But let's be honest here, that is not the point of the video. The point is to dump on 'not invented here' EVs.
EVs are bad. Bad. BAD. ...
because they are not a German invention.
So let's take it's central quantified claim. And let's take it apart.
I could direct you to my takedown of Hans Werner Sinn (sciencedirect.com/science/articl…) but let's do the math here. It's not hard.
Every liter emits 3140 grams of CO2.
So total emissions are 7.7 * 3140 / 100 = 242 grams/km.
And because you must add ~30% production emissions of gasoline, just like you add production emissions of electricity (see previous tweet link).
Solar emits ~40 gr/kWh and Wind ~12 gr/kWh. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Life-cycl…
Let's take 30 gr/kWh to be conservative.
A Tesla Model 3 uses around 0.18-0.19 kWh/km
6 gr/km for the Tesla Model 3
242 gr/km for the VW Golf
That's a reduction of 236 gr/km or 98% !
See where this is going?
In the past I had to use scientific estimates but with the new impact report we know: 77 kg CO2/kWh of battery.
Largest Model 3 battery (again conservative) is 75 kWh.
My estimate is that the electric motor saves around 2000 kg in production but (again conservative) let's ignore that.
In that case it takes 5775 kg / 0.236 kg = 25000 km.
In a VERY conservative scenario.
And if you want an overview of some previous debunks I did:
I do understand the pride in the instrumental role Germany played in the gasoline and diesel engine.
But does Germany also want to play a role in the future?
Or does it want to lie and see it's jobs evaporate by clinging to a technology that destroys the climate?