Let’s buckle in.
Per my earlier posts, I have now consumed a bag of vodka.
I am also wearing a child’s bicycle helmet to protect from the concussive effects of a Trump speech.

Now, bear in mind, Mt. Rushmore sits on the eastern flank of a vast wilderness known as the Black Hills.
In other words, a forest. Which has not been raked. And tends to catch fire.
Shooting incendiary devices into a tinder box. Great idea.
It is like North Korean state television. Truly.
Whoever this asshat is sitting in for Laura Ingraham, he has gone on a 10-minute stemwinder of straight racism.
I am questioning all of my life choices.
Mt. Rushmore was carved by a KKK-sympathizer on unceded Lakota land.
It's basically a monument to trespassing.
Commander Babyfingers and Melania now take to the stage.
Trump inexplicably saluting at nothing in particular as the national anthem plays.
The man understands nothing. He is a clay pot filled only with ignorance.
An oversized set of busts randomly carved in a cliff face absent any logical reason for that place or those presidents.
This is a simpleton's idea of majesty.
A small man impressed by scale.
Yet, a full house at a prior event had a bit closer to 4,000 attendees.
So, either Trump's camp is lying or they're packing in people like sardines during a pandemic.
My soul is tearing at the fabric of my earthly form irate at what it is being forced to witness.
This better start soon. I am dying inside.
If you are inclined to fill my glass, I'll love you for at least 4-6 weeks. Your kindness alone is why I may again emerge from the darkness of this soul-crushing torment.
As I walked out of the room, a man in an American flag shirt was saying "We have a tremendous amount of explosives up there..."
And as I walked back in, he was saying "and it is all environmentally friendly."
I kid you not. Dry forest. Explosives. Very green.
"35 minutes of sunlight deactivates the virus."
I swear to fucking god, this is Dante's inferno. This is the crucible of the damned.
This channel is madness.
Someone needs to find this segment.
Seriously, this guy is weapons grade crazy. He just rolled straight from "the negroes" to NYC Mayor De Blasio to statues in... Santa Monica.
That dude made Rudy Giuliani sound like Winston Churchill.
That was... my lord, I had only three beers last time... I have six this time. How can that not be enough? It is not going to be enough.
I am not a quitter. But, jeez.
The great and terrible Fuckopotamus has now ambled out onto the stage.
Lee Greenwood's "God Bless the USA" is playing.
I hate that song. It is aural waterboarding. Cloying and saccharine. It is pandering dreck. Vomitous faux patriotism.
I am two beers down.
Trump looks slightly less orange than usual. He looks more like a well cooked turkey than a pumpkin pie.
Still very Thanksgiving-esque... just a main course rather than a dessert.
Rolls straight into some weird-ass authoritarian shit about how he will never allow Mt. Rushmore to be descrated.
Dude, it's in South Dakota. Ain't nobody caravaning to the Black Hills for that.
He is amazingly bad at it. As soon as he looks away, he loses the script.
"We will allow... no one... to take away... ever."
I'm sorry, sir. I don't speak gibberish.
This is almost comical. The crowd has no idea what the hell he is talking about so they keep missing the cues.
He had to pause to give them time to realize they were supposed to boo there.
Guys, this is... really comically bad
Whatever he just spit out had about 247 syllables and was very much not a word.
Dude, stick to "bigly" and "huge". Two syllables is pushing your luck.
If you read my live-tweet of Trump's Tulsa debacle, the summary at the end hit on how Trump rally's are just quaint throwbacks now. Lynyrd Skynyrd shows at the county fair.
Play the hits. Free Bird encore. Done.
He is butchering the lines in a clumsy, slurring cascade of mispronunciations and verbal gaffes.
He is one of the worst deliverers of prepared remarks to ever hold the office.
It is a droning prattle.
It is supposed to be a stirring speech and instead it sounds about as exciting as the announcements on an airport monorail.
Next stop: Terminal C.
They must have shoved a fistful of Xanax into his hot dog.
He seems to have thought this speech was going to be soaring and presidential. A State Speech.
Guys, he sounds half asleep.
I have watched many of these. This is soporific.
That's, like, the super plural of scholars. A lot of scholars.
I am very pleased with my decision to both drink a bag of vodka and purchase a six-pack of beer.
That was wise. I am not without learnings from my prior sojourns into this dark sulfuric pit of despair.
He has all the inflection of a GPS voice. "In 100 feet, turn left."
The crowd has no idea when they're supposed to clap.
The guy sounds about as fiery as the teacher in Ferris Buehler... "D-O-O economics... Anyone... anyone... Voodoo economics."
2nd amendment, American flag, we only kneel to almighty God, yadda yadda.
Crowd trying to get into it but it just isn't there. Applause dies the second the line ends.
This feels like a shitty sitcom with a bored studio audience.
The crowd has no idea what the fuck he's talking about though and only knows to clap when he awkwardly shuts his gaping cakehole and waits for applause.
It's like row-row-row-your boat in the round.
It is abjectly terrible.
I worked with a person once who would turn his back to the audience and mumble toward the screen.
He was JFK compared to Trump tonight.
Wild that his team made a big deal of tonight's speech given that he is about as compelling as a subway station announcer when reading off the prompter.
Trump just sort of vaguely announced that he is allegedly creating some new park with statues of American heroes.
I have no idea what that was. That was supposed to be a big payoff. The moneyline.
"They're tearing down statues. OMG, let's BUILD statues."
These are fucking children. Prattling, oppositional toddlers.
This feels like a Kushner deluxe. Simplistic, pandering stupidity.
Man, that was a zero. On a scale of one to ten, that was a freaking zero.
The delivery was shit. It was as dynamic as an elevator narration. Next stop: womenswear
It wasn't the script. Reagan would have animated that hateful dreck. It was him.
Instead, it was a drowsy old man's sleepwalk through words read off of plastic squares left and right of center.
I am just going to lay this down here and then go outside and stare up at the night sky to cleanse my brain:
This presidency is over. It is finished.
Trump is empty.
His old shtick is over. He has no new shtick.
He is beaten. It's over.
His old sway, it is never coming back.
He has deteriorated in his abilities AND he is facing a moment beyond even his old abilities.
Guys, he is done.
The lead up on Fox News was horrifying. I am flat-out scarred from that.
The bag of vodka helped...
...and with that, we adjourn.