@karna_sakthi wrote how Coimbatore fell into the hands of RSS/BJP and a Gujarati/Marwari group took over prime parts of that city.
Same is playing out in Thoothukudi.
@isai_ @moodanmani20 @jokinjey @ptrmadurai
It's a port city wherein several cargo ships enter Tamil Nadu and India itself.
If Gujaratis/Marwaris eyed Coimbatore for its riches in the 1990s, Thoothukudi is easily 10x bigger a target.
Now RSS is playing out there.
@LalithaVenkat05 @Surya_BornToWin
@Shamurai10 @kavitha129 @idonashok @savukku
Only communities alien to the region will prevail, and that's the Gujarati/Marwari community.
They'll capture the region and become rich in no time.
@NeoDravidam @tndeservebetter @rasali_sdk
Try talking "Hindu Unity" to Gujaratis/Marwaris after they establish themselves in Thoothukudi like in Coimbatore. They won't even see you as human and won't even allow you into their localities!
@Mark2Kali_ @vandavaalam_ @teakkadai1