Make Polls Truthful...Again?
I posted an informal survey yesterday, as you can see below. The results were nothing short of stunning to me. I'll have to explain some mechanics in a moment, but this one small poll shouts a critical truth.
In America today, polling does NOT seek the truth. It pushes an agenda, and one of its most important objectives is to silence those who answered my questions yesterday.
1) You MUST proclaim your actual interest in listening, NOT arguing or debating, and you MUST forswear attempts at conversion. NO CONVERTING.
1) Will you vote in November?
2) Who for?
3) Who should win?
4) Who will win?
I say again, it is critical that you get those 4 questions in front of your friend as rapidly as possible.
1) If you think you'll vote, are you 100% certain to do so, or maybe some other number, less than 100%? If so, what's the probability, for real?
2) Are you absolutely certain you'll vote for your current favorite, then? If not, what's your number?
3) Can you imagine there's a difference between should win and will win? If so, who should win, and how much do they really deserve to win; what's their deservingness number?
4) How clear is your crystal ball? How certain, or uncertain are you, right now, as to the election's outcome? Do you know who will win, and with what degree of certainty?
I hope you're gathering that we're building an actual conversation here, but one with structure.
You will be amazed at what happens. Come back and tell us how it goes. Please!