1. Data points (experience)
2. Ability to control emotions
3. Ability to connect patterns
4. Ongoing information acquisition (curiosity)
When one or more variables are off, judgment is disrupted
'Then what is?'
Critical thinking
Without that, danger can ensue...
They claim moral judgment
But relying to much on moral judgment can have you virtue signaling & judging
Well, our ego atleast does.
That's not true
Relying on the ego too much can have you making Ill informed decisions
When we interact with humans, the goal is to understand how they view their life from THEIR experiences.
You may not always get the right answers
But you'll get better answers vs, groupthink, blindly listening to the mainstream media & being emotional
If one or more of the variables are off, then your thinking can become compromised
Let's go thru this list..👇
The more experience you get, the more refined you should become
Granted that you are recalling & learning from that experience via introspection
Doesn't matter if it's a win or loss
If its experience, its personal to you
And this gives you an EDGE in critical thinking
'Which is?'
You want a somewhat vast array of experience
If you do the same thing every day..every month...every year
Then your experience may be lower quality than someone with more data points
The greatest critical thinkers can fail at this stage
And it's sad to witness
The game of maturity comes down to controlling the chaotic emotions so we can use sound judgment
You'll be blown away
Control your emotions with slow & silent breaths
Your breath is a remote controller
For the internal world
This one requires logic
The ability to see patterns not only within one subject
But the ability to cross combine subjects as well
Just picture true & false conditions make sense of the world
All cats are animals
All animals are cats
Conclusion: all cats are animals, but not all animals are cats
Curiosity will ensure whether your critical thinking skills age like fine wine or like spoilt milk
When they think they know all
In reality, that's when they begin their journey to Lose it all
That's because curiosity is subconscious
Focus is conscious
Curiosity makes you become Benjamin Button
No one is perfect
So begin
Others can't think for you.
They will just tell you what to think
In the Information age, brainwashing someone can be boiled into 3 steps
1. Outrage them
2. Plant belief
3. Repeat
There are going to be a gargantuan level of Information in the upcoming ages
All information with an INTENT.
An intent to get you to see the world in a certain way
Human nature isn't always pretty
Work on your critical thinking rather than blindly believing shit so quick
Pattern connection
4 variables to take back control of your mind
Let your thinking faculties get better with time!
For more practical mindset insights, follow @ArmaniTalks 🌍🚀