The Mahabharata War timeline: Beginning with Krishna leaving from Upaplavya, on Revati Nakshatra, in the month of lotuses and ending with the day of Bhishma Nirvana ( A period of 5 months!
Sept 5561 BCE through January 5560 BCE)
First, this claim is factually incorrect.
Second, the comparison of the full moon was also made even with faces of charioteers.
Drona CE 121:30-31
एतच्छ्रुत्वा तु वचनं सृक्किणी परिसंलिहन् |
इन्द्राशनिसमस्पर्शं दिव्यमन्त्राभिमन्त्रितम् ||३०||
सर्वभारसहं शश्वद्गन्धमाल्यार्चितं शरम् |
विससर्जार्जुनस्तूर्णं सैन्धवस्य वधे वृतः ||३१||