for a few more minutes, Namjoon shaking from overstimulation until he spills, one last time, inside him.

This time - this time, Jungkook pulls out, slumps on the bed next to him, limbs spread out, and he stops.
Namjoon waits a few seconds, ass up in the air, before he lets his legs slide, laying fully down on the blanket in the puddle of Jungkook's slick and cum. There's so much he feels like he's bathing it in, and he knows there's much more semen deep inside him still.
He feels almost cold without Jungkook's weight on him, weightless and light, muscles still trembling as he catches his breath. Neither of them say anything for several minutes, just panting and sniffling like horny idiots while their heart calm down.
Namjoon turns his head, watching the side of Jungkook's face and his wet eyelashes flutter.

"Hey," he mumbles when Jungkook turns his head towards him too, eyes red-rimmed and tears track on his cheeks. "How are you?"
"Tired," Jungkook mumbles. He blinks. "Did you- d-did you like it?" he asks, shyly.

Namjoon nods without thinking - doesn't need to think to knows this was by far the best damn sex of his life. "Yeah, it was great. I can't feel my ass at all, but it was great."
Jungkook's eyes widen. "Oh no did I- did I overdo it? Was I too much?" he sounds worried, and Namjoon feels cum gushing out of his ass and they must have been fucking for at least 2 hours - 'overdoing' is putting it lightly, but Jungkook looks adorable so Namjoon says nothing.
He smiles instead, and croaks out a, "It's ok bun. You're going to have to help me clean up though, I can't move an inch."

"Oh, of course," Jungkook sits up and Namjoon closes his eyes as he waits for Jungkook to fetch a towel to wipe him up.
He opens his eyes as soon as he's closed them when Jungkook dives between his legs and start licking his ass clean, slurping his own semen out of his ass.

"Oh god," Namjoon moans, hiding his face in his pillow, spent dick making a valiant effort to twitch.
He lays boneless and lets Jungkook lick him clean, melting inside his own bed.

Jungkook looks pretty proud of himself when he's done, face sticky and wet, and Namjoon doesn't have the heart to tell him they need to shower for real.
They'll wash up in the morning, the both of them sore and gross, and Jungkook will ask him out for real. Namjoon will be called an omega whore again, and he still won't care, because all the alphas were whores for Jeon Jungkook - but Namjoon was the only one dating him.

• • •

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Aug 25, 2020
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Jul 3, 2020
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Jun 28, 2020
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Apr 30, 2020
144. ImageImage
145. Image
146. ImageImage
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Apr 1, 2020
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1. Kim Namjoon

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Jan 18, 2020
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