Follow our #thread as we live tweet his conversation with @ShubhajitRoy 👇

It's regrettable that the PLA has thrown into the Galwan river all agreements we had reached, says @GBambawale
They're aggressive, but two can play the game. Indian troops were also aggressive in Galwan, @GBambawale tells @ShubhajitRoy
Therefore, the message the military has sent on the ground will now have to be sent through policy decisions made by the government, says @GBambawale
I recommend the government take a rationale, calculated decision on how to reset India's China policy. It has to be done quickly, in the next few months, and implemented before the end of the year, says @GBambawale
One area is the telecom industry, buying Samsung instead of Xiaomi for example, @GBambawale tells @ShubhajitRoy

Don't expect this stand-off to be resolved soon. It will take time, maybe even months, says @GBambawale
@GBambawale says: I believe the disengagement process will take time, months or even years. It is yet to be seen how much further China wants to take the boundary dispute.