I have recently received a response to a #FOI request in relation to the #Comcare investigation into #mould at the #Nauru RPC. Reviewing my original email to yourself in 2018, I feel I may not have made one aspect clear enough.

The FOI response I received on the 5th of June 2020 in relation to MC00004067, has plainly stated that Comcare never interviewed Dr Cameron Jones, the microbiologist in question.

1) #Transfield commissioned Cameron Jones to travel to Nauru in October 2014 to conduct onsite scientific tests in the tents and new modular buildings.
2) He was prohibited from wearing personal protective equipment by Transfield.
4) Security guards at the detention centre had prevented Dr Jones from taking extensive photographs and video to capture the scale of the mould problem.
6) His 247 page report submitted to #Transfield and Australian Immigration warned airborne and surface bound fungal and bacterial cells and spores were capable ...
7) Following the submission of the report, the working relationship between Dr Cameron and #Transfield soured.
8) Home Affairs denied there had been any illnesses as a result of mould exposure ...
While this may seem to now be a historical matter, it appears that the Department of Immigration (by whichever name it went by since 2014)...


If this inspector’s report found that Home Affairs had breached the Act, what were the consequences?

If #HomeAffairs had somehow been compliant with the Act, then why were there still high levels of toxic mould, and mould related illnesses for both staff and refugees at the RPC?
While I am not expecting you ...
Regardless, could @comcare_gov_au please investigate the incident in relation to Dr Cameron Jones (if not already part of MC00004067)?

1) As regards any interview with Dr Cameron Jones and summary of evidence, it was refused under s24A of the FOI Act on the grounds that these documents cannot...
2) As regards the inspector’s report, it was refused under s47E(d) on the grounds that it could have a substantial adverse effect on the proper and efficient conduct of the operations of Comcare (such as reduce the willingness of people...
3) And refused under section 47F as it contains personal information (so what? Redact then personal stuff!).
4) And that in relation to refusals based on section 47E(d) and 47F, the release of
Both Home Affairs and Comcare we’re consulted by the FOI branch of Comcare in arriving at the decision to refuse the FOI request.
What a joke.
/26 End thread.