1. Hard work always pays.
2. Treat people well regardless of their status.
3. Don't be afraid to take risks.
4. Most fights never yield dividends. Walk away.
5. Money comes via strategic work: not hard work alone, and definitely not by prayers.
Prayer turns hearts away from dross towards the divine and meets needs.
But faith is not a business model.
The idea that faith/giving leads to wealth is a 20th-century mindset that is inaccurate.
Faith is important. But it's not a business model.
1. Develop a strategic plan for your life.
2. Work hard as if you will never pray.
3. Then pray.
I know people who just pray, fast, give to church, and have faith for "prosperity".
They are still praying, fasting, and sowing "seeds" in penury 20 years later.