1. The city was originally "Akwa Akpa" but renamed "Calabar" by Spanish slavers, a name which has remained till date.

- Efik: Ruled by Obong of Calabar
- Qua: Ruled by Ndidem of Calabar, &
- Efut: Ruled by Muri munene of Calabar.



6. 1st Roman Catholic mass held in Nigeria (1903).

8. 1st competitive football, crickets & rugby in Nigeria.

10. Nigeria's greenest city.


13. Nigeria's No.1 tourism hotspot.
14. Nigeria's home of fun & pleasure.

-botanical garden
-Free Trade Zone/Port
-int'l airport & seaport
-integrated sports stadium complex
-cultural centre & landmarks
-one of the most prominent universities in Nigeria (UNICAL)
-slave history park!

You'd taste excellent native delicacies like #EkpanKukwo #afang & traditional #barbecue & then finish up in the other room! 🤣

C - Come
A - And
L - Live
A - And
B - Be
A - At
R - Rest
You should visit this beautiful place & see for yourself!

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