They are excitable when the speak, sometimes speaking too fast, and are just.
Reputedly many have a mark on their hip.
They have strong longings and few children.
They make good judges, advisers, counselors, merchants, and teachers.
The image, drawn from Hellenic writings, would depict Libra held by a woman
You can see a depiction of Libra from the 14th C Kitab al Bulhan above in the first tweet.
Libras are said to struggle at 21 faced with a great choice when their indecisiveness strikes. 40 presents a condition or illness for them.
It also corresponds to Kabul, Balkh, and Herat, the lands of the Greeks, and little mosques.
Libra's connection to war is an oft-forgotten bit of history.
Meanwhile the horoscope of Hasan ibn Zayd the grandson of Hassan was noted for favorable Libra placements.
But Libra was a fortunate sign for Islam; a few months after the conjunction, Saladin would retake Jerusalem
The astrological year would begin on Aries if the chart for it had a mutable ascendant a second horoscope would have to be cast for Libra the other end of the ecliptic.
If Leo was the kingly sign, and Virgo the sign of the philosopher king, then Libra would be the just king.
The stars would be used for justification and legitimacy